What would you do if a superhero, or somebody in full superhero costume (e.g. Spiderman or Batman) knocked on your window to draw your attention to them, showed you a sign which stated, "I'm going to throw a brick through your window", then bent down, picked up a brick and threw it through your window?
Bearing in mind that you have no way of knowing who this person is, how sane or not they may be, how much of their muscalature is padding and how much of it is real, whether or not they are armed, or have any accomplices waiting just out of sight, or even (unlikely, I know) if they really were a superhero, would you go outside and confront them?
Or would you ring the police? Think about it...
"Can you describe the person who damaged your window, sir/madam"?
"Yes, it was Spiderman."
See the problem?
So what would you do, if it happened right now at your house?
25 answers
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Entertainment & Music
➔ Jokes & Riddles
Ha ha, Lolita, sorry to waste a senseless question. I'll make sure my senseless questions are put to good use in future...
10:55:03 ·
update #1
I presume all the gun toting answerers are American. Hmmm, shooting somebody for breaking your window, that sounds rational. Don't they have the term "excessive force" over there?
And it's funny how many people on here imagine themselves to be hard. I suppose they think all the accomplices would line up to be fought one by one like on the old Batman TV series, rather than pile in and jump on your head as seen in real life...
10:59:14 ·
update #2