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Think about this. Why is it that the people who killed Jesus (Romans) Were his largest promoters? Also if anyone can be forgiven for their sins that just gives all those preachers the right to analyrape whoever they want and then just confess to be forgiven. And if anyone can be forgiven why is it that lucifer can't? Also Noahs ark is obviousley fiction. One man COULD NOT DO THAT! Collect every animal species from every corner of the earth! oh my god that would take a LIFETIME! Man made from dirt? NO WAY. Woman made from man? HAHAHA! Also christians have been wrong about soo many things, The stars, evolution, the apocolypse, need i go on?

2007-02-26 14:19:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

DELYLAH–Claiming to be Christian U say the Bible is NOT fact? U say the author of Genesis was not able to see the scientific details on how god made man, but wasn’t this man supposed to be speaking the words of god himself? MICHAEL M-you just angry and stupid also MANDY-U say Lucifer can’t be forgiven but other Christians on here say he could if he wanted to, who’s right? I never told you what I believe how do you know I can’t prove it? EWESUQMONKEYNUTS-how can you be a Christian with a name like that ha! JUDYFROELICH-coward
UTUK-All questioners R un-informed, Christians thought the stars were in a container around the earth TICK-Feed a Lyon & see if they won’t attack lol WD-U don’t know what rape is? JINXM-what is goo? UGOT IT-I never said I didn’t believe in god I KNOW-school teaches man was a product of evolution
GODSBUTTERFLY-If something truly is wrong & I say it is, then I AM right JOHNNC-there’s always been thousands of species CYBERTOOTHEDKAT-See you in hell

2007-02-26 20:14:34 · update #1

20 answers

no answer, i'm just agreeing with lucifer

2007-02-26 14:27:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Holy Cow!
You win the award for the least informed questioner! Congratulations!

1) Since when did executing Christians en masse for treason constitute "promotion"? You are confusing the 1st century with the 4th century. I know that sounds like a short period of time from here, but it is actually several hundred years.

2) Scripture implies that human beings will pay for their sins. Jesus says that, despite forgiveness, all human beings will give an account of every idle word - let alone anal rape.

3) There is no such thing as Lucifer.

4) The Flood was local. Noah took his own animals onto the ark, not two of every species on earth.

5) Adam formed from the earth is a common literary device in ancient genealogies (see Cecrops, Deucalion, Phoroneus, Pelasgos, Adapu, etc.)

6) The Creation and Fall are psychological and astronomical allegories.

7) The largest denomination in the world openly endorses evolution.

8) What about the Apocalypse and Stars? Some new misconception that you got from the Internet?

2007-02-26 14:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by NONAME 7 · 4 1

First off, you assume that every single Christian believes the exact same thing. Next, the Roman government were an enemy of the Christian Church and the Jewish faith. It was the Jewish people that handed him over to be killed. In Romans it says that though we are given grace and forgiven of sins, it doesn't mean we have a license to sin without worrying about anything. If I am sinning just so I can abuse the fact that I will be forgiven, I don't really have that strong of a relationship with Christ. True repentance comes from confession and from turning away and walking a new path to Christ. And, in theory, if Lucifer (if you want to use that name) wanted to be forgiven, he would be. Last time I checked, he didn't ask for it. The flood story is seen in MANY religions. There was a flood of some sort in the early years of existence. That's seen by scientific proof. Now, we have two flood stories in scripture. They are the common story that is seen in many cultures turned into a faith story to show the relationship that God has with his people and that God is a God of grace. The flood was also not supposed to be seen as covering the entire earth. It was seen as covering someone's KNOWN world. If you lived in the state of Georgia and never left it, for you that state would be your world. If you didn't know there was anything outside it, and your state flooded, for you, your world would be in a flood.

Now, the creation stories. There are TWO of them. Before you criticize the way that someone looks at a faith story, realize there are TWO of them. The Adam and Eve story is the older of the two. It is more of a metaphor for marriage than it is a story of creation. In the story it says, "And this is why a man will leave his parents and become ONE with his wife." It is about marriage rather than the process of creation. The first one written down in Genesis was written during the exile. The people were in mass confusion. For the Jews, chaos was represented by water and darkness. Those are the only two things that existed before God came in and created the world. God made order out of chaos. The Jews needed a reminder that God is a God of order and though the times were chaotic, God can make order from Chaos. He made light from darkness, did he not in this story? Also, the end of the story shows the importance of the Jewish Sabbath. Their Sabbath was part of their identity as a people. During the exile, they needed the comfort that their identity was important enough to hold onto during the exile.

Oh, and by the way, last time I checked, many people in the history of this world have been wrong about something. It wasn't only Christians that declared the earth was flat. It isn't only Christians that deny theory of evolution, there are other people that do it and they are from many other faiths or even, no faith at all. Instead of putting another person's belief down so that yours looks more correct, why not learn a little about what someone thinks? Just because you call someone wrong, doesn't mean you are right.


2007-02-26 15:18:45 · answer #3 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 0 0

The Romans wound up "promoting" Jesus because the Gospel changed their lives.

Using salvation as an excuse to sin is not true salvation. We have no right to sin however we want because of it.

Lucifer isn't just anyone. He's a fallen angel. Salvation is for human beings. Could Lucifer be forgiven? I don't know, but I cannot discount the possibility. However, the question is pointless as even if he can be forgiven, he would never ask for forgiveness.

Noah DID take a lifetime to build the ark. Probably more than one lifetime (as we consider them today). He was 600 years old when the floodwaters came and he was very likely considerably younger when he and his sons started building the ark. As for the animals, they came to Noah on their own by God's command.

You question man being made from dirt, but I bet you have no problem with goo to you via the zoo. As for women, God's way of creating them makes them equal to men. "Bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh." How could Adam see her as a lesser being like the animals? He couldn't.

How are Christians wrong about the stars?

Don't see any evolving going on now.

How can we be wrong about the Apocalypse when it hasn't even happened yet?

2007-02-26 14:36:55 · answer #4 · answered by jinxmchue001 3 · 2 0

God is the one who forgives NOT a greasy priest in a dark confession box. Romans didn't kill jesus. They were running the place at the time but the notion to kill were his people who felt threatened. Noah, as the bible says, lived for an extremly long time. (beacuse he was born so close to Adam and Eve and perfection.) And the animals came to him for some reason, he didn't "collect them; but you didn't read the bible did you? Lucifer can't be forgiven because he knew better than to disobey God. He was God's right hand man, then betrayed him. But you didn't read the bible did you? Man is made from dirt that is common knowledge; but you didn't go to school did you? "Woman made from man" is symbolic. As in " took the DNA and re-made another person" and yes from dirt. and what's this about stars? and the apocolypse hasn't happen yet; but you already knew that didn't you lucifer? It's almost time....do you feel silly? I don't care really. no talking, eyes down.....

2007-02-26 14:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by I know 2 · 1 0

Go back and look at your history. Romans not only killed Jesus, they killed His followers for 3 centuries. Documented proof. Preachers who premeditate what you describe or any other sin, are in grave danger. They are no different than non-believers. As a matter of fact, they are going to be held much more accountable. Now I don't believe they are forever condemned. You and I can not tell what's in a man's heart. Saying that Lucifer can be saved is like saying the anti-christ has a chance. Romans 9 addresses this. I only hope you can understand that chapter. Noah? All he had to do was build the boat. That in itself took more faith than God bringing the animals. Come on, think about it. You only needed 2 cats, 2 dogs, a couple of lizards (modern day dinosaurs), etc. How many animals are there? Break it down into the basics and it's easy to fit them. Man made from dirt..you got me there. I guess he was made from primordial slime. (dirt) Evolution? Please spare me. This is blind faith. How long does a giraffe have to starve before he grows a long neck? How long do water creatures have to longingly look at the sea shore before they grow lungs and feet..purely on will power. I think we have our fantasy misplaced.

2007-02-26 14:51:52 · answer #6 · answered by JohnFromNC 7 · 0 0

hon, you are the one confused. lucifer is a separate species from mankind - salvation is for mankind only. There is no place of repentance for lucifer, not that he would ever want to repent to start with. Noah did not go out and get the animals, the Word clearly says that God brought the animals to him. Why do you laugh at how man was created by God? Just because you cannot do it, does not mean that God cannot. I have no idea what you mean by "analyrape" when talking about preachers, but it is every Christian's duty (preachers included) to tell the Gospel story and encourage them to go to God for forgiveness of sin. Christ has been wrong about nothing - not the stars, not "evolution," not the apocolypse, not anything. It is man who is wrong. And the ultimate "wrong" is to deny your creator, and only Redeemer....to try (as a created fallen human) to sit in judgment of One who is so far above you in thought, understanding, love, mercy, justice and existence that you cannot begin to contemplate the fullness of Him. So why not stop all the obvious spiritual rebellion and just ask Christ into your heart - you will then KNOW Him and the peace that only He can bring.

2007-02-26 14:36:33 · answer #7 · answered by wd 5 · 3 1

they didn't promote Jesus until after He died. And the Jews technically killed Jesus, as the Romans had no trouble with him, they just followed orders.

they don't have the right. a priest can't forgive sins and no one is allowed to sin. but I don't associate with them.

Lucifer no longer exists. Satan can't be forgiven as angels have no redemption. they have nothing to cover up sin, nor redeem it.
they make the choice once: whether to be moral, or immoral. that's just one of their limitations.

so, it's impossible to gather all remaining animals (14 clean, 2 of each unclean) animal when they are least dangerous (lions won't attack once fed). He claimed to have had 120 years you idiot.

soil has all the proteins, enzymes and other chemicals that exists in the human body, and since it's unlikely that on every patch of dirt someone has died, why couldn't man have been made from dirt?

so, you're saying genetic manipulation is impossible?

right. we were sooooo wrong about the stars. Gallilleo (though not accepted at first) was a Christian (or atleast Catholic). evolution is flawed. hello, how can we be wrong about a future event that we don't know when it'll happen?

seriously, you are one of the least informed non-believers I've ever heard of!

2007-02-26 14:33:50 · answer #8 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 3 1

Okay, any Christian will tell you that being saved doesn't give you the right to hurt anyone. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of that concept. That doesn't mean those people can't be forgiven, it just means that they're living a corrupt life ... and people of all faiths and lack-of faith are capable of that.

I'm a pretty liberal Christian, and I view most of the Bible as symbolic, not as literal fact. Its the truths behind the stories that are important, not whether every word technically happened the way that it was written. For example, like you said, the story of Noah's Ark is obviously fiction. Its the meaning behind the story that counts -- Noah followed God's instructions, even at the expense of having everyone think he was crazy, and he and his family were blessed for it. I also believe that the creation story of Genesis was written in simplistic terms because its author just wasn't able to comprehend the scientific details of how God brought this all into being. Therefore, the sections of creation were broken down into a term that could be understood -- days -- and instead of trying to explain the sun, moon, and stars -- it was written that God simply spoke them into existence. As far as why Lucifer can't be forgiven ... I don't know exactly how I feel about the existence of Satan, but I think the logic against this argument is that he could be forgiven if he confessed that he was wrong and asked for forgiveness.

Of course, you already have your own beliefs, and that's fine. You are entitled to them, just as I am entitled to mine. However, your arguments are tired. Lets come up with new, innovative ways to discredit each other, shall we?

2007-02-26 14:23:43 · answer #9 · answered by ◦Delylah◦ 5 · 6 3

If we are so wrong. Prove it, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then maybe I will belive you. As for the people who killed Jesus they were wrong. But it was supposed to happen. And as for being forgivin that's not really you're call is it? There is only one way to be forgivin an that is to ask God for it. As for lucifer. He can't be forgivin because he's never asked for it. He dosen't want to be forgivin. He thinks that he is better than God in every way. That is why. Noahs ark however doesn't give an amount of time that he was to have acomplished this feat. He could have started it in his 20's and ended later in life. There are no dates to prove other wise. Also I'm sure their weren't so many species as their are now. Things do evolve acording to their surrounding. So there was probably only a few types of birds, monkeys, ect. For him to gather. As far as man made from dirt and woman made from man? What is your belief on where we came from? Because you know that's all any of it is when we get down to it is beliefs right? So don't stand there telling me that I'm completely wrong. When you can't even prove what you belive in to be 100% correct!

2007-02-26 14:27:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1.)Not sure what you mean about the Romans.There was a large period of time between the death of Jesus,and when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
2)No,it does not give preachers the right to do that.We are told in the Bible that we shall know them by their fruit,and He will say, "I tell you, I do not know where you are from; depart from Me,you workers of iniquity!"
3)Lucifer has no wish to be forgiven.He made his choice long ago.
4)God brought the animals to Noah quite easily.Also,people in those times lived for hundreds of years.
5)That's the story in Genesis.God made the first man,and the woman out of his rib.
6)No,'Christianity' has not been wrong about those things,but certain Christians.You should not throw the baby out with the bathwater,as even non-Christians have bee wrong about many things.The Bible says nothing about predicting the apocalypse either.

2007-02-26 14:30:08 · answer #11 · answered by Serena 5 · 1 1

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