Lori S is right in saying that Radha is the pleasure potency of Krishna.
In the Hare Krishna mantra, one is addressing energy of the Lord, Hara-Srimati Radharani.
The energy is Hara, Radha, Sita etc...
The energetic is Hari, Krishna, Rama etc...
When a female is addressed, it is Hare, Late, Site, Radhe.
Radhe or Hare is addressing first the energy of God or Krishna
Further information from the teachings of the Founder of ISKCON
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that we should only beg God for His service life after life. This is the actual meaning of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. When we are chanting
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare,
we are actually addressing God and His energy, Hara. Hara is Krishna's internal potency, Srimati Radharani or Laksmi. Jaya radhe! This is daivi prakriti, and the devotees take shelter of the daivi prakriti, Srimati Radharani. Thus the Vaisnavas worship Radha-Krishna, Laksmi-Narayana and Sita-Rama. In the beginning of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra we first address the internal energy of Krishna, Hare. Thus we say, "O Radharani! O Hare! O energy of the Lord!" When we address someone in this way, he usually says, "Yes, what do you want?" The answer is, "Please engage me in Your service." This should be our prayer. We should not say, "O energy of the Lord, O Krishna, please give me money. Please give me a beautiful wife. Please give me many followers. Please give me some prestigious position. Please give me the presidency." These are all material hankerings, which should be avoided.
From the book, "Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti"
Further information,
Satyaraja dasa(Steven Rosen) wrote a book "Om Shalom", a conversation between Satyaraja Dasa and Rabbi Shimmel.
Satyaraja Dasa (Steven J. Rosen), comes from a Jewish background and has been studying Krishna Consciousness -academically and as a practitioner-for the last seventeen years.
Rabbi Jacob N. Shimmel, a halakhic scholar originally hailing from Prague, Czechoslovakia. A rabbi for over twenty years, and Founder and Director of the Talmud and Torah Beth Rabbinical Association.
Satyaraja Dasa: What are some of the other, authentic names for God as found in the Bible?
Rabbi Shimmel: One of the most prominent is Elohim (“The Almighty”), which occurs about 3,350 times. This is related to the Semitic El (“Divinity”). El can be found in the word Israel. El Eliyon is another related name. These can be found throughout the Bible... all substitutes for the Tetragrammaton... YHWH. Another name, used less frequently, is El Shaddai. Of course, in everyday parlance, we usually say HaShem... this is the commonly used name. HaShem merely means “the Name.”
But, you see, the Tetragrammaton, YHWH, this represents the actual name. It is known as the shem hameforash, or “the explicit name.” This is the one that is honored by the mystics. Each of the four Hebrew letters—yad, hay, vav, and hay—is said to reveal various aspects of the highest reality.
Satyaraja Dasa: There are Indian scholars who have had some thoughts on this. Yadavayah, they say. Another name for Krishna. They say this could be the name... it has the appropriate letters.
Rabbi Shimmel: [laughter] They took their best shot.
Satyaraja Dasa: [laughter] Gross speculation. Ser-iously, though. There is a correlation that can be made between the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and the Tetragrammaton. It may be considered speculative, but there is definitely at least an abstract connection, a correlative feature. The maha-mantra is made up of four connecting names: “Hare Krishna” and “Hare Rama.” Of these four, three are different: you have “Hare,” “Krishna,” and “Rama.” Now, in the Tetragrammaton, you have four letters: the “yad,” the “hay,” the “vav,” and the “hay.” Now of these four letters, three are different: you have the “hay,” the “yad,” and the “vav.” Furthermore, according to Kabbalah, the “hay” is considered feminine. Correct?
Rabbi Shimmel: Yes, that's true.
Satyaraja Dasa: So also is “Hare” considered feminine, since it refers to mother Hara—Radharani. What's more, in the Tetragrammaton, “yad” is considered masculine and “vav” is an extension of “yad.” Is this correct?
Rabbi Shimmel: Yes. And I see what you're getting at.
Satyaraja Dasa: Right. Krishna is masculine and Rama is His expansion. So this seems to be quite coincidental...
Rabbi Shimmel: This is the first. I mean that's quite an interesting way of looking at it...
2007-02-27 12:21:06
answer #1
answered by Gaura 7