this generation is so far away from the word, because of all this false doctrine and not reading the bible and proofing all things like the lord said, that we are open for any foolish thing to cling on too. READ YOUR BIBLE
2007-02-28 05:14:47
answer #1
answered by poetified2 2
I see people rejecting certain flawed aspects of religions more than I see them necessarily rejecting God. I think a big dash of more rational based decision and policy making would benefit society in general. I think we are gradually lurching ahead in terms of evolving more tolerant and democratic societies with periodic set backs. For instance, I think a society that allows people the most freedom to make their own choices and pursue happiness is an ideal to strive for. When you give people more freedom and choices however, you also give them more opportunities to make bad choices if they weren't given a good decision making skills to work from. I believe that some of what we see today is people have made some bad choices with their freedom.
The knee jerk reaction is to blame society and say we need more religion and less freedom, some fundamentalists want to see premarital sex become illegal for example. I think its sort of like if the parents left their young teenager on their own. At first they might be inclined to stay up all night and party hardy. After time however, they would realize this isin't that much fun anymore and also carries some bad consequences that aren't that fun. This is where I see society posed.
I don't think you necessarily need more religion to correct it. I think people learning why they should live in a certain way rather than being told to live a certain way by authority as much more constructive. Teaching people to make decisions based on consequences has greater potential to unify than injecting more religion which people will always be divided on. This is not to say I think ethics and God should not be a part of people's personal lives.
I see some fundamentalist denominations as increasing intolerance and limiting freedoms which I think is a bad thing for society. I don't think policies and laws should be based on writing in some holy text over another. They should be based on sound reasoning. If you personally believe that homosexuality is wrong and that there marriage is not the same as a heterosexual marriage that is something you can practice in your life. If there is no real reason why it is a detriment to society or harming others though I don't think you can limit one groups rights. This seems wrong to me. I also find their regressive approach to female roles limiting. Yes, a strong family is important but if both parents are willing to compromise and plan there is no reason both partners can't pursue career aspirations and life goals. The problem comes when people don't work on compromise or plan and the family suffers. Life takes work. There are no real shortcuts, not even with religion.
Often I think religion removes the thoughtfulness of why we should do things and just says follow these rules to live a happy life. I think you can lose out sometimes in personal development if you take it too far and become rigid about it. Not everyone fits the mold and apparently if there is a God they made all of us. For me there are many paths on the road and we should be free to choose. If one group gets to put their exclusive views on God in public life the paths are going to be limited even if their intentions are good. I think people are as spiritual as ever on the inside and will bring their spirituality into the world by their actions not by authoritarian sources imposing it.
2007-02-28 13:37:42
answer #2
answered by Zen Pirate 6
Read this and tell me if you think yesterday's society was the epitome of morality.
Hints to Workingmen by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Information Among the Poor.
Published in the London Times, 1891
The ungrateful and immoral hesitation of many working men to marry, thus curtailing the supply of future labor, is inexcusable. Any industrious man can afford to raise children, and with proper management they soon become a source of income, enabling the parents to subsist on lower wages, increasing the dividends of employers and thus enlarging the support of church and state, and the spread of the gospel of Christian civilization and the heathen in foreign lands.
The proper time for children to be born is in the latter part of spring, when the weather is mild. Soon after birth the infant should be put into a pen in which is a plentiful supply of loose dirt. An old barrel or box, containing some straw will answer for shelter from sun or rain. At the top of the pen a tomato can, containing milk should be placed and a tube hanging from this with a nipple at the end will supply the child with nourishment.
Now, by this judicious and inexpensive arrangement the mother can be at work soon after confinement. It costs no more to raise children than it does to raise pigs, and the former are more profitable, for when put at work (which can be done soon after they begin to walk) they become a source of steady income; whereas a pig brings a certain sum and then is of no further value. It is indeed a waste of material to feed a pig, when the same food will keep a child. Nutritious swill can be had for little or nothing, and this homely food, spiritualized, so to speak, in the form of working energy in the child, can be transformed into wages. No labor is so profitable as child labor; and when such profits enable the employer to contribute to the spread of the gospel of light, in benighted heathendom, we see the blessings that flow from the proper use of swill, consecrated to the use of the Lord.
What working people need in order to marry and propagate children is not higher wages, but a spirit of humility and a recognition of the duty they owe to their employers. Let them bring up children in habits of self-denial and industry, and so make of them contented citizens, patriotically contributing to the wealth and enlargement of their country’s empire, and the glory of its industrial magnates and rulers.
2007-02-28 13:14:01
answer #3
answered by Contemplative Monkey 3
Silly question. We are no less a religious society today than we were at any other point in history. People are simply more open about how they really feel. That makes Christians uncomfortable.
2007-02-28 13:14:45
answer #4
answered by Nathan H 2
I wonder which society you are talking about. Most countries in the world (outside of Europe ALL countries in the world) have a majority of citizens that are religious.
2007-02-28 13:16:04
answer #5
answered by katinka hesselink 3
No I think more and more people are waking up and becoming aware of who God really is!!! It's so exciting!
2007-02-28 13:12:38
answer #6
answered by wish I were 6
Evolution works in mysterious ways.
2007-02-28 13:13:07
answer #7
answered by The Happy Atheist 5
Sod and Gom worse
As well as Noah's time.
2007-02-28 13:11:29
answer #8
answered by Solafide55 2
I seems more violent, but hasn't is always been
2007-02-28 13:18:27
answer #9
answered by Tha Man 5
yep. becuase all rleigions are still waiting for someone to RETURN. which has already happened.
2007-02-28 13:13:41
answer #10
answered by meoi 1