You're wrong; the Constitution is indeed being used... as a museum relic of a what America once WAS: a DEMOCRATIC Republic. Unfortunately, the likes of Tricky Dicky, Ford, Reagan Bush Sr., and King Dubya have turned this into a Plutocracy, a country run by and for the super rich and powerful who are above the laws they impose on the general population, and use THEIR selected elected officials as pawns to continue to profiteer. Ever read Orwell's "1984"?
Tricky Dicky was forced to resign because he broke the law and was sure to be impeached, arrested and incarcerated; Dubya is doing pretty much the same and getting away with it... and we're allowing it? WHAT THE HELL IS THE CONSTITUTION FOR? To ignore it whenever it doesn't suit someone's personal agenda?
The so-called "Patriot Act" and Homeland Security are nothing more than political euphemisms like the Double Talk of Orwell's supposed Utopian society, where the social classes are kept at bay through unwritten laws, where they have clandestine prisons for "re-educating" through torture, where they spy on the populace, the presence of armed military personnel to instill fear on the populace, the random and illegal searches being perpetrated on the citizens everyday throughout the nation... brainwashing with patriotic slogans and propaganda and the use of fear tactics through the supposed terrorist threat... sound familiar? We're re-living McCarthyism with a new twist... the real threat of being incarcerated in clandestine prisons and being tortured rather than the 50s ostracism from the job site.
Remember, McCarthyism existed because people were too frightened to question or challenge one madman... in the same way they did with Hitler... is this what we're waiting for? The conditions are ripe...
Little by little, our Nation is giving in to the fabricated threats and surrendering freedoms, liberties and rights that others before us fought and shed blood for, DIED for... and all for the sake of the super rich and powerful who control our "elected" officials and allow us to think we elect our public officials... to give the super rich and powerful greater fortunes and to continue to herd us at whim. People are disappearing and being locked away without opportunity to prove their innocence, without legal counsel, being tortured... just like our former and present enemies have done and are still doing... WHAT separates us from our enemies, what makes us better than our enemies... the MYTH of a democratic society?
I've had relatives and family members die in each and every war and conflict this nation has had since World War I up to the present; I also experienced firsthand McCarthyism and the excess of assumed powers... some of you are just pups still wet behind your ears, eyes filled with illusions of grandeur and your heads filled with slogans and propaganda... but you have never experienced abuse of power on the part of our elected officials as my family did during the 50s when my dad was accused of being a communist simply because he quoted the Constitution and Labor Laws when he helped WWII and Korean vets who denied civil servant jobs because they were Black, Hispanic or Jewish, and not even allowed to take the Civil Service Exams (Fire Department, Police Department, Sanitation Department, Education Department... etc).
Do any of you young puppies REALLY know what it is to have your home ransacked by armed FBI agents who pile the contents of all your drawers and closets in the middle of the room and laugh on the way out? I DO.
OR, do you see wastes (which equals abuse) while in the armed services and say nothing because "that's the way it is"? IF so, you're part of the problem, not the solution!
WHO or what protects us from these abuses on the part of our elected officials who overlook and break laws for their conveniences and their own personal agendas? The Constitution is the LAW OF THE LAND, not a trifling piece of paper to be used whenever it is convenient and ignored when it is not... otherwise, it has no meaning or value.
2007-02-27 21:26:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sir, you have no idea what a police state is. In China, criticizing the government can get you imprisoned. In Singapore, chewing gum is a criminal offense. In Russia, political activism can get you killed. In North Korea, failure to worship Kim Jong-Il can get you and your entire family to three generations executed, simply for "being of bad blood."
The United States has sacrificed many freedoms with the Patriot act, likely far more than necessary even to achieve the goals. It is a shame that this has happened, but remember this. The United States is not a police state. If it was, you could not say that and sleep in your own bed the next night.
2007-02-28 05:25:05
answer #2
answered by BDOLE 6
You think we live in a Polic state?! Go do some real research on North Korea, thats a police state. No outside media, no internet, cant leave the country, cant criticize Kim Jong Il, cant call outside countries, curfews, random house checks. Thats Police State.
2007-02-28 05:24:00
answer #3
answered by the Animal 3