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She is such a great dog but any time anyone wants to pet her she squats and pees in the floor! She has not been mis-treated, we have had her since she was weaned. She will also be out doors for a long time then come in and if anyone looks at her like they are going to pet her she lets out a stream. I am soooo frustrated! What can I do for my dog so that we can have a easier day?

2007-02-26 12:51:14 · 5 answers · asked by DREDAY 2 in Pets Dogs

5 answers

This is submissive peeing. For now, stop looking at your dog, and stop petting her unless she comes up to you. This may seem totally outrageous to you and your friends, but be sure that you do this to help your dog. Don't make eye contact with her, and just let her choose to hang out with you. Towering over her and coming at her with your hands is making her pee put of fear - so stop doing this and your dog will stop peeing out of fear. You want to build trust with your dog, so give her a chance to de-stress and then gradually (gradually!!!) build her tolerance for being petted.

2007-02-26 13:09:58 · answer #1 · answered by Misa M 6 · 1 0

This is definatly a case of submissive urination.

The puppies usualy have no control over this and sometimes do not even realize it has happened.

Many puppies urinate when you bend over them, so instead, kneel down to their level. This helps for them to feel more confertable and not quite so afraid.

Most puppies will outgrow this when they are 6 months to a year, especially if we let them mature in a gentle and calm environment. Be patient with them. When an accident occurs, do not make a yell at them(THIS IS A BIG NO NO) it'll only make them more afraid, so clean it up and forget it.

2007-02-26 21:30:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well my friend had a dog that peeded whenever she saw a new person! And you think you got it bad, but anyways don't worry its probobly just a stage she is going through. I have a mini dac too! *smiley face*

2007-02-26 21:32:20 · answer #3 · answered by Jeanne J 2 · 0 0

no such breed as a MINI dachsund,,, so my guess would be improperly bred, meaning irresponsible breeder ,,, dogs temperament is genetic,,and her parents are probably screamers too,,,, such a shame

2007-02-26 21:19:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my mini dachsund is the same way. anytime someone tries to pet her, she pees. its just because they get so excited. when she pee's try to scold her for it. then she'll kno.w that its wrong to just pee like that anytime.

2007-02-26 21:17:58 · answer #5 · answered by no1uno 1 · 0 1

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