1) Keep the litter pan very clean
2) the cat may have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and that makes them associate the litter pan with pain so they don't do their business their.
3) there are products on the market to mask the scent so they won't go there again.
Good Luck!
2007-02-28 12:57:12
answer #1
answered by purplejadedragon 4
It depends...if the cat is not fixed, it is trying to mark territory. If the cat is fixed, then perhaps it is unhappy with the litter box. Maybe the litter itself....location...maybe you are not keeping it clean enough. Spraying the areas that they pee on with a vinegar solution might work too. They don't like the smell. I tried all of these and fixed an annoying problem myself!
2007-02-28 12:58:55
answer #2
answered by pattyaq7 2
You may not be able to to do that.. if its a male.. Male cats have been known to spray even after they have been fixed (Spraying isnt the same as peeing though it may seem the same) Neutering dosent always cure that.. any one tells you that is lying (HARDLY)
maybe if you use adversion therapy?? sqirt him with a squirtgun when you catch him doing it? mostly water and a slight bit of amonia.. kindda pepperspray for cats) Thats the best i can suggest
(and NO they dont fracking like it at all and thats the point mean as it sounds)
2007-02-28 13:21:04
answer #3
answered by darchangel_3 5
First of all, make sure the litter box is clean. This is very important to cats.
Second, where ever they pee, they tend to go back too.
You can stop this by cleaning the area with vinigar and water and then placing their food dish right where they peed. Cats do not like to pee near their food.
Hope this helps.
2007-02-28 13:01:15
answer #4
answered by opjames 4
Getting him spayed won't prevent him from spraying. (trust me) Calmly say in a deep, firm voice, "NO." whenever he does it, and rub his nose in it.
Or he was never properly trained. If this is the case, Wet your fingers with warm water and press gently on his lower abdomen. This will stimulate him to "go." Then, place him in the litter box and wait. If he tries to hop out, repeat the first step. Once he goes, praise him in a high voice and maybe even give him a treat.
2007-02-28 13:02:43
answer #5
answered by rosemary 2
What it is doing is marking its territory, so no other cat can get in his territory. To stop the spraying behavior get the animal fixed or altered. The sooner you do it, the quicker he wil stop the spraying. One of my strays was 10 when he had his operation (he was a stray I took in), I got him his operation and he still sprays today.
2007-02-28 13:04:08
answer #6
answered by Terry Z 4
Get him fixed hes prob in heat if hes a male. They also make stuff that you can plug into the wall that has a smell that will not make them pee everywere i dont know if it works or not.
2007-02-28 15:48:30
answer #7
answered by pink_angel1022 2
Get it spayed or neutered. If you have gotten a new cat and the other one is spayed, before you blame the old one, make sure it is spayed or neutered. Males and females can spray and fixing them usually stops it.
2007-02-28 12:56:26
answer #8
answered by Jennifer R 3
not much...just use a very firm voice and show him his box and lock him in there with the box and tell him to go(put his food and water in ther too)...if he continues u should get him checked for chrystals in the urine if its not that then its behavioral and there is no stopping it
2007-02-28 13:25:21
answer #9
answered by tigermoondog 4
Euthenize it will probably work best.
Or, arm yourself with a water spray (water pistol or the like) and diligently spray it every time it pees all over the place. Every time it does this, spray it in the face with water.
Good luck.
2007-02-28 12:56:50
answer #10
answered by Amish Rebel 4