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my cat is almost a year old, but has horrible allergies in the summer. He was checked by a vet twice and i was told he just has allergies and just to watch what cleaners, etc i use in the house. Even when im not cleaning he's stuffy and sneezing with watery eyes (clear discharge). Is there anything out there i can give him that will help his allergies or eyes?

2007-02-27 23:45:37 · 2 answers · asked by sassy2sloppy 2 in Pets Cats

2 answers

The vet may prescribe an antihistimine for him. Our dog has allergies and is on allergy shots and antihistimines. Don't medicate him with human medicines unless you check with the vet first.

2007-02-28 00:15:54 · answer #1 · answered by erinn83bis 4 · 0 0

Try another vet, because I do believe they have allergy medication for cats. My sisters cat has allergies, and takes a pill for it. Try checking out the website below.

2007-02-28 11:54:05 · answer #2 · answered by Mrs. T 4 · 0 0

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