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Please share with me your thoughts and feelings about Islam.

I am between religions right now, former Christian.

It would be entirely helpful if anyone who cares to would share their opinion or whatever about Islam.

Thanks so much!

2007-02-26 15:25:23 · 21 answers · asked by Yahoo Sucks 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

"between religions" is not quite the same as being "between wives" or "between jobs"!

The best thing to do is do some serious research. I found there are adjustments to make when one becomes Muslim but within a short period of time they become natural and part of your life.

Grr. I had a lovely long entry and just lost it.

I will put it in a nutshell. I am happy I reverted to Islam. I have found a peace I never knew before. I found there were things to adjust to, but nothing was too much. Allah does not wish to complicate our lives and make things harder than they should be. Even the 5 daily Salats, prayer times, become a time of refreshment of the spirit.

I will send you some wonderful links on Islam here.

These three are flashes and they show you the way to do things. Prayer, washing, etc . They are on sites that show Islam as it should be practiced, based on love of Allah and man.


This is a comparison chart between the 3 main religions. It is simple and shows the many similarities, as well as the differences, between them in a non judgemental fashion.


This brother is a revert. An American. His 10 + Google Videos are sooo bang on. His attitude and ways are purely Muslim but he is no staid Imam. He presents Islam with humour and charisma that is bound to make you laugh. I have never seen lessons on prayer that include babies crawling all over you as you try to pray.


I came to Islam after being raised in Catholicism and then 45 years or so as a witch.

When one takes his Shahada (Dedication of self to Allah) one is cleansed of all sins and is purified, reborn to start a new life as a Muslim. In Islam it is believed one is born pure; it is life and poor decisions that stain one's soul. This is quite different from Christianity that declares one born stained and then washed clean under the sacrament of Baptism. I rather like the positive attitude of being born clean myself!

In truth, it has changed me profoundly, to the better. There is a peace that comes with submitting to Allah. You do not give up, you still work hard, but somehow, I found it easy to "Let go and let Allah".

You might also consider going to your local mosque and speaking to an Imam. You will find him more than happy to speak with you and perhaps supply you with a Koran to read. If you are there around Jumma (Friday afternoon prayer) you will see how prayer is conducted. Smile. Just remember to dress decently and remove your shoes upon entry.

Let me set your mind at ease on one thing. I am simply a Muslim woman. I am not Suna. I am not Shiite. I refuse to be classified by another man made schism. I am Muslim, NOT Suni, NOT Shia. Simply a Muslim. One need not be forced to declare one way or another. Most in America are, I believe Suni, but I just am not interested in yet another schism that drives humanity apart.

It is amazing how your polite question brings all the hate mongerers and those who have opinions backed up by biases come crawling out to speak ill of Islam. But this might give you an idea of what to expect from those around you if you should decide to embrace Islam.

If Islam is all that bad, why is it the fastest growing religion on the planet today? Millions cannot ALL be wrong! After a lifetime of being a good person and loving and helping my fellow humans, I surely did not plan to become a terrorist when I reverted. Nor am I going to give up most of my western freedoms as a woman. These people just don't know what they are speaking of.

I am happy to have just offered you some solid materials to help you on your way towards making a decision one way or another.

I wish you well in your search to find yourself and the right path.


2007-02-26 15:29:15 · answer #1 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 1 4

I don't know why, but from the responses here in Y! A, Islam seems to generate a lot of hatred/opposition. Regardless, though Muslims may not seem like peaceful people (who am I kidding?), Islam itself is a peaceful religion. But then again, which religion isn't?

This is a bit sensitive, but if I have to choose between all the religions in this world, my choice would only be among these 4: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism. In a lot of ways, Islam is more similar to Judaism than the rest (my opinion), in terms of 'laws.' Actually, Christianity also has a lot of laws, I think, but most Christians are not the 'practising' type (again, I think). That's what I've deduced from movies, anyway =]

So here's the deal: Islam is a way of life. Literally. There are rules for every single thing you do (mostly). There are two types of people in this world: 1) Those who like rules and who like to be governed, and 2) Those who like to be free. Most people I know are number 2. But what's wrong with number 1? It isn't easy, but once you have the basic beliefs right, you'll be willing to endure anything to be a good Muslim.

I'd love to give more comments, but I'm not thinking clearly now. It's the post-exam shock, heheh =) Whatever it is, before making your decision, go to a Masjid (mosque) near your place to ask the Imam about the religion. You'll get a better view that way.

2007-02-26 15:50:05 · answer #2 · answered by espers_cypher 2 · 1 0

Islam comes from the word 'tasleim' and means to be submissive to God. It is a great spiritual Message to humanity as are the Messages of all the other Prophets and Messengers of the other religions of God.

The Message of Christianity is Sacrifice - which means not to be self centered but rather other centered, trying to help others in every way you can and if it is needed and/or wanted.

Islam is the fourth Message, Christianity is the third Message. They don't contradict each other but they are complementary to each other.

Many religions have man made dogmas. It is because when the Prophet left the scene very soon man started to change what the Prophet taught by interpretating the Scriptures.

The pure teachings of the Prophets are hard to follow and so man changed the religion. After a while the religion became so out of touch with the true essence of the Prophet's teachings that a new Prophet was needed. This has been God's way and God's Way doesn't change.

Of course this was never the intention of God, but He knew it would happen. Therefore He send His Path in several different steps.

All religions are from God. All Messages are necessary to see the whole picture. I hope you will be interested to read more about the new Revelation on our web site.

2007-02-26 15:41:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Bandicoot, a word of advice here. The Internet is both the best and the worst place to get information for anything.

If you really want to know more about Islam, go down to your local / nearest mosque and enquire. Dress decently, khakis or bermudas are strongly preferred over shorts. I'm sure there are people there who are willing to talk to you. Or maybe, you could make an appointment.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with those who converted to Islam. Try to narrow down to former Christians since they'll understand you better if you do any comparisons between Christianity and Islam.

For starters, you could try Dr. Gary Miller (Abdul-Ahad Omar) or Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens). Just beware that not everything you read in the Internet is true or false. Always verify them with a Muslim.

Insya-Allah (God willing), may you reap what you sow.

All the best =)

2007-02-26 15:41:12 · answer #4 · answered by Farhanah 2 · 1 1


I dont think you will get a honest reply for your question, because MOST users are BLIND-FOLDED by the western media that has never shown the TRUE picture of Islam.

Most people link Islam with Terrorism. How can it be linked with Terrorism when the word meaning of 'Islam' is PEACE?

Ignorant users have always quoted or copied and pasted verses of the Quran that asked Muslims to kill Non-Muslims. But what they quote OUT OF CONTEXT if it is True then there would NOT have been a single Non-Muslim left.

Normally all the verses of the Quran have an incident behind them. And if understood properly, these verses refer to a WAR, NOT normal Peaceful times.

And in any war, any General will say 'Fight' when you see the enemy.

But the Quran since it is sent by the Lord of the World, The CREATOR instructs Muslims that...

"IF the Non-Muslims want PEACE and want shelter, ESCORT THEM TO A PLACE OF SAFETY"

A Most Merciful General will just say "Let them Go"

But ALLAH wants Muslims to ESCORT...

I fail to understand why DONT people read the full context before quoting any verse?


Know more here...


2007-02-26 15:55:54 · answer #5 · answered by flameslivewire 3 · 1 2

The religion of Islam was begun early in the 7th century by a man named Muhammad who claimed to have been visited by the angel Gabriel. During these angelic visitations, which continued for about 23 years until Muhammad's death, the angel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad the words of God (which is Allah in Arabic) in Arabic. These dictated revelations comprise what is collectively known as the Qur'an, Islam's holy book. Muslims, the followers of Islam, believe the Qur'an to be the preexistent and perfect word of Allah. Further, there is no such thing as an English, or any other language, version of the Qur'an. These are simply translations of the meaning of the Qur'an, which only exists in Arabic.

The key beliefs of Islam are that Allah is the only true God that exists, and that Muhammed was Allah's prophet. In fact, by simply stating this is a person considered to have converted to Islam. Islam itself means "surrender" or "submission." Because Allah is the only true God, the religion that worships Allah must naturally submit to him only, thus "Islam." Islam purports to be the one true religion, of which all other religions have derived themselves from or been created in a mockery of (including Judaism and Christianity).

Muslims, followers of Islam, base their lives on the Five Pillars: 1) The testimony of faith: "There is no true god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God;" 2) Prayer: five prayers must be performed every day; 3) Giving: one must give to the needy, as all comes from Allah; 4) Fasting: besides occasional fasting, all Muslims must fast during the celebration of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar); and 5) Hajj: the pilgrimage to Makkah (performed in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar). These five tenets make the framework of obedience for Muslims, and are taken very seriously and literally. A Muslim's entrance into Paradise hinges upon obedience to these tenets.

In relation to Christianity, Islam is obviously different in many important areas. Islam is monotheistic as Christianity is, but Islam rejects the concept of the Trinity. Islam accepts certain portions of the Bible, such as the Law and the Gospels, but rejects the majority of it as slanderous and uninspired. Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet of God created just as Adam was--from the dust of the earth—though born of a virgin, but was not actually crucified, nor does Islam believe that Jesus is God (only Allah is God). Islam teaches that the Qur'an is the final authority of Allah, and is the last revelation from Allah given to man. Although the Qur'an is the main holy book, the sunnah is considered the second source of religious instruction for Muslims. The sunnah was written by Muhammad's companions of what Muhammad said, did, or approved of. And lastly, for this list at least, Islam believes that Paradise is gained through good works and obedience to the Qur'an.

2007-02-26 18:21:55 · answer #6 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

well I know Islam believe Muhammad was the last prophet.. they believe also in the prophets Jesus, Moses ect.. they believe in One God and they pray five times in a day, they go to the Mecca, that's the sacred city for them, also they believe in the after life, but I am not sure sometimes about some concepts of the Islam.. like the Yihad ? because every school of the islam has a little different interpretation of the verses of the Quran.. even the Islam has same commands about to believe in Allah and the prophets, and the Quran

2007-02-26 15:39:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I have studied the Quran in a 400 level college class before along with research ever since. I found Islam to be a very dogmatic, ungodly, oppressive, violent, chauvinistic, arab, dishonest, anti-Christ, anti-social, facist, rigid, unhealthy, unbeneficial religion.

Quran Surah IX:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the scripture (Christians and Jews) as believe not in Allah nor the last day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by his messenger, and follow not the religion of truth until they pay the tribute readily being brought low.

In the Qur'an 47:4, it says, "When you encounter the infidels, strike off their heads till you've made a great smote among them." And again,

2:193, "Fight therefore against them until the only worship be that of Allah."

That is really the defining characteristic of the Quran and Muhammads life itself; IT INCITES VIOLENCE and oppression. It teaches that violence and oppression against people that dont believe as you is a good and holy thing. That is why, sad to say, that most Muslims turn a blind eye to violence or secretly root for people like Osama Bin Ladin because they are committing the acts of violence their religion calls for but they themselves are not willing to do, especially after tasting of the prosperity of western civilization.

2007-02-26 15:40:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

2:136 Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in islam)."

2:208 O ye who believe! Enter into islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy

3:19 The Religion before Allah is islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account

3:67 Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is islam), and he joined not gods with Allah.

2007-02-26 15:44:17 · answer #9 · answered by Proud Muslim 3 · 2 1

Do you want the Shiite side or the Sunni side?
There are different Muslims. They have different beliefs. They pray differently. They act differently and have different rules.
I'm a Shiite. If you want our side of the story you can email me at yasamanesh@yahoo.com
OR IM me at the same ID.

I answered someone else's question about the main pillars of Islam from a Shiite point of view. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ajy6DOfMFQOexE5TriVMK2nsy6IX?qid=20070216175147AAWV0hG
Take a look and compare it with the main pillars of Islam from a Sunni point of view. Someone wrote those down for you somewhere after my answer.

2007-02-26 15:43:06 · answer #10 · answered by Samantha 6 · 0 1

i now that there is a whole lot of negative things about islam but u shouldnt even give any of that any thought ok. go get urself a quran that has english in it. u can get them at majopr bookstores from my knowledge. and read it. just listen to the words. and in the area that u r in go to the local mosque. tell one of the head directors who u are and that u are interested in this religion. islam is a religion of peace. not what the media has protrayed it as. i am a born muslim but that has not stopped me from exploring all other religions. i have many friends from all diff. religions so not only do i read about it but i also hear and get to see first hand about it. and in all honestly it is one of the only ones that has made sense and actually CLEAR about everything. so listen to me plz. go to the bookstore get the quran in english and arabic. go to the local mosque talk to them im sure they have classes about islam so go to those in the mosque. make friends with some muslims so that u can see it at first hand. i wish u all luck with ur search. i hope that i have helped. and may god bless u!

2007-02-26 15:34:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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