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41 answers

you are all sacked you bunch of kiddy fiddling cu*ts

2007-02-27 10:15:10 · answer #1 · answered by jardon 3 · 4 3

What have you been doing?
I did not tell my disciples to write any book.
Why did you burn the most important books of the Bible?
Why did you put all the books in one?
Who told you that the translations of the Bible are correct?
Why do you dress so rich?
Why do you accept so much money so you became the richest Church in the world?
Why do you got into the business world so you became a big stock holder of FIAT who also makes hunting air planes?
Why? Why? Why?
I was wrong. I am sorry but I am not the way to Salvation. That, was at that time.
Salvation must be while people are still alive. They have to know it before they abandon their bodies.
Who told you that there are no spirits? If there is a Holy one, it is implicit that there are others who are not so Holy. Why then you made the Inquisition?
Who gave you the authority to sanctify people?
Who the hell you think you are? Who gave you the authority to make the Crusades?
Why aren't you handling the people ever since, so they don't kill other people just because they have a different belief?
RESPECT Individuality!!!
You are condemned to HELL for what you've been doing for the last 2000 years. I will not intercede at my Father for you.
You mistook all I said in a too grand way. There is no forgiveness for you.

2007-02-28 01:16:11 · answer #2 · answered by Carlos C 2 · 1 1

What do you think the heads of the catholic church would say to him ?
Would they accept him for who he said he was or would they say he was a blasphemous impostor ?
Would he have to prove himself ?
Could he prove himself ?
water into wine would just seem like a magicians trick these days, so called `miracles` are happening all the time, what could he do to prove himself ?
Would we crucify him again ? this time in the tabloids ?
If He had any sense He would turn around and walk back out again

2007-03-02 02:14:45 · answer #3 · answered by bluegirl 3 · 0 0

He would say...."Thanks for keeping the Truth in the manner in which you did. For remaining faithful to my teachings in terms of handing on my Truth".

On a personal note he'd probably have some amount of feedback for those whose personal lives were less than stellar.

However, let's not confuse Truth with the sins of men! The Catholic Church -- and the Orthodox Church have always remained faithful to Jesus' teachings. Because He has given it his Holy Spirit, the Church is incapable of TEACHING error. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the clergy themselves were free from their propensity to sin....Jesus protected his Church as an Institution. He does not take away a man's free will when he becomes ordained.

One of the very worst pope's ever -- Pope Alexander VI, fathered at least four children, had mistresses, had 3 more "questionable" children and engaged in all sorts of other bad behavior -- BUT the Holy Spirit never allowed him to preach error.

Say what you will about Judas Iscariot -- the apostle who betrayed Jesus.....he was still hand-picked by Jesus even though Jesus knew he would betray him. WE betray him every time WE judge someone -- when pedophile priests or Islamic terrorists.

Remember, Jesus was very compassionate to the woman caught in adultery -- and was a bit more harsh toward those who couldn't wait to see her condemned.

Remember, too, Jesus did not come for the self-righteous....he came for the sick....those who were sinners....like me.

2007-02-27 10:32:30 · answer #4 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 1 3

Well he'd say Something big I'm sure like "I have, returned" in Latin or sand-script. The fun part would be the catholic though I think they would say "sh-it, you mean to tell me all this bull sh-it is true!" I suppose Devil pacts would come back a plenty.

2007-02-27 10:37:48 · answer #5 · answered by Jason 3 · 0 0

Do your best. Even I had a hard time with My followers. Every leader has their Judas. I Am still with you as I have been since the beginning. Mistakes happen. My Holy Spirit will continue to be with you as I promised you at the beginning. Be honest with yourself and others. Do as I would have done. When in doubt, ask Me for help. Remember I choose you long before you choose Me.

2007-02-27 10:26:50 · answer #6 · answered by Mary W 5 · 1 1

LOL A job well done,and to think about it all religion groups that believe in Jesus Christ is doing a job well done.
But if you believe in Churches of any kind and knowing men can and do evil you not believing in the Perfect God but man so I say do not judge other churches but do take care of yourself
God in every Religion that believe on his son Jesus
Are we God to say it wrong I say not we can quotes as many verses from the bible but remember we are only human and should respect other and theirs belief if they believe in God and his son Jesus
Lets God handle all the other problem

2007-02-27 10:18:10 · answer #7 · answered by Linda 7 · 0 2

He'd ask what all those graven images were doing in the churches. As a meek and humble man he'd be particularly annoyed at all those images and statues of himself
He'd want to know why the church has so much money when there are so many poor people in the World
He'd want to know why the church has so much power ("blessed are the meek", wasn't it?)
He'd want to know why the first Pope wasn't Mary Magdelane as he intended
He'd get pretty tee'd off about the Spanish Inquisition
He'd want to know why child abuse by priests and nuns is treated like it never happens ("suffer little children"?)
He'd want to know why the Bible contains four versions of his life story which contradict each other while at the same time many other gospels have been edited out altogether
He'd want to know why the church says abortion is the killing of a child when the Bible clearly states that a child isn't living until it draws its first breath (see >>>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ag.NFhUuc88yGtQYGOMB4NPsy6IX?qid=20061217100558AAK0OIE )

2007-02-27 10:13:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

"The Last Judgement
Look at the big version of "The Last Judgement"
"If before the Last Judgement we are dazzled by splendour and fear, admiring on the one hand the glorified bodies and on the other those subjected to eternal damnation, we also understand that the entire vision is deeply permeated by one light and one artistic logic: the light and logic of the faith that the Church proclaims by confessing: I believe in one God ... creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible" (from the Homily pronounced by the Holy Father John Paul II on 8 April 1994).

The mighty composition, painted by Michelangelo between 1536 and 1541, is centred around the dominant figure of Christ, captured in the moment preceding that when the verdict of the Last Judgement is uttered (Matthew 25:31-46). His calm imperious gesture seems to both command attention and placate the surrounding agitation. It starts a wide slow rotary movement in which all the figures are involved. Excluded are the two upper lunettes with groups of angels bearing in flight the symbols of the Passion (on the left the Cross, the nails and the crown of thorns; on the right the column of the scourging, the stairs and the spear with the sponge soaked in vinegar). Next to Christ is the Virgin, who turns her head in a gesture of resignation: in fact she can no longer intervene in the decision, but only await the result of the Judgement. The Saints and the Elect, arranged around Christ and the Virgin, also anxiously await the verdict. Some of them can be easily recognized: St Peter with the two keys, St Laurence with the gridiron, St Bartholomew with his own skin which is usually recognized as being a self-portrait of Michelangelo, St Catherine of Alexandria with the cogwheel and St Sebastian kneeling holding the arrows. In the centre of the lower section are the angels of the Apocalypse who are wakening the dead to the sound of long trumpets. On the left the risen recover their bodies as they ascend towards heaven (Resurrection of the flesh), on the right angels and devils fight over making the damned fall down to hell. Finally, at the bottom Charon with his oars, together with his devils, makes the damned get out of his boat to lead them before the infernal judge Minos, whose body is wrapped in the coils of the serpent. The reference in this part to the Inferno of Dante Alighieri's Divina Commedia is clear. As well as praise, the Last Judgement also caused violent reactions among the contemporaries. For example the Master of Ceremonies Biagio da Cesena said that "it was most dishonest in such an honoured place to have painted so many nude figures who so dishonestly show their shame and that it was not a work for a Chapel of the Pope but for stoves and taverns" (G. Vasari, Le Vite). The controversies, that continued for years, led in 1564 to the decision by the Congregation of the Council of Trent to have some of the figures of the Judgement that were considered "obscene" covered. The task of painting the covering drapery, the so-called "braghe" (pants) was given to Daniele da Volterra, since then known as the "braghettone". Daniele's "braghe" were only the first and in fact others were added in the following centuries."

Oh, BTW, Nice writings on "Christain Love"

2007-02-27 10:25:38 · answer #9 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 0 3

I think he'd say that they are going to hell unless they repent of their sins and turn to him and their Lord and saviour.

Maybe he'd tell them to get rid of all their statues and other idol worship as well.

Oh and that they should be praying to the living God, not to dead people (like Mary and other 'saints').

2007-02-28 09:21:52 · answer #10 · answered by ♥Enya♥ 4 · 0 0

Listen very carefully, I will say this only once>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hopefully there is no God cos you have f***** it up big time!

The Bible........in the versions currently available, he never sez he is GOD but only a son....and I am a daughter. OK........I ain't believing but if it turns out I am wrong, I will take my punishment.Until then.....leave me alone to work out my own problems cos your god don't seem to be listening.

By the way.....did you realise your god ain't so benevolent?? Read the Evil Bible and see where most of your nastiness came from!!!!

2007-02-27 10:25:39 · answer #11 · answered by Carol S 2 · 1 2

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