What will you tell your children and grandchildren while global warming was still preventable?
Expect to hear things like this:
...You couldn't even write a letter to your
...Did you not hear what the scientists were
...finding - 11 of the 12 warmest years since
...1860 have occurred since 1995 - polar caps
...and glaciers are melting faster than scientists
...believed possible.
...But you listened to paid hacks and government
...appointees who were protecting their corporate
...friends from any accountability for making billions
...while they spoiled the earth's atmosphere.
Call it capitalism, globalization, whatever......it will soothe them not.
When they realize that the earth's climate was destroyed willfully
despite warnings from thousands of scientists, scientific studies and
research from around the world, our offspring will have a strong case
that we did a bad thing......a really, really bad thing by not attempting
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