I followed the evidence into the Catholic Church, and I will follow it out if it comes to that.
2007-02-27 03:28:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You decide that you believe that it isn't fictional until they come out with some indisputable proof that it was. I've been there myself until I did just that. I guess in religious terms, it's called faith; I just chose to believe that what I learned as a Catholic is true, but I also use the Church as a guide to God and I don't follow along with "blind faith." That is, I take into consideration that the Pope, for example, is a learned man in the way of God, but I don't let him decide for me that whatever he says is the only way.
You can be angry with those priests and with those higher ups who did nothing but cover it up. What they did is contradictory to God and what the priests and their earthly boss' preach. That doesn't negate the good things about the Church or the truth of it. Don't let those "christians" who claim that you are not because you are a Catholic lead you astray from the truth, either. They are the misguided ones.
2007-02-27 11:31:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Go back and rediscover your faith. During the last 10 to 20 years, many Diocese got carried away with the Vatican II thing and started teaching some pretty whacked out Theology. Go back and study what the REAL Catholic Church is all about. There is Truth in the Church and Jesus will never leave it. We are finally coming back around to the proper teachings after the Dike nuns and the Masonic people who got a hold of the some of the higher offices within the Church are now being exposed for who they are and heading out. Slowly but surly we are gaining ground against the enemy. Pope John Paul II was instrumental in standing pat against the insurgency. He is a Saint. You have everything to be proud of in your Church. Jesus said "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against her"
2007-02-27 11:34:20
answer #3
answered by Midge 7
My husband was catholic... and started reading the bible when he was 38 years old... because he had been told before that, that he could never understand it and shouldnt read it. He was seeking truth and found many contradictions to what the catholic church was teaching him... he left the church and became born again, thru his faith in Jesus.. and not in a religion/church. just keep seeking God, on a personal level. that is what God wants...
2007-02-27 11:42:04
answer #4
answered by livinintheword † 6
The scandals of the Church have hit hard and it hurts, but I feel the same as you: I cannot give up my Catholic faith. If anything, this is a time for prayer and healing for the whole Christian body, for everyone that has been hurt by this both directly and indirectly. Our priests need our prayers, and we need them.
God bless.
2007-03-01 09:56:05
answer #5
answered by Danny H 6
The personal acts of a priest or any other member of Christ's Church has nothing to do with the origin, identity, validity, or doctrinal truth of the Church. Otherwise we should abandon Christianity altogether since 1/12 of the original priests chosen by Christ Himself turned out to be traitorous.
2007-02-27 11:26:18
answer #6
answered by PaulCyp 7
Most of what Catholics believe isn't Bible based anyway..If you see a lot of injustices in your church, why do you stay and support that? That doesn't make any sense. You are right about one thing, it is between you and God.
2007-02-27 11:26:50
answer #7
answered by coutterhill 5
If you are a thinking person, who wants a philosophy based on fact as opposed to fiction, you can become an atheist. It is not necessary to discard your principles of living to do so; these may well be quite sound. I am quite at a loss to understand how you can suppose that a combination of imperfect components can make a perfect whole.
2007-02-27 11:27:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You keep the principles, which the "fictions" were created to illustrate. Don't throw out the lessons those fictions taught you. Just accept that they were tales told for a purpose, and that they no longer really suit that purpose.
2007-02-27 11:26:08
answer #9
No matter what faith you are, you need to use your head and your heart to guide you. All churches have been going through changes over the years. Don't give up on your faith, just don't let anyone convince you that you can't think for yourself as well.
2007-02-27 11:26:50
answer #10
answered by doktordbel 5