I think that the essential ingredient in this process is nothing but MUTUAL RESPECT.While science tends to desensitize human issues that may require a value judgement which more often than not religion provides, religion tends to use fear as an instrument of compliance, team this up with superstition, and socially regressive practices carried on in the name pf 'parampara' or 'tradition' (especially in our country) and what you get is a recipe for disaster and the obliteration of peaceful coexistence (which forms the foundation for society).Both institutions (if you may call them so) require a responsible and balanced use of the power relegated to them. However it is necessary to note that the power dynamic in both these areas is vastly different. The power differential between the erudite scientists and the general public that accept their findings as the result of logical deductions made by competent and qualified persons is much greater than that which exists between religious leaders and their followers. The reason for this is that these leaders (who are very often advocates and vehicles for radical social change) are drawn from the ranks of the common man (in most cases),Thus the 'aam aadmi' feels a greater sense of identity with the local religious leader than with CV Raman and quite naturally so as there is definitely greater proximity between the local priest and the disciple rather than the scientist and the common man who are separated by numerous awards and degrees. The key is to make scientists and science itself, more accessible and the religious leader up-to-date with advances in science and he must be given the freedom to analyse such advances through extensive reading on the subject and, on the basis of his extensive research, voice his support or dissent as the case may be.However the 'cowherd psychology' that is often employed by religious leaders (where one man decides the group's stand on a touchy issue)must be curtailed if not eradicated in order to foster the growth if individual opinion and possible innovative solutions to the contentious issue. Scientists for their part must step down from the rarefied world and the elite club of 'Geniuses Only' and water down complex theories to the comprehension of the layman to whom they seek to sell these theories in order to garner support and diffuse opposition. This holds true for all fields of specialised bodies of knowledge and not science alone. Thus, the intelligent individual must neither get ensnared by the fairytale, fatalistic tendencies of religion nor remain constrained by the limitations that science poses today and disposes of tomorrow. The essence of what is being said here is, that it is all up to the individual and his capacity to stomach both these approaches to life with reasonable diligence and dexterity and sensitivity to the possiblity of errors that may afflict both science as well as religion.ANGER IS NOT THE SOLUTION.
2007-03-03 07:20:15
answer #1
answered by Martinique Samuelson 5
Most religions promote hygiene, education and the betterment of humanity as a whole. While Science strives to prevent diseases, improve living conditions and make life easier. They both have the same goals though their paths may vary. Why then do they go out of their way to disprove each other rather than work in cohesion keeping aside their beliefs
2007-03-01 23:36:47
answer #2
answered by ubedullah_khaja 1
Most religions promote hygiene, education and the betterment of humanity as a whole. While Science strives to prevent diseases, improve living conditions and make life easier. They both have the same goals though their paths may vary.
It is because of middle people who are selfish and donot posses the self experience but having better reading skills.These people will always try to impose some "middle men writings and believes".Blind following of some customs will depart the religioin from the scince
scince is one of the tool to support the religion but is not the goal to be reached.Since after attaining the above said goals it have not stopped.It have started encouraging the lazy people by providing worthless comforts and luxeries.This had pulled out human beings atleastr in thought about the soul and super soul.Again here middle men who are in thinking that hey can do every thing will blame the religion.Blind followers of these people comits the same mistake.
This is the stage where they have departed from each other.Coming to my conclusion religion must provide ultimate goal of reaching the supersoul or MOKHSHA.
2007-03-04 23:51:25
answer #3
answered by itsdjade 1
Most religions promote hygiene, education and the betterment of humanity as a whole. While Science strives to prevent diseases, improve living conditions and make life easier. They both have the same goals though their paths may vary. Why then do they go out of their way to disprove each other rather than work in cohesion and bring a feeling of botherhood among the people
2007-03-01 18:40:01
answer #4
The common distiction between religion and science is a grssly mistaken one. Man has always been in search of knowledge that explains the what, why and how of the entire Universe and use that Knowledge to improve the quality of human life. Those who found some knowledge spread that knowledge toothers. Not all others accepted the knowledge found by someone. Most others accepted the knowledge discovered. Over time, new knowledge was acquired, which was more advanced than previous knowledge oe even proved thar previous knowledge was inadequate, incomplete or wrong. This is how knowledge has progressed. Religion and science are nothing but the same thing: the effort to gather and use knowledge. Unfortunately, just like some religious communities think that their religion has the most and the ultimate knowledge, some scientists or followers of science believe that their religion (faith in scientific methods/ equipments available) is better that the religions on which people have faith.
There is however no contradiction between Science And Religion. In a sense Science is only a part of religion. It is the blind faith that one's own religion is the best that creates the dilemma over religion and science.
It is because of religion, of which science is an integral part, that human civilisation has progressed and will continue to progress. We have only to realise and accept this truth.We need not worry about fights and conflicts. They are also the paths to progress.
2007-03-13 11:39:42
answer #5
answered by sensekonomikx 7
Science is collection facts supported by proofs whereas Religion is a strong faith. Science teaches us, we should be away from superstitions and irrational beliefs. Science prevents and cures the dreaded diseases like Cancer, Cardiac Problems, HIV etc. Science heals all types of physical and mental sufferings through medicines and proven techniques. Science which includes Information and Broadcasting, Communications, Cellular Technology, Space, Satellites, Computers, Internet helping enormously the society and the mankind. The world cannot be imagined without the existence and development of Science and Technology. Religion teaches us, we should be faithful, hopeful in the life despite of the outside world sufferings and setbacks. Religion gives the greater inner strength, confidence and courage to face the outside world problems. Religion heals all the mental sufferings. Religion gives the happiness, joy, inner peace and eternal bliss. Every Religion in the world, teaches the Universal brotherhood and the world peace.
Science and Religion are two sides of the same coin. Science and Religion both have the same objectives and goals as humanity, serving the society and mankind, though their paths may be different. We cannot imagine Science without Religion and Religion without Science. Science and Religion both are very essential for the survival of the society and the mankind.
By realizing the fact that Science and Religion both are very essential for the survival of the society and the mankind, we can bring the two together and make both the integral part of each other in the daily life and save humanity. Let us have a vision, we can amalgamate Science and Religion and work in cohesion to benefit the society.
2007-03-08 16:44:27
answer #6
answered by REDDY B 1
The bottom line of any religion is a disciplined way of life to ensure a haelthy well being for man kind and the bottom line of science is also to provide a fitful living for all the human beings. Doesn't that sound pretty close and same. In olden days since there weren't much development in science people followed a disciplined way of life in the name of the religion and even after the development of science people still get holded up to the religion without knowing the real reason behind the creation of something by that name.
The best way to link and sync up religion and science so that the society which are the real time end users of it to get benefitted is preaching about scientific way of well being in the public forums. Don't get me wrong i am not asking to open a health care center in each and every religious places, instead i am asking to create awareness in the society of how to make the world a better place for living.
The basic thing that needs to be grown inside each individual is awareness which is lacking a lot today. Do let me know if i can help about this in any accord i will be more than happy to share the moments to ensure that i be a part of the group working for making the world a better place.
2007-03-03 15:20:12
answer #7
answered by hankysh 1
Historically, religion and science have always been viewed as two completely different fields of study. Religion, based on faith and an analytical, interpretative way of thinking whereas science is based upon observation, experimentation, and the “if I can feel it then its real” mentality. However, unlike previous centuries, the current technology allows scientists to view the particles that make up our world and study them on a highly advanced level. The ramifications of this for religion, and science, could be tremendous. In these fast paced, electronic, always on the move times people may find religious faith and unity amongst men a little hard to accept when they are being bombarded with scientific facts proclaiming that there is no God nor need for religion. However, the reason why these two schools of thought have always been at each others throats is because they are both, ultimately, searching for the same thing, truth. Science and religion are the two leading disciplines of thought that still look to truth as the essence of the human quest. Both of these areas of study are researching the same thing, our world, environment, and people, they are just going about it in drastically different ways. What needs to happen is a synthesis or balancing out of religion and science, because without it the true nature of both religion and science will be lost and we will be farther than ever from the truth.
2007-03-01 19:04:24
answer #8
answered by k.manish2006 1
Science has given a lot to the society by a continuous updation of informations / intricacies simplified through research and development. However, the research work starts with a hypothesis, and testing of the hypothesis, and on that basis conclusions are drawn and results are brought to the fore. In religion, it is very difficult, rather impossible to make a hypothesis, because the basis of religion is belief and trust which directly affects the mind of a person, and this mind works like a computer and have the direct control over our body. Several astonishing things happens in the life of a person, and if such things are beyond the comprehension of the science, then people turns blindly towards religion and belief. The religion cannot be blamed for the blind belief of the people/community. The science should come forward to conduct extensive research on the astonishing subjects whereever required. It may be taken care of, that in certain cases, making a hypothesis will be difficult, and in that case, the science should take a different path deviating from the customs and practice of existing research pattern. In such case the results can be published with reasonable support points. Mass communication of such research results will help reduce the blind belief among the community. When the science comes to support the religion, one can see unexplainable changes taking place in the community. Confrontation of the existing science (because today's science is based on hypothesis) with the religion is due to this fact that in the religion there is no hypothesis. One should realise that in the human life you cannot make hypothesis for everything. Therefore there are un-answered questions remaining in every-body's life. For example, "instinct" is a word used by several scientists of life sciences. Science should find out what is instinct, why it is so, and what is the basic reason to have an instinct in any animal/human. We do not want the meaning of word, or the nature of that subject, but what we need is a clear explanation as to why it is so? In this way, we can start the research work with the help of religion(where so many things are explained without proof) and find out the crux of the matter with the help of extensive research work.
2007-03-01 18:27:45
answer #9
answered by Vikram 1
Religion, based on faith and an analytical, interpretative way of thinking whereas science is based upon observation, experimentation, and the “if I can feel it then its real” mentality. However, unlike previous centuries, the current technology allows scientists to view the particles that make up our world and study them on a highly advanced level. The ramifications of this for religion, and science, could be tremendous. In these fast paced, electronic, always on the move times people may find religious faith and unity amongst men a little hard to accept when they are being bombarded with scientific facts proclaiming that there is no God nor need for religion. However, the reason why these two schools of thought have always been at each others throats is because they are both, ultimately, searching for the same thing, truth. Science and religion are the two leading disciplines of thought that still look to truth as the essence of the human quest. Both of these areas of study are researching the same thing, our world, environment, and people, they are just going about it in drastically different ways. What needs to happen is a synthesis or balancing out of religion and science, because without it the true nature of both religion and science will be lost and we will be farther than ever from the truth.
2014-09-27 23:12:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The people today need to progress for the benefit of the society and their particular country. Each country in this world has different beliefs and different cultures and religion. Many people still trust the religion to be better than science as it has some flaws. The people consider religion better as they do not allow themselves to come out of superstitions etc. they do not want to know that there are other sources now available the religion though is an essential part of humans life but science to plays a vital role the people should let religion help them with science as the base as most consider religion better and trust it they will get technology in the religious way.Regarding Science, still many are talking about the 'scientific way' or science. If somebody has proved something, it is not new to human community, as such proof and other things are part of life and not science. If somebody has told that " science has proved", that is enough for the ordinary people to believe. There are a lot of articles in the literature about two decades ago regarding the usage of words like "healthy", "scientific" and so on. When these words are used as adjective, anybody can influence on others.
2014-09-24 04:38:48
answer #11
answered by ? 2