Thanks, but no thanks!
I'm fairly comfy not being intellectually and language challenged as you people usually are, thank you kindly. Look at all the Muslims' Answers and you'll see what I mean! Quod erat demonstrandum.
Strange how Mo could fool so many people all the time and still continue to do that!?
All the best!
Simon Tempalr
2007-03-01 03:39:31
answer #1
answered by In Memory of Simon Templar 5
I don't think much of anything from the 7th century is an improvement over what we have today. I especially don't think living in a cave in Afghanistan would be a step up from my house in the city. What there is of moral truth in the Quran we already knew before Mohamed. What there is of pretension to an understanding of the cosmos, we already know to be false. It has simply been one more source of tyranny, oppression, superstition and violence.
The only reason Moslems aren't still squatting in tents is that infidels knew how to drill for oil under the sands Moslems were squatting over. Medievalism and feudalism didn't work well for humanity and I don't care to regress toward it, but I'm happy enough to watch as you do.
2007-03-01 11:46:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Slow down there. You shouldn't be trying to push Islam onto anyone. Assuming you've read your Qur'an, you should recall this little quote:
[2.256] - There is no compulsion in religion...
You can't jam Islam down people's throats. Even our Qur'an says not to.
As-salaamu alaykum
2007-03-01 11:45:04
answer #3
answered by Maverick 6
I would never choose a path that leads to eternal death. Only through Jesus can you get to heaven. As Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me."
And Jesus was sinless and did not lie.
2007-03-01 11:55:29
answer #4
answered by Kenny 3
well i understand ur rite intentions of givin dawah.........but u knw wen sum1 comes wid such a ques ppl get a chance 2 bash each oder........
yes der r ppl who r researchin da truth but lets jus leave it on em coz in islam ders no compulsion in religion.
2007-03-01 11:41:15
answer #5
answered by NS 5
Poor deluded person. I pity you.
You do realize that you're the same as the Christians, right? Substitute Bible and Jesus for Koran and Mohammad and you're the same, violent war culture that's caused so many problems in the world.
2007-03-01 11:38:44
answer #6
answered by JP 7
No, it's a vile religion. Look at how it portrays 'Allah' as an evil, sadistic monster:
[2:126] "As for him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the doom of Fire"
[4:56] Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.
8:14 That (is the award), so taste it, and (know) that for disbelievers is the torment of the Fire.
10:4 for those who disbelieve, theirs will be a boiling drink and painful doom because they disbelieved.
17:10 And that those who believe not in the Hereafter, for them We have prepared a painful doom.
18:29 Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent encloseth them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burneth the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!
22:19 These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads, Disbelievers will wear garments of fire, boiling fluid will be poured on their heads, their bellies and skin will be melted, they will be tormented with iron hooks, and when they try to escape they will be driven back with the taunt: Taste the doom of burning.
22:20 Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted;
22:21 And for them are hooked rods of iron.
22:22 Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.
... And so on, and on, and on, and on, ad nauseum. Utterly vile.
No decent person would want to be associated with such beliefs. We need a world in which such things are rightly condemned and abhorred, not praised as something wonderful.
2007-03-01 11:38:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well said. coming to Islam is the most beautiful exprience ever happend to me. nothing better than know for sure it's the religion of God without no single doubt.
2007-03-01 11:38:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No thanx. More into truth than fiction!
2007-03-01 11:39:59
answer #9
answered by Red neck 7
You are dramatically incorrect.
2007-03-01 11:39:40
answer #10
answered by George Elliot 2