Exactly! But...some people just don't get it.
It's like how can I go to Hell and worship Satan, if I don't even believe that those things exist? People can't understand that logic. Ah well..
2007-02-28 07:43:22
answer #1
answered by youdontneedtoknow 2
Probably the best answer I can give to this question is this:
There is but one judge and that is God.
Everyone has free choice or what we call free will. That means you may think or do whatever pleases you.
But in order to answer your question, I must ask one of my own. How do you know what is right and what is wrong? If you have no morals, then anything you see fit to do would be ok. So where did you get your morality from? I would assume your parents. Where did we all get our sense of right or wrong?
It is my belief our very moral fiber comes from God. The God of Abraham and Isaac. The God of Isreal. It is the Holy Spirits way of talking to us and letting us know whether we are doing the right or the wrong thing.
Take a look around and see all the wonders in the world. Do you have faith that all of this "just came about?" There has to be a creator, some outside force if you will who designed all that we see and all that we are.
If you do your research, you will find it takes more faith to NOT believe there is a God than to put your faith in Him.
Good luck to you in the future...
2007-02-28 07:52:44
answer #2
answered by Bill W 1
ummm...I'm curious as to where you get your facts from? Down syndrome and incest have no correlation. And, "technically" unless you have 3 copies of chromosome 21, you don't have Down syndrome. Don't assume that Down syndrome is a generic term like "birth defect". It is a very specific condition and quite honestly, as the mom to a beautiful little guy with Down syndrome, I don't like the stigma you attach to it. Not to mention that using the term "down syndromed people" is a bit insensitive, it's better to say people with Down syndrome, they are, after all, people first.
I don't understand your correlation between belief in God and the existence of Down syndrome, but I can assure you that I consider my son to be a precious gift...not a punishment.
I don't have a problem with you or someone else posing a hypothetical theory, but it should be based at least a little bit in fact. Your arguments as they stand are nonsensical.
2007-02-28 08:04:02
answer #3
answered by Smom 4
I don't believe in green beans, so does that make them not real??
we are in sin, because of the original sin. Just because you don't believe in the authority of God doesn't make it not real.
If you don't believe in authority, try speeding for long distances and see if you don't eventually get a ticket from a state trooper.
by the way, no Christian has the right to call anyone dumb. And as for as telling you that you are sinning, that is the work of the Lord too. But they can show you their walk, and the word.
be blessed in Christ~Vicki
2007-02-28 07:48:08
answer #4
answered by 2ndchhapteracts 5
In America people have the right to say whatever they want it's a little right we got called Freedom of Speech. If you don't want people to think you are dumb use the spell check or even better learn to spell. No one can force you to believe in God, that is your choice. The rest of your logic concerning Adam and Eve is majorly flawed.
2007-02-28 08:32:29
answer #5
answered by Angelz 5
Yes, if they live in the United States they have that right...just as you obviously have the right to say they are stupid and naive and believe in fairy tales. That's just how it works. Now...having a right is not the same as exercising that right...and this is what I see here...a lot of people from all sides who think they have an entitlement on truth and no matter who it hurts, they are going to make sure you know. Believing in God or not seems to make no difference in this at all.
2007-02-28 07:45:08
answer #6
answered by Beach Babe 2
so the question should be, does sin exist because of what you personally believe or in spite of what you believe? I don't believe in trucks, so by your reasoning I should be able to step out into the road and not ever worry about getting hit by one, right? Or I don't believe it is against the law to steal so if I decide to take something no one should get upset with me because I don't think it is wrong, right? I suppose it follows the analogy of a tree falling in the forest making a sound if no one is there to hear it. I think you will find that things often exist and occur in spite of us and not because of us. Think about it, who is the belief in god more important to....Him or you? God doesn't need you to believe in Him for Him to exist nor does He need you to believe in sin to commit it. If as humans we go by the motto "ignorance of the law is no excuse", then wouldn't the same be true of God's law. When you die and have to face Him do you think the excuse "well I didn't know/believe" will work? Next time if and when you get pulled over by the police for speeding or get into trouble for something tell them "you didn't know/had no clue" and let me know how that works for you.
Edit: I find it amusing and yet sad at the same time how you get bent out of shape about what "religious" people are doing to you yet if you read some of the comments by the non-religious people i would have to say "hello pot my name's kettle". Apparently being illogical, irrational and hypocritical is not a trait exclusive to the religious.
2007-02-28 08:25:31
answer #7
answered by Bruce Leroy - The Last Dragon 3
A true Christian would never call you dumb or say you are sinning
any more than anyone else.A true Christian would try to be kind and loving,And try to help you.True Christians believe the Bible to be Gods word,and would,(if you wanted to listen for a few moments)
try to show you things in the the Bible that might change your
Ideas and preceptions of God.If not, then at least they tried.And
that certainly would'nt call you names or call you stupid.You notice,
I said TRUE CHRISTIANS, There are numerous ones that claim
to be Christian but are far from it. So,the ones that do that are
most likley in the Fake Christians group.
2007-02-28 08:14:35
answer #8
answered by OldGeezer 3
we're not all down syndromed people becuase we dont have trisomy-21.
heres an interesting tidbit, adam is hebrew for man. so it very well could be He created man, then the man adam.
or you could do the sensible thing and take teh first 18 chapters of genesis as allegory. for example adam and eve is a story on why disobeying God and being selfish is wrong.
2007-02-28 07:44:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They have the "right because in most countries, freedom of speech is guaranteed.
Doesn't stop them being brain dead morons though.
There is no evidence, by the way, that inbreeding is the cause of Down's Syndrome. It tends to be a condition related to older women giving birth.
2007-02-28 07:43:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If you chose not to believe in God that is your loss. As far as calling you dumb, that is not nice. However, the Bible says that anyone who says there is no God is a fool. All people are born sinners and without Christ you remain in sin when you go to God someday.
2007-02-28 07:47:39
answer #11
answered by angel 7