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Shouldn't we apply lessons we leran from the bible such as sharing, being kind to others,etc. no matter whether or not we believe the bible? Why do we have to be scared into being better people with the threat of eternal damnation looming over us?

Sometimes i have trouble believing the bible because it says a lot of stuff that is taboo in society nowadays such as slavery is okay ( it doesn't actually say this outright but it does refer to slaves as property.)

2007-02-28 14:29:52 · 28 answers · asked by sunnysidedown 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

WOW!! Stop thinking so much about it and live your life!!

2007-02-28 14:33:39 · answer #1 · answered by cookieman864 2 · 1 2

First of all, the lessons such as sharing and being kind aren't limited to the Bible; nor are the books that promote them in the Bible the first texts to do so. Saying that the Bible is the only, or the first book to promote such things is diminishing the worth of writings and traditions far older.

Nor does the Bible contain things only thought of as good. Parts of the Bible tell us to kill unruly children; that women's lives are worth half that of men, and other such things. This doesn't mean that the Bible is worthless, nor that it's not a valuable religious text. The point is that it's not the only one, and that it has to be taken for what it is, an ancient collection of works from diverse authors, each with their own intended purposes. It was not written from cover to cover by a single author, nor did the authors of each of the books conceive of them being collected together as the sole authority and definition of a single faith. It is a collection of spiritual texts believed by some to contain the blueprint for the Christian church but shouldn't be the ultimate authority of morality for the entire world.

2007-02-28 22:40:29 · answer #2 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 0 0

Yes we should be kind to each other but Christians follow God's commands because we love the Lord not because of any threat of eternal damnation.

Now I'm studying Hermeneutics (how to interpret the Bible) and lots of those things about society, you really need to find out the background of the society and culture. It may have been acceptable in those days to greet people with a holy kiss but today some places would take that as very wrong. It takes help from the Holy Spirit as well as study to understand what the Bible is saying.

2007-02-28 22:42:41 · answer #3 · answered by Jan P 6 · 0 0

Some things have changed overtime, you can't expect Biblical times to be exactly the same as now, but for the most part, the Bible stands up to everyday life today in modern times. All of the commandments have stood the test of time. Eternal Damnation wouldn't be looming over anyone if we would all just have a little faith, it doesn't take much to please God. He loves us already no matter what we've done. This is my opinion, you don't have to agree, but just the same, I don't see the Bible as being obsolete, it's still here and the number one best seller in the world. I would say it's the oldest and longest lasting best seller. It has good reason to be considering it was inspired by God.

2007-02-28 22:38:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Back in the Bible days women, cattle, and slaves were considered property.
Jesus came to free men not only from sin but from evil practices such as these.
Continue to study the Bible and learn from it because it is Gods Holy Word. The Bible shows us how people lived in those days and the Bible also shows us the consequences of our sins.
God does love us and wants the best for us and that is why he sent Jesus to die for our sins.

2007-02-28 22:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by zoril 7 · 0 0

The bible was written by a bunch of old men who were good at writing fairy tales. Christianity was in its infancy. And to get people to believe they were eternally dammed if they did not accept it and to increase their numbers ,stories that played to peoples emotions were the ones most widely used - like hell, fire, eternal damnation - burning forever and ever. Does this sound as far fetched to you as it does me??? How can any clear minded, rational human being believe this??? You used the right word "scared" into something when we know it cannot be so. Believe as you want to believe - don't let anyone push you into anything. If you want to believe the bible, then research it, read it, discuss it and come to your own conclusions.

2007-02-28 22:45:02 · answer #6 · answered by monkey 3 · 0 0

In every religion there are taboos and rules to follow but the bible usually is simplest set of rules/orders whatever. Many read with out understanding the true meaning of the text and meanings. If everyone treated each other as equals being polite, kind, caring, considerate, one to another than at least in this life there would be more harmony. If there is another????

2007-02-28 22:46:08 · answer #7 · answered by S.O.S. 5 · 0 0

Hey there sunnysidedown.. you should be as good a person as you canbe in whatever society you are part of... But if you are one of God's people then there are societies you should not be part of... your choice... The law of The Bible dose not apply to those who do not accept it... The Bible is only for those who are open to the leading of God through The Holy Spirit... only those led by God will find what God has for them there.

as to Slavery... The words of The Bible record the fact that slavery was a fact in those days... and told believers of those days how to deal with it... whether they were slaves or masters... it dose not condone slavery..... The Teaching of Jesus is clear... "Love thy neighbor as yourself"... can slavery be condoned if that teaching is to be followed.? And those of The True Christian Faith must obay that teaching.... to the best of their ability.

2007-02-28 23:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 0 0

Because slaves WERE considered as property -- as well as women were, by the way -- because it was the culture of the day. You can't judge people of long ago by standards -- moral, medical or otherwise -- of today.

Let's flip it around: Gay marriage was unheard of then....but many people are clamoring for it today....even clergy in some denominations. Some clergy are fine with abortion and euthanasia as well....they did not exist back then either. In some respects, our "progressive" society is actually going backwards! Talk about issues that are "taboo"!

2007-02-28 22:38:29 · answer #9 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 0 0

It also tells the slaves to be good slaves for their masters. Slavery was a legitimate part of society back then. If a man owed a debt that he could not pay then he would become a slave and work the debt off.

2007-02-28 22:35:52 · answer #10 · answered by Jimguyy 5 · 1 0

your question is not so much about faith as principles, the principles you describe are summarised fairly well in the ten commandments. However like yourself, though i try to act by these principals (I dont always succeed) I do not believe in the bibles teachings, as if you read it closely it promotes, slavery, incest and all sorts of things todays current social trends now dissaprove of, Having said all that, why not do what Bill and Ted suggest, in short "Be excellent to each other"

2007-02-28 22:38:41 · answer #11 · answered by a1ways_de1_lorri_2004 4 · 0 0

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