The heaven is where Jesus will rule the earth, so cleaning the heaves of Satan and his demons was a we pray for his kingdom to come and His will to take place on earth as it is in heaven....Daniel 2:44...says.....“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; ..............................................This is when Jesus will clean the earth of Satan's influence.
2007-02-27 13:33:09
answer #1
answered by papa G 6
Satan roams the earth (as an angel would, remember, he was once God's highest angel before he rebelled) and has not yet been thrown into the fiery abyss.
Yes, Jesus is God, the Trinity The father, son and holy spirit + God. God the Father wrote his law, The Bible = The Word. The Word made Flesh = Jesus, thus Jesus is God, one part of the Trinity which is 3 personas or manifestation of one God.
Jesus is not responsible for anyone being cast into the fiery lake with Satan, we have free will and make those choices for ourselves.
2007-02-27 13:32:16
answer #2
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
Satan is on earth torturing us and tempting us into sin, while your grandpa is suffering in Hell. God is the only one on this Earth or in any other galaxy that can be at more then one place at a time.
2007-02-27 13:30:03
answer #3
answered by Bethany c 1
Jesus is God. He created hell as a place of torment; orginally designed to torment satan and his followers. Now it is also the place where those that dont believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior go to spend eternity. It's a person's choice either to "BE SAVED" by placing his or her trust in Jesus or the latter which is a shame because the choice is a rather easy one to make.
Satan is currently in earth tormenting and being used as a means to test God's children. He is nothing more than a evil servant of God, he still has to abide by the parameter God sets for him. Ie: The life of Job. He will not be tormenting anyone in hell, rather after the second comming of Jesus, satan and his minions will be tormented in hell.
2007-02-27 13:29:02
answer #4
answered by cpoppa112 2
You are somewhat correct. I thought I explained this 2 you earlier but here goes: In Revelation, there is a war in heaven between Christ and Satan. Jesus threw Satan out of heaven to earth. So ever since then, makind has been influenced by Satan. NOWHERE in the Bible does it mention a fiery hell. The cases i which it SEEMS like it is is referring to death in general. Hell only means "the grave of man." Jesus is not God. He is the son of god. It is emphasized in the WHOLE bible. Jesus is not responsible for death. And definitly not responsible for "hell" since it doesn't exist! Study more the Bible & look at our site. It will hep you understand lots of things.
2007-02-27 13:50:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Satan is not in hell in fact no one is in hell at this point. No one goes to hell until after the great white thrown judgment. In fact the scriptures about Satan being cast down to earth are prophecies and have not even taken place yet. As far as we know Satan still has access to heaven. At this point in time Satan is the prince of the power of the air and has the freedom to inhabit the earth and to go about as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. It is during the tribulation that he will be cast down to earth and then he will go on a rampage and seek to destroy his enemies.
2007-02-27 13:35:14
answer #6
answered by oldguy63 7
Hell is the grave. Satan is responsible for people being there because he caused Adam and Eve to be tempted and sin which then caused their deaths and the death of all their offspring until Jesus' sacrifice can be applied to their lives. God and Jesus do not want anyone to die. Anyone who has died already has either been resurrected to heavenly rulership with Jesus or is still asleep in death but NOT SUFFERING.
2007-02-27 14:03:09
answer #7
answered by Sparkle1 6
Satan "Lucifer" was the most beautiful angel, he was cast out of Heaven with other angels who followed him to "EARTH".
However they also are spiritual beings, thus they can MOVE about on the earth and in the heavens. This is why many believe alien encounters are demonic encounters.
Hell is holding those whom died before the Resurrection, those who chose to stay there instead of accepting Jesus' salvation plan after He decended into hell and lead captivity captive.
The Lake of Fire is where sinners will be cast after the Great White Throne Judgment of all souls.
Then the Lake of Fire itself will be cast into hell.
The Lake of Fire is NOT hell, until it is made ONE with hell by being cast into hell.
Right now the dead are in a form of slumber (i.e. sleep), they know nothing, think nothing, and do nothing. They will be either raised when the dead in Christ shall rise to meet Jesus in the air, or they will be raised upon the time of the Great White Throne Judgment proceeding the Great Tribulation.
This is another reason when people say they speak to the DEAD, we have proof that they cannot do so. For the dead slumber in a spiritual rest until the Judgment Seat of Christ.
God is NOT responsible for man's choices to remain in sin and be worthy of hell and not heaven. Thus, it is a person's choices that gain them entry to heaven OR hell.
God makes judgements about a person's spiritual condition, based upon their life, thoughts and choices. He does not throw them into hell, He instead allows them to choose where their eternal soul will dwell, by those thoughts, choices, and lifestyle decisions they made during their life.
I do hope this has answered your question, as well as expounded upon other related issues you and others might wonder about.
2007-02-27 13:49:46
answer #8
answered by Jewel 3
Satan has access to the earth. In the end, death and hell, and Satan are cast into the lake of fire.
Jesus (God) made the rules. It is up to us to follow them. So if I would not have accepted Jesus, it would be my fault that I would be in Hell. I have accepted Jesus, so I will be in Heaven one day.
2007-02-27 13:36:30
answer #9
answered by RB 7
i will say the main effective lie that a financial employer robber could tell could be that the financial employer wasn't robbed. The devil would not choose you to contemplate he exist. If he would not exist, then neither does hell, or any of the entertainment of the story. Hell itself isn't the fiery furnace that devil will inherit, even however which could be wherein some spend eternity. The rather hell is spending eternity exterior the presence of God. Rev 20:14 And death and hell were solid into the lake of fireside. that's the 2nd death.
2016-10-02 02:27:59
answer #10
answered by leckie 4