Using someone else's name to avoid a ticket or a criminal charge is called "personation" or "obstructing a peace officer" (here in Canada). It is against the law and ther person can be charged if it can be proven. The best way to stop it is for the police to charge the guy for using the name.
2007-02-28 02:12:59
answer #1
answered by joeanonymous 6
If he has all your BF's information and he's convincing and has a good attitude, then the cops are taking him on his word.....HOWEVER, now that he has been cought, your BF will get out of the tickets at court, and this kid can be charged with criminal personation. And yes that is spelled correctly. That charge is basically lying about falsely identifying yourself to the police. Also, your BF can take legal action to recoup lost wages and any other charges incurred by this kid.
2007-02-28 11:00:38
answer #2
answered by zebj25 6
I know of people that have done the same thing and have gotten away with it.
Not everyone has their id on them when their pulled over and if they know someone who does have a license and gives them that name sometimes the policeman will let it slide.
If you know for sure who this boy is using your boyfriends name then you should def report it to the police station where you live and see what you can do.
This boy can serve time in jail!!
2007-02-28 10:18:42
answer #3
answered by Curious J. 5
In my own state the intentional use of a false name is
Giving of false name or address to a law enforcement officer.
(a) A person commits the crime of giving a false name or address to a law enforcement officer if the person gives a false name or address to a law enforcement officer in the course of the officer's official duties with intent to mislead the officer.
(b) Giving a false name or address to a law enforcement officer is a Class A misdemeanor.
Bring this information to the court and request the court to allow law enforcement to pursue the offender to avoid this issue in the future!
Best wishes.
2007-02-28 10:47:17
answer #4
answered by KC V ™ 7
I agree with #2. The first thing the cops ask for is ID.
2007-02-28 10:15:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your a liar because when you get pulled over cops check your ID
2007-02-28 10:13:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The COPS are dummys how can this happen?
your ol man should sue the county and the pig that arrested the kid
2007-02-28 10:28:35
answer #7
answered by ashkicker420 3
bez tang u kin do, git rid o da boyfren and takes up wit da udda guy mebby he gots sum muny
2007-02-28 10:13:56
answer #8
answered by rico3151 6