Exactly....Religion is man made...
2007-02-27 09:16:19
answer #1
answered by Arnold 4
I will admit, there are good arguments for evolution. But there are some things I don't understand. Why would animals evolve useless parts, like wings that don't fly? Why are these 'missing links' all seperate species? Shouldn't we find some specimens that haven't fully evolved yet, like a half formed wing or something? If life AROSE through evolution, through just atoms joining, then why can't scientists create life in a lab out of lifeless atoms? The top scientists in the world with unlimited laboratory resources cannot change inorganic matter into a single organic living cell. Where are the transistional missing links? Why can't a species change its number of chromosomes? If there was water on Mars, and cellular life, why didn't it evolve?
Hey, I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying they didn't bother to answer any of this. I have trouble accepting something until I hear a convincing argunment.
2007-02-27 09:29:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is about science right? Well do some research on DNA and you will find it is IMPOSSIBLE for DNA to come from nothing. The shear data in DNA cannot happen by chance.
Evolution falls short in scientific theory time and time again. There are too many leaps of faith in the evolutionary time-line to call it science. You honestly have to have more faith to believe in evolution than creation. Note every-time there is a new find the whole time-line is redrawn. And the carbon dating process starts by asking you when you request the test how old you think it is / which strata it was found in. That is in no way an independent test.
Man attempts to make himself God. Interestingly the evolutionary perspective puts man very low on the pole... just a little up from apes. Creation says that man is made in the image of God. That is truth.
2007-02-27 09:22:54
answer #3
answered by dkarnz3 2
"Evolution even created the god idea!" very bad sentence buddy .
how old is this poor theory ? oh do not say 6000 years old 'cause the god idea is 6000 years old too . I'm wondering if Evolution is king why it's still a theory ? of course those who say evolution is 100% wrong , are wrong . but evolution isn't a why to say god never existed .
as Pascal said believing in god just depends on yourself . have fun with the theory .
2007-02-27 09:29:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Please don't wreck a good case by overstating it!
Evolution is not responsible for the non-organic universe, nor for the origin of life.
(See abiogenesis)
All life on earth may be subject to the process of evolution but life may have not originated here.
(see panspermia and exogenesis)
The term evolution is abused in other ways, too.
Cars are said to "have evolved" when they have done no such thing...
And in no way are humans the "pinnacle" of evolution.
We just happen to be thown up by it. As a blind experiment we may well not last as long as the dinosaurs.
Unless we get self-sustainably off the planet, I'd bet we don't beat the sharks,(except I wont be around to collect).
Meme theory does suggest that ideas and social concepts also evolve. And one strand suggests that the God" concept is a side effect of useful social wiring.
But meme theory is a new meme, and it may not survive for long!
2007-02-27 09:39:39
answer #5
answered by Pedestal 42 7
Evolution does'nt create, it's a process. Stupid foreigner. Evolution has transformed from animals into superior beings and Sons of God.
2007-02-27 09:28:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First off Darwin was NOT a scientist, he was a theologist. The only reason he "researched" the idea of evolution was because he couldn't intellectualize or rationalize the word of God. But for all you evolutionist, if you want to believe that you descended from monkey's you go right ahead. I stick to the truth that we were created separately by the hands of All Knowing, perfect, and Holy God!
2007-02-27 09:27:54
answer #7
answered by drivn2excelchery 4
No no no. Species have much evolution within a type, but there has never been (nor will there ever be) any documented evolution from type to type! Darwin's finches, for example, had different sized beaks depending on where they lived. No finch ever changed into a horse to better live in its environment! Mutations take place within species.
I could keep going, but this'll do for now I think.
2007-02-27 09:21:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
evolution is real, genetics is a proven science and organisms evolve and pass on genetic trait through dna and rna.
this does not mean the is not a creator of life, and whoever the creator is is not necessarily some man made idea that comes with a rulebook and man made organized religion either.
science and religion co exist in this world and they existence of one does not negate the existence of the other,
2007-02-27 09:18:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Did this thought ever finally evolve in your mind that the fact of evolution is an EVOLUTION init self.... there was nothing and something happened and evolution just happened..... aint it?
2007-02-27 09:18:45
answer #10
answered by jojeevs 2
Evolution can not explain the origin of the universe nor can it explain the creation of consciousness. It does however explain all of the diversity of life after the first living things are created.
2007-02-27 09:17:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous