no. if not resident or EU national then need permission get married, only not get as is illegal.
next question.
2007-02-27 19:19:34
answer #1
answered by Frisky 5
No, you cannot marry in the UK if you are not in the country on a valid visa. The registrar/priest/minister/rabbi/etc will not perform the ceremony. You are ineligible for a UK marriage license.
You can certainly go back to your home country and marry (we assume you're talking about the father of your unborn child, if not....sigh...) but marriage alone does not give you right of abode in the UK. Neither does having a child in the UK when you are illegal yourself.
The brief answer is: you must go home and take it from there.
2007-02-28 09:16:50
answer #2
answered by lesroys 6
Al Fayed own Harrods, employs thousands as well as supports British charities and he can't get a British passport.
You will have to do better than being pregnant if you want to stay.
I hear there is a special room at immigration in all airports for illegals to marry, you can't 'phone them, you just turn up and ask for directions to the duty manager of illegal immigration office and explain your case and give the reasons why you want to stay.
2007-02-28 03:19:10
answer #3
answered by st.abbs 5
No you have to go back to your own country first and apply from that end. Being pregnant and getting married does not change your status of being illegal.
2007-02-27 21:20:20
answer #4
answered by Pearl 5
No you can't, and also if you are pregnant and in this country illegally you are not entitled to N.H.S treatment or any other medical treatment, you have not paid any national insurance, you have not paid any tax, do you expect the people of Britain to pay it for you, I think you have a bloody cheek even to ask this question, you are the type of parasite that this country wants rid of, go back to your own country and let them look after you, its people like you who put the hate into the hearts of people like me GO HOME PARASITE.
2007-03-02 01:11:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Think you may need to prove who you are to the registrars office, who will not marry you if you cannot provide official papers.
Do think govenment will crack down and send you back home should UK have an influx of woman who come to get themselves up the duff in the hope of getting PR.
Many Happy Returns
2007-02-27 21:23:17
answer #6
answered by Jewel 6
Having a child doesnt give you an automatic right to remain in the country. If you are illegal you are still likely to be deported and your child could be taken into care and adopted for its own safety.
2007-02-27 12:14:53
answer #7
answered by BigMomma2 5
Nope, you can't get married when you live in the UK illegally.. you even can't give birth in a hospital here I guess... :-o
2007-02-27 12:17:16
answer #8
answered by Lemi 4
If your an illegal go anywhere near the state which you would have to do to register the wedding you'll be back home sharpish, so have a nice wedding.
2007-02-27 12:10:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't matter if you are pregnant or not, to marry you need a passport and the register office will check this passport and you as well. So the answer is no, as you will end up being "not married" and deported
2007-02-28 07:01:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If you mean your here illegally and can you get married because you are pregnant. Then NO because you are still here illegally and pregnant.
2007-02-27 12:10:42
answer #11
answered by Anonymous