Dino's were on earth during the beginning, for he created all creatures during the 6 days. (define "day" for that time to realize the length of time). Dino's were on the Ark and they were on earth after Noah. And don't get shocked, but they are still with us today and many keep them as pets.
Its a long story, but real quick....earth use to have ice shield (this is where the rain came from for Noah's flood), this creates higher air pressure in turn creating higher level of oxygen. Dino's had small nostrils and ice and amber proves air then had more oxygen. When you put something in a pressure chamber today with oxygen, it grows bigger, stronger, healthier and will live longer (hence why Micheal Jackson sleeps in one). When you take a animal like a lizard or gecko and put it in that situation, they grow BIG. Cause even science today tells us reptiles never stop growing their entire life. Today they live say 20 yrs....back then, they lived 200 yrs.
Kent Hovind goes into more detail on his videos. He has a 7 part series out on google and youtube. can also download them from his site, www.drdino.com.
2007-02-27 15:25:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Dinosaur means large lizard, not exstint lizard. But the exist animals that were very large lizards lived before the great flood. God has small animals, babies, go on the arc. After the great flood, new plants needed to grow. Man was allowed to eat meat, thus hunting animals, and the new generation of animals didn't live as long as they did before the flood (same as humans). They grew to a smaller size. We still have lizards but they are much smaller. We still have many of the same animals in the oceans but only smaller.
Why do we argue about this so much. Not a single person on earth, long ago nor today knows the truth about all of this. It's all theories. The ones that believe in creation just go on faith and what they were told growing up or read about later. In time we will know for sure what is what. How long the 6 days of creation took, how old the earth is and the universe is. For now, I just prefer to believe that God created it all in a period of time that was longer than 6 days and less than a million years.
2007-02-27 15:32:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God created the earth and everbody on it. satan was roaming the earth too. Then satan started his rebellion. Then god took everbody up to heaven. Then he flooded the whole earth that is why the bible says it was shapless and void. The actual manuscripts says it was MADE void . Noahs flood came some 23,000 yrs later. JOB chapter 40 mentions dinos .calls them behemoth. Ask me more.
2007-02-27 15:38:25
answer #3
answered by swindled 7
Science says about 50 million years ago.
That they were wiped out by a meteor hit at about that time.
There were 6 days of creation and one day of rest.
A God day was quite long.
Man didn't get created until the 6th. day.
I think a God day was about 2.5 billion years long. No one really knows.
It is estimated that the universe is 12-14 billion years old.
You are probably asking yourself, is this guy a Christian? Yes I am a Christian.
There is no scripture that covers dinosaurs. The time lines are not clear.
There is only indications that time passed.
2007-02-27 15:36:51
answer #4
answered by chris p 6
Look at the Book of Job chapter #40. Also, I believe in Deuteronomy. They roamed the earth prior to the flood side by side with humans. There are smaller scale dinosaurs still with us today. Our reptiles! No, they are not 1 third or the bad angels cast down, those would be Satan and his demon angels.
2007-02-28 05:19:47
answer #5
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
First they were not angels,
second they were created in the fifth day (Genesis 1:20).
third that "day" are no of 24 hours means certain period of time the word day in the bible has different meaning (24 hours, one year, 1000 years, certain period undefine time) could be hundrends thousand years, god is not in the earth so the 24 period of time do not rule him
fourth Demons were cast out in revelation and that occur less than a 100 years that is why the world is so crazy and evil.
They must died in flood.
2007-02-27 15:29:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i don't know about the "shapeless and void" stuff, but they stopped roaming 65 million years ago. That is a fact.
With all due respect to Ent Wife, I would no more rely on a Christian Web site for science than I would a science Web site for religion.
Be sure to do an independent Web search on Dr. Dino. His degree is from the back of a match box (almost literally) and he's currently doing time for tax evasion.
2007-02-27 15:24:11
answer #7
answered by Brendan G 4
There are a variety of viewpoints on this within Christian circles. Many Christians believe that the dinosaurs lived when the scientist suggest that they lived. As a matter of fact, I think if you consult the most highly regarded evangelical commentaries on the matter, you will find this to be the case (Wenham, Hamilton, Walton, etc.). In addition, many Christians believe that the flood was a local flood.
2007-02-27 15:24:06
answer #8
answered by Steve 3
Dino's are still here, sounds silly but true (well at least for the species that are not yet extinct). They were big before the flood because they lived for so many years. They are reptiles, so they never stop growing, from the time they are born,until the time they die they keep growing. Before the flood the lived much longer which gave them time to grow much larger.
2007-02-27 15:30:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago when a giant meteorite struck the earth, it was the end of the Jurassic. In comparison, modern man has been on Earth for less than a million years.
2007-02-27 15:25:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous