2007-02-28 06:45:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Bible has over 40 authors, who wrote 66 books, over a period of 1500+ years on three different continents and in three different languages. What is commonly called the Old Testament reached its final form around 400BC. However manuscripts of individual books date back as far as 1000BC and before. The New Testament books were all in use by the early 2nd century (the last ones been written about 90-95 AD), with many like the general letters of Paul in use as early as the mid 50s AD.
When one reads through the books of the Bible, a major theme is apparent. Every book of the Old Testament looks towards a coming Messiah, or Savior, who was to give his life to redeem mankind. As you read through the books, each builds on the ones before it, adding to the understanding of who God is and how we are to relate to him.
As you reach the New Testament, you have the apprearance of the Messiah. The book of Matthew represents 90 Old Testament scriptures and prophecies that Jesus fulfilled in his lifetime. And there are dozens more Matthew did not list. The other gospel give additional accounts of Jesus life, recording his actions and words. Acts gives the history of his followers for the first 35-40 years of the church. The remaining books give the intrepretation and application of the words and deeds of Jesus in a person's life. Finally Revelation looks to the "end" of the story.
Contained within the 66 books is the beginning, middle, and end of the revelation of who God is and how we can relate to him. The ultimate revelation being the person of Jesus Christ.
Since that revelation is now complete, there is no need to add other books to the scripture. It stands complete the way it is.
2007-02-28 14:46:05
answer #2
answered by dewcoons 7
What is now called the Bible started out as a series of writings based on very old myths and legends. These have since been re-written, modified, added to and translated many times. Is it therefor fair to call the Bible the inerrant word of God?
The earliest writings of the Old Testament were written around 1850 BCE. Theses were stories borrowed from the older writings of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
First Great Revision of Judaism about 1200 B.C.E. The myth of Exodus was included in the revision, transformed as it was from the older story of the expulsion of the Hyksos
Second and third revisions, 742 – 600 BCE the many gods of the Old Testament are harmonized into a singular being _ Yahweh
The Fourth Great Revision 586 B.C.E. to 538 B.C.E.
The Fifth Great Revision of Judaism 323 B.C.E. to 45 C.E. under Greek influence
The Last Great Revision of Judaism 30 C.E. to appx. 73 C.E
50 C.E. to 140 C.E. The Jesus Movement suddenly and quickly transformed itself from a social and political reform movement into a full-blown religion.
The Gospels: Mythmaking Begins in Ernest. Myths and miracles added to the bible 65 C.E. to appx. 120 C.E.
Emperor Constantine 313 C.E. to appx. 430 C.E. demanded that the bishops at the First Council of Nicea come up with a consistent, catholic doctrine that would be universal. This is where the word Catholicism comes from.
320 C.E. to 1330 C.E. Emperor Constantine ordered Eusebius to put together some scriptures for him to present to the new churches he was constructing at his new capital of Constantinople in time for his new festival of the resurrection, to be called "Easter”.
The Protestant Revision and the English Bibles 1330 to 1611. John Wycliffe organized the translation of the Bible into English.
The King James Bible version first appeared in 1611. Though the frontispiece written by the conference declares it to be a new translation, that's not really what it was. In fact, it was a revision of the Bishop's Bible of 1602, which itself was a revision of the Bishop's Bible of 1568, which was a revision of Coverdale's less than scholarly Great Bible, which was a rewrite of the Tyndale and Wycliffe works.
2007-02-28 14:47:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
How many people wrote the bible? There are 40 authors of the books of the Bible. Most of them we know, but there are anonymous writers too. Some of the authors wrote one book, some wrote several.
Moses is credited for the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy which are called the Pentetuch. These books cover creation to his own death at the end of Deuteronomy. It's been suggested that another person, who took over the spiritual leadership of the Israelites, completed Deuteronomy.
The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth are historical documents written before or during the reign of King David presumably by priestly historians.
The Psalms were written by King David, Moses, Solomon, the sons of Korah, the sons of Asaph and Ethan the Ezrahite. There are also some Psalms that were written anonymously.
Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes were written by King Solomon, though chapters 30 and 31 of Proverbs were written by Agur and Lemuel respectively.
Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum and Zephaniah were the prophets who penned the books with their names.
The writers of Samuel, Kings, Esther, and Job are unnamed.
Habakkuk, Joel, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi were written by the prophets' named respectively.
Jeremiah wrote both Lamentations and Jeremiah while Ezra wrote Ezra, Nehemiah and possibly Chronicles.
In the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote their gospels and Luke also wrote the book of Acts. Paul is responsible for the Pauline Letters which are Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
Peter of the Twelve Disciples wrote 1st and 2nd Peter. John, the Disciple that Jesus loved, wrote 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John and also Revelation.
The book of James has been credited to James the brother of Jesus and the book of Jude was written by Jude the bother of James. Hebrews has been ascribed to the Apostle Paul but is generally considered to have been written anonymously.
the bible was written by God THROUGH these men
2007-02-28 14:46:54
answer #4
answered by **ChArOlEnO** 2
There were 40+ writers all led by the Holy Spirit. The Bible was closed after John penned Revelation.
The Bible claims internally to be the word of God.
One can believe it or not believe it.
If you do not believe it-then do not worry about it.
2007-02-28 14:48:15
answer #5
answered by Desperado 5
Are you asking if the Bible should have ended after Jesus left - it wasn't.
Or are you asking if people take notes in their Bible - we do.
And there is no reference to not adding to the Bible after Jesus left- it does say in Revelation to not add to the vision given John.
2007-02-28 14:47:08
answer #6
answered by awayforabit 5
The bible is re-written every time somebody preaches from it. Apparantly abortion is wrong... but my bible doesn't say. Sex before marraige is supposedly wrong... but all mine says is don't horn in on another man's wife...
And now there are about 5000 christian splinter groups each with their very own bible and proclaimations that everybody else is wrong. If christians spend less time with wordplay and more time just looking within themselves and doing good unto others, God'd rest a whole lot easier. Instead, they just harp on about semantics.
2007-02-28 14:48:10
answer #7
answered by DarkLord_Bob 3
The bible was written by quite a few people.
The old testament's first five books, the Pentateuch has four idetified author styles. Genesis is taken from a much earlier story called the Gilemesh epic.
Numbers has only small portions of the book that may have contemporary to Moses, the rest is written in third party and were probably added by scribes much later.
Deuteronomy: The book itself testifies that, for the most part, Moses wrote it but the report of Moses' death (ch.34) was almost certainly written by someone else.
The book of Joshua It seems safe to conclude that the book, at least in its early form, dates from the beginning of the monarchy. perhaps Samuel may have had a hand in shaping or compiling the materials of the book, but in fact we are unsure who the final author or editor was.
Likewise the book of Judges (according to tradition), Samuel wrote the book, authorship is actually uncertain." and the book of Ruth: is also ascribed to Samuel, but the mention of David (4:17,22) implies a later date.
Many questions have arisen pertaining to the literary character, authorship and date of 1,2 Samuel, they are in a different style to the other books ascribed to him.
1,2 Kings - Whoever the author was, it is clear that he was familiar with the book of Deuteronomy,
The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles: according to ancient Jewish tradition, Ezra wrote Chronicles 1 Ezra and Nehemiah 2
we do not know who wrote the book of Esther, and Job himself was not the author of Job.
Psalms authorship, opinions are even more divided. The notations themselves are ambiguous since the Hebrew phraseology used, meaning in general "belonging to", can also be taken in the sense of "dedicated to".
Although proverbs is ascribed to Solomon, it is clear from later chapters that he was not the only author of the book.
Ecclesiasties - in several passages strongly suggest that King Solomon is the authors. On the other hand, the writer's title, his unique style of Hebrew and his attitude toward rulers may point to another person and a much later period.
Ecclesiaticus and The Book of Wisdom: do not appear to be in the orthadox cannon, but aopper much later in the RC cannon
Song of Songs is Solomons pornagraphic poems, and Jerimiah may have had a hand in Lamentations...
New Testament, Mark is the oldest book, written 70 years after Jesus's death, 101 years after his birth.... in Aramaic, translated to Greek about 150 years after crucufiction.
Luke was supposed to have written acts, but it is about 150 years after christ, - Was Jesus crucified on a tree (according to Peter), cross (according to others), or never got crucified (according to Islam)?
Lukes gospekl was written at the same time, in Greek, not aramaic, so it is hardly the words of one of his disciple.
Hewbrews was written in the 2nd century AD, perhaps by the writer of John, who was a Jewish writer.
Revelation was written by another John 100 years later, and three hundred years after christ.
Paul wrote Paul, Romans,Phillipines and Corinthians, he certainly wrote Thessalonian 1 but not the second book.
2007-02-28 14:46:06
answer #8
answered by DAVID C 6
The Bible was written by over 40 authors spanning 1500 years
2007-02-28 14:45:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It should of been a bible of God,it was! but only God knows himself how much it has been tampered with
2007-02-28 14:49:50
answer #10
answered by Jo 5
it says dozens of people but you can go to this website
2007-02-28 14:50:33
answer #11
answered by aljohn316 2