First, you need to settle your mind, and then try very hard to understand what religion really is. It is nothing but a system of mind control used thousands of years to control the uninformed in order to continue to hold them in ignorance. This was done by teaching them to be afraid of a god that does not exist, byt telling them that thunder was because god was angry, and lightening was when god was punishinmg certain people somewhere, etc, etc.
As for so-called biblical sites, none of those are true at all. The various religions will go to any length to continue to hold people in belif of false promises; and why? becauee religion is a business.
There cannot be a Jesus coffin because Jesus never existed; he was nothing but a composite, made up fictional persons in a fictional story; that is the part about Jesus and religion is all fictional. To shorten this response, Paul, all of the Johns, and so-called followers of the fictional character named Jesus, the Marys and Jopsephs all are fictional characters in a fictional story. There is a reason that the story was written, and written by the Roman royals and aristocrats. You need to study and read into ancient history, but you might need help understanding how to investigate what has passed for true history for 2000 years. History lies, that is the writers of history lie, and history is pushed into the public by the powerful people and nations, and they will make up whatever makes them seem to be nice, etc.
You really need help and you need to get away from religion before it destroys you. Many people now understand that belief in religion and what it teaches is insanity.
2007-02-28 17:18:06
answer #1
answered by antonius 7
I'll probably need to bring up a few things with the 5th answer on here. Religion is not a system of mind-control, cults are. If you really think that so many people would believe something for thousands of years without any factual basis, then how is it possible that we as the human race are in the state we are in today? Religion is a life style, a way to deal with and live with the reality the God exists. People would rather become atheistic than have to think about it, there is truth in religion. There is an absolute standard of what God is, and it is possible (likely) that every religion has it completely wrong. I believe you can only find the truth out for yourself.
As far as biblical sites, Paul, and everything else you mentioned, the existed in fact, whether you believe in Christianity or not. There is more evidence that Jesus existed than there is that Abraham Lincoln existed, and to claim that these physical places and people did not exist after not only records kept during those times, but many other archaeological discoveries and artifacts, is ignorance at its worst.
Religion does not teach insanity, however, logic must be brought into each situation to determine which beliefs are plausible or not. If what they say is the tomb of Jesus is what they claim it to be, that doesn't take anything away from who Jesus was, or what Jesus did. We may have simply misinterpreted something, which has happened many times before, and is always resolved in the end. Some examples would be that the "Earth is flat" or "the center of the universe" (the latter of which according to relativity could be true), both of which were religious dogmas overturned, but had no effect on religion itself.
I'd like you to read this, it will give you a stronger logical and scientific base behind faith:
Given that, yes our PERCEPTION of God changes, but God Himself does not change. We are discovering more, and hopefully coming to realize what and who God is. Each of us must discover in our lifetimes who God is.
2007-02-28 18:07:56
answer #2
answered by Give me best answer 4
Personal beliefs in God change with Correct instruction
true theology is not the same today as it was a hundred years ago.
the basis of christianity is founded on the belief in the resurrected body of Jesus. Muslims believe in a different jesus because they have more scriptures that say other things which christians dont believe because its not in the bible. Paul warned His own generation NOT to believe in a different gospel. but the gospel that christians believe in IS NOT the same one that Jesus taught, or Paul. in the words of the bible, there was a doctrineof the godhead, whereas today christians are taught to believe in the trinity.
As for the tomb of jesus, it was found in the 1980's, people gave it very little credibility because jesus was not found in the tomb, it was written that he is risen. Mary was the first one to see the empty tomb and the first one to meet Jesus before he had ascended to God the Father.
as for following our leaders, He said do what they say, but dont do what they do. the daughters of lott followed their leaders, but their leaders, Lotts wife and sodom and gomorah, were all destroyed. the majority of the earths population corrupted themselves in the flood of noah and were also destroyed.
there is definitely MORE to the Gospel of christ. I have seen an angel appear in my room. i have seen the sun of righteousness, which is the son of God Jesus christ. because i saw 3 visions I KNOW without a doubt that there is a God in heaven.
I know in the book of revelation there is an angel that has the everlasting gospel to give to the inhabitants of the the earth. if the book of revelation is true. there is only ONE angel in the history of man that has given a gospel of jesus christ. The Mormon church has the book of mormon that was designed by God and preserved through out history to give to mankind. If this book is true above all others, thats where God has given us the restoration of the church of jesus christ. However, there are Eastern religions that have greater libraries of the historical jesus over all things. There is much more knowledge of jesus christ in the hindu religion.
But believe me! even though there is more, there is always corruption and the personal doctrines of men and precepts of satan combined. Everything in the world can and will be corrupted no matter how pure something is at the start.
2007-02-28 17:20:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If youre asking whether the perception of God is "supposed to" change or stay the same, then I'm sorry, but there is no univeral answer to that. It depends on who you ask, just like everything else.
But if youre asking whether or not it actually does change, then the answer is yes. The christian god, like all other gods and dieties, was originally thought up to explain what no man at the time could. The original gods of the ancient tribes and cultures were there to explain things like thunder and lightning (the gods are angry!) Today we know why lightning and thunder and such things happen, and it has nothing to do with gods, but with simple physics and chemistry.
Today more and more of those original questions have been answered, but the belief in god(s) clings on. Why? Because there are still unanswered questions. Such as, "why are we here", "what is our purpose", etc etc. People need a guiding structure for their lives, and without it they would feel lost and without direction. Belief in God provides that for them. It gives them purpose, direction, a meaning basically. For others belief in God is an excuse to let out their repressed hatred. These are the people who hate people and hurt others in the name of their god.
Everyone has different perceptions of the God in question. Mine, as you can probably tell, isnt there. I dont believe in any god(s). I follow the Buddhist way of life because its logical yet heartfelt and peaceful. I admire Jesus and the way he lived, but his followers have committed so many atrocities and good deeds in his name that their perceptions must all have been different.
Not everyone has the same perceptions about god to begin with, so its impossible to expect "us" to keep the same perception, since there are so many different ones. For example, look at Bob Marleys perception of God, and then look at Pat Robertsons. Both called themselves Christians, and yet they saw things in a radically different way.
I'm not sure what youre talking about with your crossroads reference. Ive always though of crossroads as a place of decision or choice, not burial of suicides. What are you trying to say?
I hope that helps you, please dont be offended by anything I said. I'm only giving you my own perception of things, because I think it might be of some benefit to you.
2007-02-28 17:24:32
answer #4
answered by Jesus W. 6
Cameron is pandering to the public and his "find" (coffin) will be proven to be just bad science:
- The statistical analysis is not rigorous
- The name "Jesus" was a popular name at that time, appearing in 98 other tombs and on 21 other ossuaries
- There is no historical evidence that Jesus was ever married or had a child
- The earliest followers of Jesus never called him, "Jesus, son of Joseph"
- It's unlikely Joseph, who had died earlier in Galilee, would have been buried in Jerusalem
- The Talipot tomb and ossuaries probably would have belonged to a rich family, which is not a historical match for Jesus
- Fourth-century church historian Eusebius makes quite clear the body of James, brother of Jesus, was buried alone near the temple mount.
- The two Mary ossuaries do not mention anyone from Migdal, but just Mary, a common name
- By all ancient accounts, the tomb of Jesus was empty, making it unlikely that any body was moved, allowed to decay for a year, then be put into an ossuary.
- If Jesus had remained in the tomb, first-century opponents of Christianity would most certainly have found His body and put it on public display.
- Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the conclusions cannot be supported by the evidence but it's a way to make money on television. He would have nothing to do with supporting the movie's assertions. "It's nonsense," he said.
- James, the half-brother of Jesus and author of the book of James, the early leader of the church in Jerusalem, was martyred for his faith. Why does James make no mention in his letter that Jesus was not bodily resurrected? When he was about to die why didn't he just recant his beliefs and say, 'Okay, okay! My brother didn't rise from the dead. Here's where we took him. Here's where his bones are. Here's our family tomb. We made the whole thing up?' People will generally not die for a lie when they know it's a lie. Why would James die perpetuating a lie when it would have been so easy to disprove? In fact why would any of the apostles go to their deaths for something they knew to be false?
As I have expected, there has been **no scientific or historical find** that has ever been shown to disprove the authenticity of the bible's history or theology.
In contrast other archaeological or historical discoveries, whether Christ actually rose from the dead or not is an event that one cannot NOT take a passionate view on. If He did not rise bodily then, to paraphrase Paul, the our faith is in vain and we are dead in our sins.
Having a neutral opinion over the resurrection of Christ is not a fair-minded, or rational approach; it is simply intellectual and personal cowardice.
Kind of sad to see that all it takes is a press conference for folks to form life altering opinions versus taking the time to rationally examine all the issues and dig a little deeper. It is the Macdonald's generation: fast, superficial, and never satisfying.
The scriptures tell us to search and learn what we are being told by our pastors, priests, etc. Use the mind God gave you to prove to yourself that what you are being told is doctrinally valid.
Do not confuse the authors of the books with God's inspiration to these prophets. The prophets of the Bible wrote down the inspired words of God that they received. So whether they were in prison or on the farm, it makes no difference, sir.
The canonical books of the bible are God's revelation to mankind. Other non-canonical texts are just that, not orthodox or inspired from God.
2007-02-28 17:50:14
answer #5
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
The Crossroads you refer to were originally for sacrificial victims normally criminals and predated Christianity. It only was considered appropriate for suicide victims after the church deemed suicide prevented burial in 'hollowed ground'.
Most assuredly the perception of God changes. Hasn't it changed within Christian denominations. Some believe God to be a Singularity others a believe in a Trinity.
Ironically the often misused term, "There is but one God", was used to mean Muslims, Jews and Christians all worshipped the same Deity. It was meant to unite the faiths not elevate one.
In my mind the important question is what does God represent? I will then give credence to any religion that espouses that concept.
2007-02-28 17:29:44
answer #6
answered by Caretaker 7
The Bible says God is the same yesterday, today and forever. However, we change and our preceptions change. This world and its WORLDLY wisdom is making it very difficult for Christians, but God never changes his character. He has made changes according to his promises though. He offered mankind a new and better promise, but it did not change who he was as God. Beware of falso prophets.
We should follow leaders only if they are following God. But at the same time study ourselves. Knowledge is not a curse but ignorance can be.
Paul was imprisioned for the Cause of Christ, so no nothing to be concerned with.
Satan will always try to throw things into society to make you question your faith. When you do not have the understanding of who God is, it will make it very hard for you to endure.
2007-02-28 17:23:59
answer #7
answered by Miss Momma 4
How dangerous is faith, anyhow?
It is important to understand how faith is a sentiment that, like all emotions, can lead one to irrational behavior. Emotions left unchecked by reason are dangerous. You can never be a reason-extremist and cause any harm to yourself or to others, but you can easily be a religious extremist and cause lots of problems.
Morality has to be discovered by reason. One cannot be moral by faith. One has to know what is for life and what is against it. Such knowledge can come only from reason.
Logical reasoning is the only tool we have to help us distinguish true from false and right from wrong. That's why logical reasoning is what makes it possible for one to be moral or immoral. One cannot be moral if one is irrational.
2007-02-28 17:15:38
answer #8
answered by DrEvol 7
Of course perception of God changes 95% of the Christians of today would be stoned to death 2000 years ago. You cant tell anyone not to post. If you at the cross roads pull the trigger then you wont have all the stupid doubts.
2007-02-28 17:05:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes I think our perception of God changes - John Lennon put it best when he said "God is a concept by which we measure our pain." God becomes more important and more meaningful the more we need him
2007-02-28 17:12:20
answer #10
answered by Persiphone_Hellecat 7