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4 answers

Yes, it's actually really good for the baby to work out in the first 2 trimesters. You can still do small exercises in the last trimester as well. My doctor always told me that I would know when I was doing too much, our bodies let us know. So, as long as you ok it with your doctor first, I think it's a great idea to get exercise while pregnant.

2007-03-01 02:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by ~ 3 · 0 0

You'll want to actually discuss that with your doctor who should no best what's good for you specifically.

I will say though, that at one of the gyms I've been going to the last 4 years, there has been this girl going regularly through all three of her pregnancies...she goes up until she can no longer then a month or two after having the baby she's back at it. She typically does the cardio machines and every now and then would join us for step aerobics.

2007-03-01 09:57:31 · answer #2 · answered by Sunidaze 7 · 0 0

As long as it's not a high risk pregnancy, then absolutely. A pregnant woman can nearly do any exercise a non-pregnant woman can do. The only thing I wouldn't do is heavy weight lifting because you don't want to risk a hernia.

2007-03-01 09:54:59 · answer #3 · answered by Gayle 4 · 0 0

If she's been working out before she got pregnant there is no reason she should have to stop. Her body is used to it and it won't put any strain on her or the baby. If she's never worked out and just got pregnant and is trying to keep weight off, then no, she shouldn't workout.

2007-03-01 09:52:53 · answer #4 · answered by untuhchabul 4 · 1 0

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