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I heard a rumour that this guy I know (and also like) cheated on his mean girlfriend. I talked to him about it and he said it was an awful rumour that has been ruining the school year for him. He was really upset about it and I beleive him that he didnt cheat. (the source of the rumour was not exactly trustworthy). but I guess the real advice I need is what can I do to get him to like me AFTER he is available.

2007-02-27 10:52:34 · 6 answers · asked by Chat Noir 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

Well if he's distraught about the rumor that he cheated on his girlfriend then I am thinking that he has feelings for his girlfriend and you may be better off moving on. but just in case he does break up with his girlfriend then right now while he's going through all of this be there for him...don't tell him how he should break up with her and cheat on her and stuff just be there for him and tell him that if he needs anything that you are always there for him. Just be really nice to him and maybe one day he'll want to be with you!

2007-02-27 10:58:31 · answer #1 · answered by Crystal 3 · 0 0

Don't push it. First be his friend- don't repeat again the rumor and let things flow. If this guy is for you it will all fall in place.
Never force things go easy. Don't show him your feelings or that your anxious to be with him.

2007-02-27 18:58:55 · answer #2 · answered by Taz 4 · 0 0

you dont have to do any thing at all ..
because you already told him that you are intrested when you asked about that rumour...
be always around and that's all ...
show him that you care .. and i am sure you can do it ..
that's all

2007-02-27 19:00:19 · answer #3 · answered by Ricardo V 2 · 0 0

Be there for him and be supportive. If the rumor is false it will die out and the truth will come out. Be patient.

2007-02-27 18:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by Janst 4 · 0 0

comfort him, hang out with, say "that even if u did cheat ur gf deserved it, and I know someone more deserving then her for you"

2007-02-27 18:56:50 · answer #5 · answered by j-rod 2 · 0 0

be yourself. be honest. smile alot. giggle. and most importantly, make him laugh. dont be too hyper or obnoxious.

2007-02-27 18:56:26 · answer #6 · answered by amandadanielle<3 1 · 0 0

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