Let him try to make it illegal.
2007-02-27 03:22:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ah yes, the hallmark of religion; the will to destroy basic freedoms.
Who is he to dictate what others should and should not do?
If it's only for procreation, does that mean couples which are infertile or too old should never have sex?
And we all know that teenagers are only marginally interested in sex; passing such a law would remove that interest.
Killing everybody would completely eliminate teenage pregnancies, abortions, and STDs - why not do that?
What's immoral about something that doesn't hurt anybody:? Answer without invoking your god - unless you oppose religious freedom.
People like your pastor are the reasons christians are hated, feared and despised.
2007-02-27 03:29:54
answer #2
answered by eldad9 6
Yeah! Great idea.
Lets make drinking alcohol illegal too. Oh, wait, they tried that and it didn't work. In the end we discover time and again that you can't legislate morality.
Enacting such a law would be next to useless. Prostitution is a thriving business, even in the vast majority of the country where prostitution is illegal.
So what I am saying is that this is really a bad idea. We can't even keep under age children from drinking or smoking. They smoke in public. Do you think that we would be able to enforce a law that applies to what is essentially a private act?
I think that this type of law would actually cause an increase in STD infection rates. No one would ever get tested, and the rate of sexual intimacy would not change at all.
I think that this type of legislation is best avoided by our government.
2007-02-27 03:35:22
answer #3
answered by math_prof 5
No, this would be a violation of people's freedoms. I am married but I chose to live with my husband before we married. I don't think I could have felt ready to make such a commitment without living together first. I think my marriage is so solid because I did take the time to make sure before I married him. Pregnancy and stds can be prevented by using condoms and birth control. The states with higher abortion, std infection rates, and divorce are actually the more socially conservative red states with abstinence only sex ed and more draconion views on sexuality. Blue state marriages are statistically more likely to last.
2007-02-27 03:29:03
answer #4
answered by Zen Pirate 6
Sure, because banning something automatically stops people from indulging in it; it worked out well with Prohibition, didn't it? (For those who can't tell, that's sarcasm.)
Let's be honest, though, if you try to take all the fun out of sex, there's going to be a lot less procreation; even within marriage. Speaking as a woman, I wouldn't blame women everywhere if -assuming such a ridiculous law could be passed- they started refusing to have sex on the basis that if they couldn't have any fun, they weren't going to walk around feeling miserable for nine months before trying to pass a watermelon through a straw. I can't imagine too many marriages going well after that.
2007-02-27 03:44:32
answer #5
answered by JL 4
I think it's ridiculous of him to think that. Look at how many things are illegal now and kids/adults still break the law. I'm a firm believer when you harp on someone about NOT doing something or make it "evil" concerning a religious aspect, that just makes it all the glorious! It's the naughty aspect of it.
Sex is a natural human urge! And, I'd be willing to bet that pastor has a few skeletons in his past concerning sex before marriage.
I think the best way to prevent teen pregnancy and STD's is discuss sex openly with your children and don't make it sound like and evil, dirty act. Make them aware of what is out there and how to prevent disasters from occurring.
2007-02-27 03:28:21
answer #6
answered by Little Britches 3
While I agree with the majority of the points he has made, I don't think we could actually pass such laws in our current society.
I don't think that sex has to be only for procreation but it should only be between a married couple. It does have a tremendous bonding effect between two people when done with love and tenderness for each other and in total fidelity.
All the rest of what he said is very true. The key to the survival of any society is maintaining the strong integrity of the family. In history, you can see the decline of any great society occur as a direct consequence of the decay of the family unit.
2007-02-27 03:55:52
answer #7
answered by rbarc 4
Oh please grow your own huevos & think for yourself!
The true conservative wants government out of our personal lives. Only braindead "religious right" neocons espouse such stupid, unconstitutional acts as you are suggesting.
Your pastor is a religiofascist. People like him make others want to go too far with seperation of church & state.
I do not agree with your childish rant. I do believe it is "ideal" for non-married people to abstain from sex but it should be a personal choice NOT a governmental demand.
It would be "immoral" for any Congress to pass such nonsensible legislation.
2007-02-27 04:31:59
answer #8
answered by Bad M 4
At several points of history even the Protestant Christian Church followed the procedure that a couple had to prove fertility before a wedding. It was during periods of colonization and plague.
Of course many of the right wing hypocrites that pass themselves as pastors these days serve politics, power, and money much more than the needs of the flocks nowadays.
2007-02-27 03:41:01
answer #9
answered by Terry 7
Umm.. No..
Teaching about safe sex helps prevent teenage pregnancies, abortions, and STDs. Teaching that abstenance is the best form of safe sex also does the job. Making things illegal gives teenagers another thing to rebel against, and may lead to an increase in all of the above.
I have had sex out of wedlock, but due to being informed about "safe sex" I had no children as a teen, none of my girlfriends had abortions, and I have no STDs. I think informing people is the best choice.
Please keep your religion in your churches, and don't try and impose it on people who do not believe in it..
2007-02-27 03:32:04
answer #10
answered by DimensionalStryder 4
Well I think it makes sense but the law as your pastor is saying would also make birth control illegal....well the bible says that God made sex pleasurable on purpose so married people could enjoy it. I don't think that it should only be for procreation, that part I don't agree with. But I think there should be a law that you have to be married because then you would at least start out with every child having a mommy and a daddy if you have kids....cuz no kid should have to grow up with a single parent.
Although, if they did make this a law, I think it would be incredibly hard to enforce it. What are they going to do, put video cameras in everyones homes and knock on your door and demand to see marriage licenses???
2007-02-27 03:27:08
answer #11
answered by trishay79 4