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I like creationism and would like it to be true but can't find much reliable, credible and testable evidence to support it.
So I would like to test my own belives and need to find evidence against evolution.
Thank you
Boo Goose

2007-02-26 15:45:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

This sounds sarcastic

2007-02-26 15:48:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Evidence of Creation is evidence against Evolution, in & of itself. Yet, there's even more to it than that! The following are all written to help readers clearly understand the Bible's actual view of the subject, rather than what this person or church group --or, that scientist-- claims. Yet --at the same time-- they do give their conflicting views --along with facts-- to compare all of them together.

"Science and religion [are] no longer seen as incompatible."The -- Daily Telegraph, London, May 26, 1999.

Reconciling Science and Religion
- An Enduring Quest
- - Accept the Limits
- - Let the known facts speak
- - The Creative Days--24 Hours Each?
- - Faith, not credulity
- - Respect science; acknowledge belief
- - Has Science Taken the Moral High Ground? http://watchtower.org/e/20020608/article_01.htm

The Universal aspect:

The Awesome Universe--Where Did It Come From? :
- The Big Bang--What It Does & Doesn't Explain:
- - Questions the Big Bang Does Not Answer
- - The Light-Year--A Cosmic Yardstick
- - "We Are Missing Some Fundamental Element"
- So Mysterious, yet So Beautiful
- 'Something is Missing'--What?

The Universe -- Did It Come About by Chance? :
- Our Awesome Universe--A Product of Chance?
- Did the Elements Come About by Chance?
- The Earth--Was it "Founded" by Chance?

The Human aspect:

Humans---Just Higher Animals? :
- Who Are Humans?
- In the Image of God or Beast?
- Looking Up, Not Down, for Answers

Life’s Amazing Senses--Do You Appreciate Them? :
- How Many Senses Do We Really Have?
- Amazing Senses in the Animal World
- Special Gifts That Make Us Unique

Unraveling the Mystery of Your Genes :
- Genes, DNA, and You
- Peering Into the Microscope
- What Is Behing the Mystery of Life?
- How DNA Replicates
- How Proteins Are Made

Widening Creation's horizons:

Life A Product of Design :
- Copying Life's Marvelous Designs
- Learning From Designs in Nature
- The Great Designer Revealed

Animal Creation Magnifies Jehovah
- They Need No Human Help
- Winged Creatures Magnify Jehovah
- God Gives the Horse Mightiness
- Consider the Falcon and the Eagle
- Jehovah Disciplines Job
- Behemoth Glorifies God
- Leviathan Brings God Praise
- Job Makes a Retraction

Cooperation---Vital To Life :
- The Role of Cooperation in Nature
- Why Cooperation Is Vital
- When Global Harmony Will Prevail

A Nuclear Scientist Tells , "Why I Believe the Bible [Creation]"

Special edition of 'Awake!' journal explores the issue of creation.

"Is There A Creator Who Cares About You?" --a book-- is both scientifically accurate & technical, yet gives clear answers.
It's 192 pages form 11 chapters. http://watchtower.org/publications/publications_available.htm

So, you see, there really IS quite a bit of evidence ... both for Creation (as the Bible itself presents it), and against Evolution!

PS: This material is BIBLE based...Not 'Creationist'/Fundamental.)

2007-02-26 16:41:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This is like asking for proof that we never landed on the moon. Someone might come up with something that sounds like a good argument. But the reality is we landed on the moon. You are trying to go against science, which just makes you look foolish. The evidence against evolution is a book written 2000 years ago and a bunch of fake science. If you do chose to believe in Creationism, please stop getting flu shots and make sure not to get any treatment if you get TB. Both TB and influenza evolve, which is why there are new flu shots and treatments for TB.

2007-02-27 03:05:41 · answer #3 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 1 1

As a creationist I do believe in microevolution. It is biblical.

Genesis 1:21; And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Others such scriptures in Genesis 6:20; and Genesis 7:14

This is evolution. Yes it is found in the Bible. But this evolution is micro evolution. A species changing into another kind of itself. But always remaining the same primary species. For instance the different races of man is an exemplary observance of mircoevolution where man is the same species. These changes is natural selection at work. Adaption is taking place not in millions of years, but in less than thousands or hundreds of years.

Macroevolution one species like a ape, changing over time into a man is not biblical. God created the ape. Just as God created the man. Men are still seeking to find scientific evidence for that but it remains elusive.

You who think the Bible is anti science it is not. There is good science and then there is bad science.

What blew it for the creationists in the whole debate with evolution is we threw out the baby with the bath water. Instead of accepting that what Darwin and others had identified as macroevolution we should rightly call it as microevolution.

2007-02-26 16:21:13 · answer #4 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 1 1

The evidence for evolution is and has been interpreted from a Philosophical and ideological Bias, The answers given by adherents to Evolution here in R&S is proof of the bias and agenda, Atheism has to have an alternate explanation—other than a Creator—for how the universe and life came into existence.
Darwin once identified himself as a Christian but as a result of some tragedies that took place in his life, he later renounced the Christian faith and the existence of God. Evolution was invented by an atheist.
What is sad is that Christians are falling into this Trap and trying to fit evolution into the Bible (Theistic Evolution) thinking they can make it fit.
Lee Stroble in his video listed below “ The Case for the Creator” stated (5 min. 28 sec into the video) The Case for a Creator

That “There is no way you can Harmonize Neo Darwinism with Christianity, I could never understand Christians who would say “ Well I believe in God yet I believe in Evolution as well” You see Darwin’s idea about the development of life led to his theory that modern science now generally defines as an undirected process completely devoid of any purpose or plan,”. Now how could God direct an undirected process? How could God have purpose in a plan behind a system that has no plan and no purpose? It just does not make sense.
It didn’t make sense to me in 1966 and it doesn’t make sense to me now.
The Apostle Paul wrote to His Son Timothy stating that “ in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, [because] they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn [their] ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”

Those Christians who believe in evolution have no idea how that effects their theology.
What is theistic evolution?

Eternity is a Long Time to be wrong about this

What Hath Darwin Wrought?

Darwin's Deadly Legacy
Darwin & Eugenics....

Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of Creation

More than 600 Scientist with PHD’s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM

2014-12-23 03:14:22 · answer #5 · answered by The Lightning Strikes 7 · 0 0

Everyone is always talking about creationism versus evolution. Can't there be a compromise? For instance, maybe god was responsible for evolution. Everything in this universe fits together like a puzzle. It must have taken a long time to get everything just right. What if god decided to tweek or completely eliminate some of his creations? Honestly, I don't believe in god, but I just felt like putting my two cents in.

2007-02-26 16:02:05 · answer #6 · answered by slm088 2 · 0 2

How about proof against evolution? Would That Cut It? If so then email me and I'll be glad to answer all of your questions. It would take up to much space here and if i wrote all of this down then you wouldn't read it anyway.....

So Email Me With Your Questions And I Shall Answer.~Chris

2007-02-27 13:53:45 · answer #7 · answered by Theoretically Speaking 3 · 0 0

I have a book suggestion for you.
It is for creation but not necessarily Christian creation, although it does touch upon it. Not against Christian creation either, talks mainly of Native people's creation.

It has a grip of scientific evidence Against evolution. It is an awesome book with very credible resources.

It is "Red Earth White Lies" by Vine Deloria Jr.

Check it out, you'll have a huge amount of scientific based evidence to support your beliefs!

2007-02-26 15:51:35 · answer #8 · answered by RedPower Woman 6 · 0 3

Evolution is based on random chance. Random chance over large periods of time "corrects" itself to wards a mean norm. Hence if all life were based on random chance, everything would be slightly different, but basically the same. That is there would be universal minor traits, but no different speices whatsoever.

To fix this, Evolutionist cite "Natural Selection" to weed out changes into a variety of different foci, as a way to adapt.

This runs countrary to the idea of random chance. The cause of selection cannot exist without a "Cause" that by definition means there is an Intellegent Design, and hence an Intellegent Designer. (presumed by Creationists to be God).

P.S. rhsaunders I request this "evidence" that Evolution exists in such a way that it cannot possibly have happened in any other way, thus proving Evolution as a fact.

2007-02-26 15:54:52 · answer #9 · answered by kmsbean 3 · 1 4

Creationism is everywhere. Do TV sets and Cars grow on trees?

In -- how many million years -- has the Appendix NOT be evolutioniized out of the human body (what does it do, it makes a General Surgeon and Anthesiologist $10K when it bursts, so what else does it do!).

2007-02-26 16:18:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It has just been reported that your cousins a group of Chimps have learned themselves to use a new tool. Killing animals for food using a spear. That's a strike against you I'm afraid but it's really not surprising they did provide our first Astronaut.

2007-02-26 15:53:59 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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