i submitted my taxes last night online and got a pretty good refund on the federal side and owed only $99 on the state side. i thought that was pretty good because i usually owe the state $700+. i just went back on HR Block just now and punched in the numbers again to make sure i did it right. after i punched in the federal section, it's asking me if i want to file state w/ HR Block and says that the average return for my income for 2005 was $585-620. i'm just worried now if i did something wrong because i owe $99 but it says the average person w/ my income got a REFUND of over $500. last night i was just happy that i only owed $99 instead of owing the usual $700+.
so, my question is, if i double check here and realize that i did something wrong to OWE money rather than to receive a refund, what can i do? is it too late to do anything?
7 answers
asked by
tom l
Business & Finance
➔ Taxes
➔ United States