there is nothing concerning MaryJane specifically.
Are you feeling Guilty about it?
Sin is being Disobedient to Gods will.
You wont find what you are looking for in black and white.
You want to be absolved of your guilt. Dont you?
Sorry...own it.
2007-02-28 08:42:10
answer #1
answered by King 5
Marijuana is only illegal because of the lingering listing as a "controlled substance" which was pushed through early on in the so called war on drugs - hemp (the kind grown for it's fiber) was competing with the cotton industry and so the cotton barons of the day pulled their political strings to get all hemp cultivation outlawed, using the smokable kind as an excuse. It is not a sin, or even morally wrong... just illegal. Yet alcohol which kills thousands is legal and taxed - go figure!
2007-02-28 16:45:33
answer #2
answered by barefoot_always 5
If you are looking for "thou shalt not smoke a doobie", you're not going to find it. Rather, the Bible provides principles that, when applied, show God's thoughts on the matter.
For starters, it IS commanded to remain "in subjection to the superior authorities". So if the law of the land forbids smoking pot, then Christians should not.
Looking more into the Bible's viewpoint specifically, we see that while consuming alcohol is not forbidden, the Bible does condemn drunkedness. The reasonable conclusion being that God lets us enjoy ourselves, but still wants us to maintain control of our faculties. Under the influence of pot, like overdrinking, people can make stupid decisions, react slowly, and prove less capable of doing many things (e.g. driving safely).
In short, the Bible does not expressely forbid the use of marijuana. You have to ask yourself, and be honest with yourself, if you think that if God disapproves of drunkness, if he considers getting high any better. I don't think he does. Also bear in mind, that you're dealing with our creator, not a human judge bound to the letter of the law. Willfully choosing something that deep down you know he'd frown upon, just because it isn't spelled out, does not absolve you of guilt. Keep that in mind when you make your choices.
2007-02-28 17:20:00
answer #3
answered by Andrew G 3
First of all, despite vehement efforts, marijuana and most other mind-altering drugs are still illegal. As Christians, we are to be subject and submissive to the governing authorities, (Rom. 13:1-5) thus, if something is illegal under our government it is not only unlawful for a Christian, it is also sinful. Even if a person is not a Christian, he or she is still subject to these same laws.
2007-02-28 17:05:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Nope. Nothing in the Bible concerning marijuana, smoking, internet porn or many of the things considered wrong today. In fact, there is relatively little concerning drinking. Jesus changed water into wine so that implies that He drank a bit of wine.
2007-02-28 16:50:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God said all plants are good. The only thing having anything to do with it would be gluttony, and that would be like smoking so much that you don't work or take care of your family, just too much. There's nothing wrong with using God's creation!
2007-02-28 16:46:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, actually Moses may have used marijuana or peyote to help him hear the bush talk. Marijuana was not considered to be sinful in America, until it was associated with the Mexicans.
2007-02-28 16:46:27
answer #7
answered by Tim'sSO 4
the bible has several quotes that says all that god created is good:
Genesis 1:11-12. God created plants.
Then God said, "let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees hearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
2007-02-28 16:47:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
actually in genesis God says something like 'you have dominion over the animals and may use the plants as you please'
almost like God allows the maryjane usage. He said we own the earth, and can eat the plants. but smoking? hmmm...
2007-02-28 16:44:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ fact when i was in college there was a web site that listed all the weed references in the bible as proof that it should be legalized...
2007-02-28 16:42:54
answer #10
answered by techteach03 5