He does neither. He returns to them. And probably has a few new kids to take care of...that don't look like him. Jesus Christ!
2007-02-28 04:06:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When he spoke of going back to his family he was talking of his syblings and parents. And back then to say good bye was to get things in order with your family. That wouldve taken weeks and Jesus's time was short. And if the man truly wanted to follow Him he would have done just that. He told John to come and follow Me and John dropped his net and followed Him. Same as Matthew. Dude there is no stumbling in the Bible. No contradictions no anything that is untrue. You ask these questions because you secretly want a relationship with Him. Repent and be baptized and you too will one day have a mansion in Heaven. But the main reason is to live with God for all eternity. Amen and Peace out...............
2007-02-28 04:10:30
answer #2
answered by powerliftingrules 5
If a man does this without properly providing for his family ahead of time, he has not been called by Jesus, but has been summoned by an evil spirit in the guise of Jesus (and this does happen - it breaks up marriages and causes misery in life, tragically - so we have to be discerning, knowing how to distinguish the true from the false)|
All sound spiritual writers tell us that the surest indication of following the will of God is in our discharging the duties of our state of life (whether you are a priest, a married person, a single person, or a monk or a nun)|
Those who were asked to follow Jesus at a moment's notice had no ties or duties that they had to attend to - any attachments they had to delaying were due entirely to some personal desire and not an objective duty|
2007-02-28 04:12:05
answer #3
answered by Catholic Philosopher 6
He does not abandon them, nor does he divorce them, if he is legally married. Abandoning them is a most un-Christian thing to do! the MATURE man should seek guidance from the Lord in prayer, and speak to his FAMILY about it. Tell them of the joyous news of being called by the Lord, chances are they will be happy for you! Maybe your entire family is called to serve the Lord together. Jesus did not wish for a man to just abandon his family to follow him. If your not married, but living with some one and you have children together or if your life/family is not righteous, maybe you should remedy those problems first. My suggestion is
PRAY ABOUT IT and don't just leave!
2007-02-28 04:14:09
answer #4
answered by benotafraid_j2 2
You misunderstand. Jesus was teaching the disciples the cost of following Him. He was teaching them to put God first.
Verse 59: That disciple said he wanted to go back to bury his father. In other words, he wanted to get his inheritance first, so he could have some financial security. Jesus was making the point that God will provide.
These disciples did not desert their families. In fact, their families followed them in their discipleship -- Peter's wife was martyred along with him.
God doesn't want you to desert your family to follow Him. He doesn't want you to divorce your spouse. Marriage was created by Him, and he hates divorce.
Jesus didn't abandon his mother and brothers. He took care of Mary up until He was hanging on the cross, and then he delegated that responsibility to John.
The Apostle Paul said not to change your life. He said if you are married, stay married. If you are single, stay single. He said this because at the time he wrote that letter, Christians were being persecuted and it would be easier for them if they didn't have a wife to worry about during that time of persecution.
If you are marrie to an unbeliever, God said to stay with them. But, if the unbeliever chooses to leave, then let him/her go. Marriage and family is very important to God. Don't mistake that.
Bottom line, Jesus was teaching us to put God first and foremost in our lives, and he will take care of us.
2007-02-28 04:16:36
answer #5
answered by Dianne C 3
how would the family feel? What would they learn from that?
where is the responsibility God gave this man when He gave him his family? Why would a person have to leave a place to serve Christ? Isn't He everywhere? Sorry maybe I just gave to your question more confussions. I strongly believe that God is Love, so surelly a person can and have to serve Christ starting with his family, and with the people who are near him.
2007-02-28 04:14:12
answer #6
answered by la ceci 1
My husband walked out on me and the kids but he was not following Christ if he was I could of understood that would make sense. But since he is a atheist and a non-believer and never went to church a day in his life! I find that would just be another of his poor excuses. He is supposed to cling to his wife not run home to Mommy's house! He is 53 there is simply no excuse!
2007-02-28 04:12:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are misreading the text. God is talking about how he must be number one, in believer's lives. We should not hesitate to give our lives for Christ. Many people think "well, first I will have my fun and then when I am older and more serious I will convert."
A christian man is called to be devoted to his family, regardless of whether or not they are also christian.
2007-02-28 04:33:54
answer #8
answered by Laura H 5
If you already married, you must stay with your wife unless you or her commits adultery against one another. Other than that......you are committed in the eyes of God to stay with your wife for the rest of your life.....That is a fact! It will not be easy to live with one who is not of God, but God hates divorce and will only allow it the case of adultery.
2007-02-28 04:22:30
answer #9
answered by SLEDGE 3
He does as He is led by God.
Luke 14:25-27
25And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them,
26If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
27And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
29Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
30Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.
31Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?
32Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.
33So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
34Salt is good
Hate, of the world here and its ways, even your own flesh.
2007-02-28 04:09:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
In that time, though, to go back meant to get sucked into Judaism or wahtever.
Now, we pretend to know how to co-exist, so the pressure is there, but not as bad.
I think Jesus would have chosen a different answer in these times.
2007-02-28 04:07:38
answer #11
answered by starryeyed 6