Forced sexual relations.
2007-02-27 10:17:18
answer #1
answered by mom of 7 4
sweetie if you say no and he does anyways that is rape, there is no such thing as different degrees of rape, but there are different circumstances. If I a grown man take a girl under the age of consent across the state line that is statutory rape, because I am a man I have a little problem with what is referred to as date rape, but still support the concept that if a woman says no it no. There is also the rapist that forces a woman to submit to his desires, this has very little to do with sex as much as it has to do with power, meaning I can do what ever I want to to you. I am just an old man I could have it all wrong but if my sons were to try any of the things that I have mentioned I would take them to jail the cops wouldn't have to come after them.
2007-02-27 10:24:22
answer #2
answered by ffperki 6
Rape is when one person forces another person to submit to their need for sex. It is rarely committed by females, but most often done by men.
When a male rapes a woman it is the ultimate act of dominance. They put the woman down, and climb on top of her and then expose her genitals and forcefully insert their penis inside her, and have sex with her. Some men aren’t even to reach organism, but most rapists do.
Women think that the fault of the rape is their own. They must have done something to trigger or encourage the rape. This is what makes rape so harmful for women. It is the ultimate act of dominance, it makes them feel damaged and discarded, and they often think that they did something to cause the rape.
Actually, rape is the act by a man who is either impotent or inadequate OR by a man trying to fulfill a fantasy. The actual victim of the rape itself has little to do with the crime, which is why man elderly women get raped. In these cases the woman doesn’t look attractive to a twenty something male. What gives this twisted guy the ability to rape is that he feels he can dominate this woman and control the situation. It is much easier to rape a woman who can’t defend herself than a woman who can.
Some males feel impotent or unable to control their life. They work for someone and that person has power over them. They are poor and the government has a hold on them because of taxes and its laws. His companions probably ridicule him and think he is weak, or he THINKS that they are doing this. They think that the world is out to get them. Put in a situation like this the person’s rage has to be pushed down and carefully controlled. So when it finally escapes it does so in several harmful ways. It can manifest as rape or spousal and child abuse.
In all three cases the guy is picking on someone who cannot fight back—the bully syndrome. It is bad when the guy hurts people who love him and it is bad when a man takes his rage out on someone he barely knows or doesn’t even know. You would think that if a woman was the boss then a damaged male who has to answer to her would want to rape her. That may be true, but part of the problem is that the man is afraid to do anything to her. Instead he will take it out on someone else. He might even have fantasies of raping his female boss when he is raping someone else.
In maybe 2% of all rape cases the woman did something like teasing the man too much and caused the rape. However, in over 95% of the cases of rape the actual woman who was raped didn’t matter as much as that she was someone the rapist felt he could control and dominate.
Rape is a horrible crime, but it is the fault of the rapists not the woman. Even in the extremely rare cases where the woman did something to encourage the rape, a normal male wouldn’t do it, only a damaged male would.
2007-02-27 11:09:52
answer #3
answered by Dan S 7
Rape is not a disease. It is when somebody forces another person to have sex. Because you type well, have heard the term, and are registered on this site, it is very scary that you do not know what rape is. Please talk to a parent or some other trusted adult and ask them to tell you what you can do to protect yourself from being raped. Being raped is often very dangerous, and you should always be careful with your body.
2007-02-27 10:19:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Rape is sex forced on a person who does not want it.
It can be on a date, when the male forces the female or
Adults can force kids into sex or
In prison, stronger inmates force the weaker ones or attack someone by use of group force , with multiple guys using the person for sex while they are held down by others.
2007-02-27 10:26:33
answer #5
answered by kate 7
Rape is any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. Basically it is being forced to have sex even though you don't want to. There is no choice...rape can happen with men and woman as long as you have said "NO!" and are being forced into sex then it is rape.
-If you think you may have been I am very sorry. Please seek help
2007-02-27 10:20:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The legal term rape has traditionally referred to forced vaginal penetration of a woman by a male assailant. Many states have now abandoned this concept in favor of the gender-neutral term sexual assault. The legal definition of criminal sexual assault is any genital, oral, or anal penetration by a part of the accused's body or by an object, using force or without the victim's consent (7). Criminal sexual assault, or rape, is often further stratified to include acquaintance rape, date rape, statutory rape, child sexual abuse, and incest. Such terms generally describe the age of the victim and her relationship to the abuser. Despite these various classifications of rape, it is important to remember that all are acts of rape.
Acquaintance rape refers to those sexual assaults committed by someone known to the victim, frequently a date, teacher, employer, or family member. Instances in which the perpetrator is related to the victim generally are defined as incest. Although incest refers to sexual intercourse among family members, or those legally barred from marriage (8), this definition has been conceptually broadened to also include step-relatives and parental figures living in the home.
Date rape, which is a subset of acquaintance rape, generally refers to forced or unwanted sexual activity that occurs within a dating relationship. For a significant number of adolescents, however, the classic one-on-one date is no longer the social norm. Instead, an adolescent female may be more likely to socialize with a group at a dance, a party, or another unsupervised group activity. As such, she may not respond accurately to questions regarding date rape. The classic date rape, however, remains a significant problem on college campuses.
Statutory rape refers to sexual intercourse with a female under a specified age (9). All 50 states and the District of Columbia have laws criminalizing statutory rape. Such laws typically base the severity of the crime on the age of the adolescent victim and the age difference between the adolescent and her assailant. The age at which an adolescent may consent to sexual intercourse varies by state and ranges from 14 to 18 years of age; however, the consent of an adolescent younger than this range is legally irrelevant because she is defined as being incapable of consenting.
Sexual assault occurring in childhood also is defined by most states as child abuse. The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect defines childhood sexual abuse as "contact or interaction between a child and an adult when the child is being used for the sexual stimulation of that adult or another person" (10). Childhood sexual abuse may be committed by another minor when that person is either significantly older than the victim (often defined as more than 5 years) or when the abuser is in a position of power or control over the child (10).
2007-02-27 10:18:13
answer #7
answered by kosmoistheman 4
rape is what others has told u already but it is not right and i still do not understand why people do it. To understand it more u should ask your parents or talk to a teacher that your comfortable talking to someone about it.
2007-02-27 12:08:31
answer #8
answered by sakura0158 2
rape is when a guy "does it" (has sex) with a girl but she does't want to
Recent in TIME: If a girl says yes to sex, but then changes to no after the "car parks in the garage" (intercourse) starts is that a rape?
2007-02-27 10:18:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is when someone takes advantage of you by force ! You are not a willing participant!! I was raped years ago and it is terrible and i KNEW this person !!
2007-02-27 10:18:40
answer #10
answered by linda bug 4
Rape is when you are forced into having sex. If you don't consent and the guy "makes" you unwillingly to have sex, that is rape.
2007-02-27 10:17:51
answer #11
answered by Anonymous