Isnt it Obvious? the religion/relationship of christianity is set up to have its own agenda, world conquest. Make disiples of all nations means to conquer and subdue the world with this religion. They say its to know Jesus, but the real reason is right under thier nose. Its deceptive and underhanded, but thats how the Mafia works, the same way as christianity.
2007-03-01 02:41:33
answer #1
answered by Gazriel The God 2
So they can have a better life NOW! There are things in the Bible that are basic life rules, that when followed, life is dramatically better than what people come up with on their own. And as seen, there are many societies that do not follow basic practices like hygeine that we take for granted in the USA as "common knowledge." I've thrown some other instances in here too. For example:
1. Wash your hands before eating (Leviticus)
2. When you go to the bathroom, do it away from camp by a certain ammount of distance - not just any old place you feel like it. Or, in the US we have plumbing systems that takes waste away from our house. (Leviticus)
3. The 7-Year Statute of Limitations (Leviticus) -crime and debt can only be punishable for so long.
4. If you break something of someone else's, replace it! (Leviticus)
5. A house with a bad mold problem that can't be abated has to be torn down - people shouldn't live in it. (Leviticus)
Also, imagine life without the principle of forgiveness. Just about every person, no matter what their religion or beliefs, KNOWS that there comes a time where you just need to let things go, and quit holding a grudge... that is actually WORSE physically, and mentally to live with an attitude of unforgiveness toward someone.
But it is very tempting not to tell someone about the word of God, that is for sure, because most people are so defensive about what they believe, and do not want to have a conversation about religion! I hear you there!
2007-03-01 10:43:21
answer #2
answered by Angie 4
If people who haven't heard the word of God (the words in the Bible, basically) are not 'held accountable' then they can't just 'walk into heaven' on their own. They can still 'get to heaven' if they are told 'what Jesus did for them' ... died on the cross for all of our sins, for all of us ... and if they can 'believe' that, they may 'walk into heaven' ...
I don't actually believe that God won't let anyone who didn't 'know Jesus' go to hell ... I think that God loves us all too much, and that he'll know when a person has 'been good' and take those to heaven, and if a person has been 'bad' then he'll probably send them to 'purgatory' for awhile and if they don't 'get better' he may send them to 'hell' in the end ... but since God lives 'outside of time and space' then maybe 'purgatory' is really hell, and even when in hell a person can choose the 'good' over the bad and still get to 'heaven' ... but I also don't believe that it will happen 'exactly as I say it' because I know that God is so much 'more' than we humans, and I expect that 'getting to heaven to be with him' may be 'another adventure all-together.'
2007-03-01 10:50:56
answer #3
answered by Kris L 7
Your assumption is wrong, hearing the word of The Gosple itself does not make you immune from the Judgement of God. its not a Persons lack of Knowledge or Unbelife that will send them to Hell, They will go to hell Just as the rest of Us will, because we have broken Gods Law. If we have lied, stolen, lusted, used Gods name in vain or blasphemed, we have sinned against a Holy God, and infinately Holy God and this sin, is cause of eternal damnation. The Bible says the penalty for sin is death. Not lack of belife But sin. the Bible says that the demonds belive and tremble, but you will not see them saved from there final Judgement. because there is Only one way to be saved, Thats to repent (turn form sin) and trust in Christ. The Momoent we repent toward God and trust in Christ atonement on the cross, we will be saved and granted everlasting life. Ok, so, what about those who havent heard the Gospel? thats a perfectly fair question. First off I must re-emphasize, thatNo one Goes to hell for lack of bleife But because of sin, but God has given each and every one of us an inner light a Conscience that tells us right from wrong, and when we do wrong we Know it because our Concscinece bears wittness that its wrong to Lie, steal, Commit adultery ect. The word Conscience means with knowledge. So just because these people have neevr heard about The God of The Bible doesent mean they do not Know that sin is wrong, and if your really as Concerned about them as you sound, then it is your Job to hlep the cause. repent (turn from your sin) and trust in christ, then take this Gosple of Good news to a Lost and dying world.
2007-03-01 10:48:51
answer #4
answered by Rated J for Jesus 2
Jesus gives His believers specific directions to follow after they have affirmed their faith. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus calls all His followers to act and share the Good News of salvation throughout the world.
2007-03-01 10:36:59
answer #5
answered by Red neck 7
for the joy of knowing Jesus...and His gift of give them HOPE!! They might not be held accountable but their life would be so much better with hope. That is our responsibility!!
2007-03-01 10:37:52
answer #6
answered by bethybug 5
Then you will be held accountable. It is called Bloodguilt
2007-03-01 10:36:04
answer #7
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
It is said you should only pray in your house..where no one can see you...etc
So why is it okay to go around and try getting people to go to your religion?
2007-03-01 10:42:56
answer #8
answered by deathfromace 5