If you have tried everything else, nothing works better then a good healthy spanking. Others may think 8 is to old, i disagree. I have a 10 year old who tries as hard as she can to avoid spankings. If you do them the right way (pants down) they will be quite productive until they reach the teen years. Then it's time to get them ready for adulthood, by using other methods.
Just an idea, sometimes the older methods were used for a reason, they work quite well!!!
Good Luck
2007-02-27 01:45:55
answer #1
answered by olschoolmom 7
8 seems to be the age when all lot of children hit the rude/cheeky phase - and it is just a phase. Try not to give her too much attention for it or she'll do it more for that reason. I found the advice in a book called The Incredible Years - ages 3 -8 by Webster-Stratton PhD has some of the best advice and is not so supep nanny state! It advises that 1 minute per year to age 5 works after that it deteriates and recommends that for children older than 5 they just have 5 minutes in a quiet distraction free area and if they refuse to go they get additional minutes, if it get to 10 then you state that if they do not go now they will a privledge and then follow that through and forget about the time out (they have now lost x,y or z). I used to follow the minute per year rule but changed to this (and other strategies in the book) and found it works a treat and my older children now have less time outs in total and are better behaved and more likely to comply and the first asking. The major trick in this method is remaining calm through out. You also do not insist on an apology after the time is done but say something like 'time's up let's see if we not be rude now' and praise the first showing of good behaviour no matter how smal lthe example.
2007-02-27 01:16:08
answer #2
answered by claireDT 1
OK im not an expert n im like only 16, however i do reli want to work with children when im older n i watch alot of show on how to look after children such as suppernanny.. ok any way it isn't easy to discipline children, however i belive that if you come down to your childs level and speek in a clear tone to them and tell them that this was a bad thing n you dont do it n take them to an empty room/ or any room n tell them why they are in there n tell them that they can come out after 8 minutes ... to their age ... e.g a 2 year old sould stay there for 2 minutes... your child for 8 as he/she is 8 and if they come out befor the time is up u simply keep putting them back without speaking to them this could last up to an hour or more but be patient it does work! and when they come out you start the 8 minutes from the begining even if they stay in the room for 7 minutes then decide to comeout ... you still need to put them back into the room and leave them their for another 8 minutes. When the 8 minutes is up go to your child n ask them to say their sorry .. ask this at their level go down to their level n say this in a ferm but gentle tone if they refuse be more frem withthem in your tone of voice. when they do say sorry explain once again why they were in the room/step or corner. also i belive that it is a good idea to do an award programm this will help your child have the responsability of when he/she can have their award for example if the award programm is a chart and when the child does something good or right they can have say a star on their chart and if they get say 10 stars they get a bigger treat and if they missbehave they lose a star .. this means that your child will no if they missbehave they will lose a star. The idea of this will encorage your children to behave. i hope all this has made sence to you as im only 16 it is difficult to explain myself :) im sorry for the long paragraphs however i do hope that they help. And sorry for any miss spellings. xx abb xx
2016-03-18 03:26:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Im reading all the answers on here. Are you kidding me? 8 minutes for an 8 year old?? My little brother would be so excited to sit for 8 minutes as punishment. 8 minutes is NOTHING for an 8 year old. (its 2 TV commericals for goodness sake) (I thought that guideline was for kids up to 5).
What happened to discplining our children? We are their parents, we are supposed to put them on the right path for them to grow into responsible adults! If we dont show them there are serious consequences to disobediance, then they will grow up thinking they can get away with anything.
The punishment should fit the crime. If she lies, take away a priveledge for longer than a day. She is 8, not 2. When I was 8, I had a phone in my room, and that was my favorite thing. My parents would take it away for a week. (it doesnt hurt anyone, it just shows Mom means business)
2007-02-27 00:54:34
answer #4
answered by Soon2BMommy 3
Good question. I also have an 8 year old daughter and what I have found is sometimes her response to a brief telling off works better than a bigger punishment. And sometimes not!! There's just no rhyme or reason to it! What you are doing sounds fine to me and if she's reading when sent to her room then even better. Maybe just match the time to the misdemeanor. Sometimes after a brief time out, it is more easier to reason with them.
2007-02-27 00:20:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Are you serious?...When you say she is on a time out...she should be doing nothing but reflecting on her bad behavior...When you say you take away her computer for bad behavior...I hope you mean more than just 20 minutes or even a day...Needs to be 3 days at a minimum (preferably more)...needs an adequate amount of time to really feel the punishment...otherwise you are waisting your time...humans are stubborn...We don't yield our thoughts in 20 minutes...not even in a day...When my kids were growing up...and an attitude adjustment was required...It was obvious we needed more together time....So clean together...read together...play a game together...cook together...but get her with you...don't let her spend all her time disconnected from you watching tv or being on the computer. Good Luck.
2007-02-27 00:08:54
answer #6
answered by ticklemeblue 5
If you are going to send her to her room: shock her one day. Send her to her room and after you take EVERYTHING out of her room except a bed, dresser and light. Posters, toys, books, even the cute bedspread and stuffed toys or decorations. Take away the TV, Internet and have her work on writing, reading, math and chores for a week during her free time.
Continue to remind her why she is on restriction = HER RUDE BEHAVIOUR IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. She can earn her stuff back a day at a time after the week she is rude free, but it can all be taken away at anytime if she returns to her evil ways.
THAT will get her attention.
Nip this problem in the bud, or you are going to raise a "rhymes with witch and starts with a 'b'" for the world, and you, to endure.
2007-02-27 01:23:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you are trying to give her time out, put her in the corner. I"ve heard that rooms are bad places to send kids cuz they think "oh good I can do something fun in there" and it doesnt seem to be a punishment anymore and they wont be thinking about what they did if they doing fun stuff. When I was young my mom put us in the corner for 1 minute for every year old we were--so 8 minutes for your daughter. Then later we grew up and my mom got an idea from Oprah to have us run laps around the house when we were disrespectful---yes, even in winter. The number of laps depended either how mad mom was or how bad we were depending how you looked at it.
2007-02-27 00:09:15
answer #8
answered by trishay79 4
general rule of thumb for a time is out 1 minute per year until 5... then i'd do about 2 minutes additional putting yours at a minimum of 11 minutes... and even then, i'd probably do 15. and that means you sit there, doing nothing. my sister has her son sit on the stairs where she can see him and there's nothing for him to do. i sit with my 18 month old on my lap holding his arms and repeating over an over for a minute that he is on time out and why.
she needs time to think about what she did and why it was wrong. as for a punishment, it would depend on how bad her crime was. if she copped an attitude, but didn't really say anything bad, a time out should be fine. if she used name calling then i would definitely put a punishment in play. at 8 a few days should be long enough for her to understand what she has done has repercussions. again, make the punishment fit the crime, but always start with a time out to give her time to think and you time to cool off before you make the punishment. my parents always used to use the trick of making us come up with our own punishments. we learned real quick that if we didn't come up with something the parents thought fit the crime, the punishment was even worse. it's amazing... kids will usually come up with something that actually punishes them more than what you came up with. and hard labor always works too. you don't always have to take something away for punishment. at 8 she can weed, mow the lawn, sweep outside, do extra chores around the house, help clean the garage, etc.
2007-02-27 01:50:15
answer #9
answered by Jenessa 5
I've used "punishment" night, which works because I've only had to use it a few times. No TV, no computer, room must be cleaned and stayed in, books are okay. That is for one day/evening. However, I have also instituted "sweets bans", "tv bans" and "computer bans", lasting from one to two weeks, depending on the infractions. Usually these I instititute when she has lied about having finished homework or the like in order to watch tv, stay on the computer longer, etc.
2007-02-27 00:10:03
answer #10
answered by Mrs. Strain 5