Well I'm going to tell you what I tell women in this situation - you deserve better than to sit around and wait until someone decides you are what they want. If she's having a tough time choosing, help her out by telling her you withdraw from the race - that this guy can win by default because you are not a toy and this is not a game. Have some pride in yourself - and I guarantee she'll come knocking on your door looking for you. Good luck.
2007-02-27 03:20:29
answer #1
answered by Brandy 6
Get out. If she can't choose you right now, then you should move on. If you really love someone, it shouldn't have to come to choosing between two people. Do not settle for being second choice if she does choose you for that will be what it will feel like cos you were not her first choice in the first place. By saying first choice, I do mean the one and only choice, not one out of two. Having her heart in 2 places sounds whack to me. Not the kind of real or true love I think you are looking for. What it could end up is her choosing one of you and later falling into a relationship with the other again cos she cannot decide. Still a love triangle no matter how you look at it - whether now or later. Good luck.
2007-02-27 11:23:07
answer #2
answered by Bugsy 5
just get out of the love triangle b/c its not getting u anywhere. Obviously she doesn't know what she wants and probably want for along time. U both need to leave her and find u some girl who knows what she wants and will be faithful to u. This girl has so problems that she needs to work out. Forcing her to make a choice right now is only going to make things worse in the long run. So move on and forget her ok. theres more fish in the sea.
2007-02-27 11:29:09
answer #3
answered by biggest_duke_fan_ever@yahoo.com 2
Hey, i'm kinda in the same situation, but i'm the girl having trouble deciding between 2 guys! And i feel absolutely awful for it, i hate the fact that i'm hurting both the guys, and i just wish i could find an answer for it but it doesnt seem to be coming. It depends how much you really like this girl and if you want to wait for her, im sure she's not messing you about intentionally, i reckon she really needs time to think, maybe try not contacting her for a while, and give her space? It's hard though I know. But i reckon give her space, and see what comes about, in the mean while if you want to go and have fun go for it.
good luck
2007-02-27 11:22:14
answer #4
answered by Emily 2
If she does make a choice and it's you - aren't you going to constantly wonder if she still has feelings for the other guy? I'd do my best to back away from the triangle and see what happens. Normally, we want what we can't have most. Remove yourself from her choices and let time take care of it.
2007-02-27 11:21:13
answer #5
answered by KATHY A 2
Man can I relate to you on this one.....I'm the other guy in my situation. I think a choice has to be made by her, but I'm willing to give her time to figure things out....the way I see it, if she doesn't choose me then it wasn't meant to be...you should look at it the same way, just let her know where you stand and it's really up to her.
2007-02-27 11:21:39
answer #6
answered by leprechaun3833 5
Your ex-girlfriend...I'd leave it at that. Atleast she was straight with you and didn't lead you on. If she were truely serious about either of you she would be able to make a quick decision. Let her go and get away from the potential heart-ache. She may be a nice person, but not worth the stress.
2007-02-27 11:27:30
answer #7
answered by Oppna to tal 3
Sounds like she likes the best of both worlds, my choice is to let her alone and go out with other girls and see if she get jealous. then tell her, you a one women man and that you need the same on return
2007-02-27 11:19:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Give her sometime I would say about 2 weeks if she still hasnt made a choice tell her that you would like her to pick one of ya'll if she doesnt then just 4get her cause there is tons of girls out there
2007-02-27 11:19:49
answer #9
answered by SCOTLAND! 2
very simple. Mr. A.J , you also form a 'triangle'. then try and make certain if she wants to enter into your triangle and break hers or continue like that, if she still dates both of you,you go on increasing one angle everytime(sorry,am joking but I do respect your sentiments).,You know I love this girl in US who cant be mine and instead have chosen a richer man settled there, I still love her but I married another girl and have about 2 more female friends, ENJOY LIFE friend, BE A SUPER STAR AND MAKE YOUR LIFE 'SUCCESS'....Come out of these trivial things, Girls are like that,
Take Care,
2007-02-27 11:28:37
answer #10
answered by anshuman d 1