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16 answers

We are not focused on the sexual sins. Remember, Jesus died for ALL of our sins.

2007-02-27 23:53:17 · answer #1 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 1 2

Because people who are engaged in sexual sins want to justify it and change the word of God to fit their purpose. This angers most Christians... Murderers, theives, and the rest do not "generally" try to justify their actions through manipulating Gods word, or flat out leaving only those parts out.

They do this because society as a whole does not have a huge issue with what someone does in their personal life as long as it is within the confines of our laws.

The problem is God has a higher standard.

2007-02-28 01:23:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they don't always really understand what the Bible says about sin and sex. Sex isn't sin, it's been made by God and is beautiful, or at least, meant to be beautiful. What sometimes makes it ugly is when it's not done for the right reasons: as a way of expressing your love for another person. That's when it starts getting sick.

But did you know that a whole Bible book has been devoted to erotic love? Have you read Song of Solomon? The church has long tried to interpret it as an allegory of God's love for the church, which was silly. They're love songs, and about exclusive love, but very erotic as well!

2007-02-28 00:02:22 · answer #3 · answered by Amelie 6 · 1 1

To God, all sin is bad or "worst"

if you lie, or commit adultery, or murder, it will produce the same eternal punishment.

Since sex is a stong drive, many people tend to go in that direction when they sin, so this sin is not the "worst" but the most prevalent.

All sin requires repentance before forgiveness can be granted.

2007-02-28 00:22:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good question, and I understand that you are talking about what would be considered by most Christians as being immoral. I found that in a lot of churches talking about sex is often "tabu." Athough when you throw something that they believe to be immoral in the mix....like premarital sex, homosexuality, abortion, etc; Christians become inflamed, and there is no gray area in their opinion for sin.

2007-02-28 00:18:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Another UNwise asker. Sex in a marriage ordained by God is honorable, & the Bed undefiled, The only time a Christian is not to have sex & it has to be agree on by the Husband & wife, Is for the fact of Praying & fasting, Then they are to come together again as a Husband & wife so that satan will not tempt us. As a Christian for 37 yrs. sex is my least priority. Doing God will is my first & God gave me a Very understandable Christian Wife, & we have NEVER one time fought over any scriptures, Why, Because God gave us the same Holy Ghost spirit that will line up with God's word. Not one time have we disagreed, & that has been going on 17 yrs. now.

2007-02-28 00:00:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes they are focused on worst sins but nobody inquires...For e.g, a woman said ''Obviously they musn't kill Sadam...it is forbidden to kill ..''You shall not kill!''-says one of God's comandements ..
Other Christians are not entirely Christians inside their hearts , because they loved sex, instead of loving the man./woman.So they enjoyed sex and don't bother about something else at consequesnce ...But real Christian are difeferent and a little bit more complete ..They try to improve everything ...or pray...

2007-02-28 00:01:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Perhaps this will shed some light on that:

Author David Shaw wrote in "The Pleasure Police" (1996),“Misery does indeed love company; people who aren’t having any fun don’t want anyone else to have any fun either, sexual or otherwise.”

Shaw speaks further about the link between religion and anti-pleasure, saying,“Maybe it’s precisely because sex is so overpowering, so all-consuming, so capable of not only overwhelming but of obliterating all else, that the extreme religionists among us are so opposed to it, and so appalled by it.”

“Besides, sex is about losing control, about abandoning oneself to the moment.” “Most very religious people seem to think that the only 'other' to whom one should ever abandon oneself is God...”

2007-02-28 00:22:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Um...what are "worst sins"?! As far as I know, to God sin is sin is sin...

However, there are some sins that have more fatal consequences than others, and one of these is sexual sin. All that God commands us to do is for our own good, not His my friend.

2007-02-27 23:56:50 · answer #9 · answered by ccc4jesus 4 · 1 1

your questions makes no sense. All sin is equally sinful. Lying, adultery, killing, homosexuality, abortion, swearing in the Lord's name, embezzling, making up rumors in order to hurt the other person, envy, etc. are all sins; equal in being disobedient to the Lord thus being equal in punishment by the Lord.

2007-02-27 23:59:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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