They have ran out of ideas of what ideology to fight thats why they invented this muslim terrorist.INSHA Allah they will fail becouse ISLAM is a religion based on PEACE & MUSLIMS are peace loving people.
2007-02-27 20:19:25
answer #1
answered by majidadi 1
I Agree With you !!
Well Islam Doea not promote terrorism but The westren media shows the world that Islam does and peoples are too lazy to search for themselves to know the truth theirself.....As a matter of fact christains have more murders in their credit than muslims but they are safe from such propaganda because media favour them.....
Just a small list of non-muslim terrorists and organizations .
Marxism and communism was founded by Christians
WW1 and 2
Hagana and Zonistics are jews organizations !!
this is never ending list
And The Alqaeda is a muslim terrorist organization !!
A clearcut comparisonshowing which community has more terrorists
But ofcourse Media RULES !!!
2007-02-28 04:40:30
answer #2
answered by ★Roshni★ 6
People will never understand that Islam is not a terrorist religion. It makes me wonder how they came to the conclusion that all Muslims in the world promotes terror. I understand that there are people who committing terrorist acts, but people they are not real Muslims. How many times must I post this on this site. Repeat after me: Islam doesn't support terrorism. Terrorism is committed by fools who twist Islam to fit their own needs. Please stop hating innocent people who are only trying to be the best Muslim they can be and that is being a loving and caring person.
2007-02-28 04:24:41
answer #3
answered by Ayesha 4
I would have to ask you seriously if your religion preaches violence towards anyone who do does not see things the way your religion does. There is a lot of mis-information out there and I think most Christians are afraid to confront Muslims about their faith because of the terrorist factor. The most important question about Islam that Christians' have is - who do you believe is your Savior, your God and Messiah. I believe in the spiritual realm, both religions have the same belief, to a certain extent, but when it comes to history, the lines become crossed. There cannot be two different Messiahs. Therein lies the question. Was Jesus the Son of God or Allah, or was he just a prophet. And if that is true. who is the messiah that we are waiting for the second coming on. Moses, Abraham, Elijiah, Mohammed??? I personally believe Jesus is the Messiah because of the historical miracles. Call me whatever because of my beliefs. I won't force them upon anyone. I will only share them...
2007-02-28 04:25:13
answer #4
answered by DjSlinky77 2
I am a Christian, and I ask you humbly and sincerely, how do you react to the word "Jew". If you still feel peaceful, your a better man than I.
I know thousands of Muslims, some I consider members of my family, whom I love, and all, to a man and woman have a bias against the Jews that dishonors the peace Islam claims to teach. Don't feel I am persecuting Muslim's, nearly all that I know behave pretty much the way the thousands of Christians I know behave. None of them are up for sainthood. The truth is bigotry against the Jew pervades Islamic culture.
As for terrorists, Bush hasn't actually defined what one is yet, so the jury is still out on that one. I have to know what a terrorist is before I can identify one.
2007-02-28 03:57:21
answer #5
answered by blogbaba 6
sorry Barbara L
but u are totally wrong ...i am Muslim who lives in an Islamic country and i can assure u that Christians are not treated badly as u said ....on the contrary....most of my friends are Christians and i was graduated from a christian school.... and we live peacefully together ...i mean the word peacefully its just that you are blinded by ur media ...we don't have high crime rates as ur countries have we don't have racism we don't hate each other .....
hey now I'll answer ur question
every Muslim u know is not a terrorist cause those terrorists are not Muslims they are called "terrorists" OK... have u ever heared or read in the Quran that Muslims should kill innocent people? or treat people from other religions badly?? i am sure u haven't Islam is not a religion of terrorism and Muslims are not terrorists
2007-02-28 04:08:17
answer #6
answered by me 3
This question is often hurled at Muslims, either directly or indirectly, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such misinformation and false propaganda often leads to discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims. A case in point is the anti-Muslim campaign in the American media following the Oklahoma bomb blast, where the press was quick to declare a ‘Middle Eastern conspiracy’ behind the attack. The culprit was later identified as a soldier from the American Armed Forces.
Let us analyze this allegation of ‘fundamentalism’ and ‘terrorism’:
1. Definition of the word ‘fundamentalist’
A fundamentalist is a person who follows and adheres to the fundamentals of the doctrine or theory he is following. For a person to be a good doctor, he should know, follow, and practise the fundamentals of medicine. In other words, he should be a fundamentalist in the field of medicine. For a person to be a good mathematician, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of mathematics. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of mathematics. For a person to be a good scientist, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of science. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of science.
2. Not all ‘fundamentalists’ are the same
One cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush. One cannot categorize all fundamentalists as either good or bad. Such a categorization of any fund amentalist will depend upon the field or activity in which he is a fundamentalist. A fundamentalist robber or thief causes harm to society and is therefore undesirable. A fundamentalist doctor, on the other hand, benefits society and earns much respect.
3. I am proud to be a Muslim fundamentalist
I am a fundamentalist Muslim who, by the grace of Allah, knows, follows and strives to practise the fundamentals of Islam. A true Muslim does not shy away from being a fundamentalist. I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim because, I know that the fundamentals of Islam are beneficial to humanity and the whole world. There is not a single fundamental of Islam that causes harm or is against the interests of the human race as a whole. Many people harbour misconceptions about Islam and consider several teachings of Islam to be unfair or improper. This is due to insufficient and incorrect knowledge of Islam. If one critically analyzes the teachings of Islam with an open mind, one cannot escape the fact that Islam is full of benefits both at the individual and collective levels.
4. Dictionary meaning of the word ‘fundamentalist’
According to Webster’s dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ was a movement in American Protestanism that arose in the earlier part of the 20th century. It was a reaction to modernism, and stressed the infallibility of the Bible, not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record. It stressed on belief in the Bible as the literal word of God. Thus fundamentalism was a word initially used for a group of Christians who believed that the Bible was the verbatim word of God without any errors and mistakes.
According to the Oxford dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ means ‘strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion, especially Islam’.
Today the moment a person uses the word fundamentalist he thinks of a Muslim who is a terrorist.
5. Every Muslim should be a terrorist
Every Muslim should be a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who causes terror. The moment a robber sees a policeman he is terrified. A policeman is a terrorist for the robber. Similarly every Muslim should be a terrorist for the antisocial elements of society, such as thieves, dacoits and rapists. Whenever such an anti-social element sees a Muslim, he should be terrified. It is true that the word ‘terrorist’ is generally used for a person who causes terror among the common people. But a true Muslim should only be a terrorist to selective people i.e. anti-social elements, and not to the common innocent people. In fact a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people.
6. Different labels given to the same individual for the same action, i.e. ‘terrorist’ and ‘patriot’
Before India achieved independence from British rule, some freedom fighters of India who did not subscribe to non-violence were labeled as terrorists by the British government. The same individuals have been lauded by Indians for the same activities and hailed as ‘patriots’. Thus two different labels have been given to the same people for the same set of actions. One is calling him a terrorist while the other is calling him a patriot. Those who believed that Britain had a right to rule over India called these people terrorists, while those who were of the view that Britain had no right to rule India called them patriots and freedom fighters.
It is therefore important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be analyzed, and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly.
7. Islam means peace
Islam is derived from the word ‘salaam’ which means peace. It is a religion of peace whose fundamentals teach its followers to maintain and promote peace throughout the world.
Thus every Muslim should be a fundamentalist i.e. he should follow the fundamentals of the Religion of Peace: Islam. He should be a terrorist only towards the antisocial elements in order to promote peace and justice in the society.
2007-02-28 04:46:49
answer #7
answered by PeaceKeeper 2
It's media...
Osama Bin Ladin is not a representative for Islam, Nor a sample for a Muslim...
Instead you look for the nationality of the doer, you're looking for his Religion...
It is really strange that "I", who's living in a third world country, Understand that, and understand that "Ku Klux Klan" that have advocated white supremacy, antisemitism, racism.. is not an example to christians.. it is really weired that you in the west generalize while you are supposed to be more educated and open minded... Does "Ku Klux Klan" represent christians or the whole West??
2007-02-28 06:25:44
answer #8
answered by Lawrence of Arabia 6
Those "terrorist" dose exist no body can deny......They have strong faith in the worng direction.....they are missguided by some pepole who claim they are schoolers but in fact they are lower than a student of Islamic Knowldge...I live in saudi arabia untile this moment I did not hear any one who is happy with the bombing here and there...
This really make it very very strange for me....
2007-02-28 04:04:26
answer #9
answered by MusliM...SalaFi 3
My complaint for Islam stems from the fact that many of them condemn alcohol and pork products yet smoke tobacco & use profanity. Also, many of them sell all of these products which are "harrum?" in their stores. How can they justify these things as a "its between me & Allah" type of deal? Wrong is wrong. Nicotine is a drug just like cocaine. Smoking is way more deadly than eating a slab of bacon and washing it down with a 40 oz Bud.
2007-02-28 04:00:27
answer #10
answered by LA Law 4