In what I am about to share with you {it is very personal, my testimony) -
I am not speaking negatively of my former religion. It provides for many people peace and happiness. I hope no one takes this personally.
For I have no intention of hurting anyone's feelings, this is simply my personal testimony of myself. *And there really is NO best religion or philosophy of life. It is a personal choice.
**Please Patiently read everything {and 10 pts, is not my intention is writing this), only want to share my life. Thank You.
Please Patiently read everything. Thank you
The bible, with all its interpretations from the different versions of the bible, is believed by Faith.
The god-concept is received/believed by Faith.
A relationship with god is by Faith. For without Faith, it is impossible to please god, the bible says.
The salvation of a person's spirit, is of Faith.
For by Grace, "through Faith" is a person's spirit saved.
The aspect of the Christian's walk with god, that is by the intellect "is" Renewing and Transforming the soul. James, the brother of Jesus, said {in the book of James) "Work out the salvation of you soul = the mind, will and emotions, with fear and trembling. This is done according to Rom. 12:2.
Most (85%) of the Christian's Life/walk is done by faith, for this is how they please god.
The other aspect is done for the person, so that they can prove for themselves what they believe is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of god (Rom. 12:2b).
The Christian Life is about Faith, and somewhat about reasoning and logic.
For a person to renew/transform their minds, according to Rom. 12:2 - they would have to look up every word in the bible, and understand them in its original languages = to really know what is being said.
*This actually can be done, with a lot of diligence, determination, study, and effort.
E- Sword online offers a FREE download of the New King James Version of the Bible, AND The Strong's Concordance of the Bible (giving the orginal meaning of every word of the bible in its original Hebrew and Greek languages).
Click Below and start the FREE Download, otherwise a person would have to spend $20 for a New King James bible AND $25 for The
Strong's Hebrew/Greek Concordance.
Download it for Free - if you, or anyone reading this would like to understand intellectually what the bible "really" means.
The god-concept is a belief received and believed by "Faith", and salvation of the spirit{the real person) is by Grace "through Faith", not by reasoning.
To please God, is solely by Faith.
To understand the bible takes hard work and diligent studying with the Strong's.
I understand because I took 4 years of bible college - studying Hebrew and Greek, and learned a lot, but to be honest never found true Peace of Mind, and Happiness. For some, Christianity might bring them some peace and happiness = the belief that they will go to heaven. Knowing and knowledge comes from the Greek word, gnosis, which comes forth from the mind/intellect, so one can not "know" that they are saved, only believe, by faith - that they are saved - going to heaven. Faith comes form the heart {the spirit), and w/out faith it is impossible to please god.
"For it is by Grace, through Faith, that a person's spirit{the real part of the person, christianity teaches) is saved, and it is a gift, according to Eph. 2:8-9). I comprehend, intellectually the bible{through 4 yrs of bible education, & by using the Strong's Hebrew/Greek concordance) - [and I still use the Strong's] and understand that the Christian way of life and relationship with God is by "Faith", but I am a Intellectualist, and an atheist now.
**I now have a Stable Peace of Mind, Purpose and true Happiness through Buddhism; as I do respect the bible and christianity.
"It takes a lot of hard work for a christian to renew and tranform their minds with the Strong's Concordance, along with the word of God. Many christians believe{for it is by Faith) they are saved, but their minds are not renewed, and transformed. Some people (not many, but some) christians minds are transformed with the Strong's/bible, AND live peaceably with all people. Buddhism has its methods of transforming the mind{through meditation and the Eightfold Path), and through serving mankind, thus when the mind is tranformed their lives are transformed, but not for a god, but for the benefit of all mankind. I used to be so.... very heavenly minded, that I was no earthly good to anyone. It was very difficult for me to acquire humility{as it is for Most christians and any religious people who think that they're way is the Only way), for I thought my way, was the only way, which everyone must follow/choice. Now I honestly respect the free will of others, loving all people unconditionally. Buddhism is not meant for everyone. And Buddhists do not convert others. It is important that we all respect the Free Will of others, not forcing them to convert. {Free Will is mankind's greatest gift).
For me, personally, my life has purpose, and
I am here for humanity, not for a god. My purpose is to help mankind in any way that I can.
**All people though, have to find their own way/path of acquiring peace of mind and happiness. For some, christianity is the path, for others Islam is the path, for others Judaism is the path, for others Hinduism is the path, for others Humanism, or Atheism is the path bringing them peace of mind and happiness. Four yrs. of bible college didn't help bring me peace of mind, and happiness. I understand the bible and the christian faith walk, but it's Buddhism that has provided me with a real stable peace of mind, and true happiness.
As a Buddhist, I practice loving-kindness, patience, and tolerance toward all people and all religions, and do not say a person will go to hell, if they do not choose my path/way of life.
*"And a Buddhist is NO better than anyone else - that is not buddhist. We have simply chosen a different path {not to god), but a different way of life, which brings us much purpose, peace of mind, and happiness.
With Metta {loving-kindness and friendship) !
2007-02-28 10:29:41
answer #9
answered by Thomas 6