Do you work? You may wish to check out a pay day loan. Many do not check your credit. The search link:
Another alternative if you don't work is to borrow money from friends and relatives if you can. However, I would wonder how you would pay them back.
If all you want is a small wad of cash, consider begging in the street in the busiest part of town. According to a web site on beggars...
"Estimates vary from a couple of dollars (U.S.) a day on the low end, to $20 to $50 a day in the mid-range, to about $300 a day on the high end. Women, especially those who have children with them, and panhandlers who appear to be disabled tend to receive more money. For this reason, some panhandlers pretend to be disabled and/or war veterans. Others use pets as a means of evoking sympathy from passersby. Panhandlers' regular donors can account for up to half their receipts. "
This is the site
2007-02-26 13:00:13
answer #1
answered by Future Pathologist 2
Well, the only way to do this is to pay about 30% + interest. A creditor wants to know you will repay. Nothing about your situation makes a lender feel comfortable lending to you. What is the purpose of a personal loan? Most likely because your finaces are struggling. They will review your credit and see what the deal is. A loan to cover problems is only postponing the problem :(
2007-02-26 13:05:24
answer #2
answered by Ks62ladybugs 2
I don't think you can. Without a checking account, the banks have no way of checking you out.
2007-02-26 13:17:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Go down to the loading docks and ask for Vinnie.
But you better be on time with your payments.
2007-02-26 13:00:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Try the below company
2007-02-26 13:11:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My friend Guido.
2007-02-26 13:13:03
answer #6
answered by Aldo the Apache 6