Our DNA most likely. Humans cannot come to grips with not existing. When we die, we go heaven, hell, Valhalla, become a cat etc. We cannot conceive of not existing. This might be because we were created perfect (immortal) and we were never meant to die. Isn't it interesting that the chromosome that makes us die comes from our father and not the mitochrondria (mom's chromosome). Belief in God or a maker has always been. But religion as we know it today started when people realized they could make money off the fears and faith of others. Historians claim that most of the religions we see today have come from Babylon. It is also interesting that the Bible calls all false religion Babylon the Great. So, I believe that humans knew of their creator from the very beginning, but somehow it got twisted into many different beliefs (mostly for the sake of money).
2007-03-05 01:09:49
answer #1
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
They may have developed from the same basic human strategy we use to categorize reality. One very interesting theory goes by the jargony name "systematic anthropomorphism."
What it means is that we tend to see reality in terms of ourselves, and for good reason. That reason is that we evaluate things relative to how much effect they can have, or not, on us. So, for example, if a caveman is walking through the woods and espies a large hulking shape that he can't quite make out, he may first assume it's a bear - as opposed to thinking it's just a big boulder. In this sense, it's a little like "Pascal's Wager." If he "assumes" it's a bear and it isn't, no prob. But if he "assumes" it's a boulder and it's a bear, then he's a meal. The point is we "judge" in relation to which interpretation may affect us more.
The next step in this theory is understanding that what affects us most are people - their actions, emotions, etc. From there it's just a step or two to creating a universe in which forces are not "impersonal" or "natural," but rather human-like demons, gods, and fairies. (Thus the statement "God created Adam in His image" tells the truth, but in an inverted form.)
2007-02-26 21:04:55
answer #2
answered by JAT 6
This is a very interesting question.
On the surface, the many religions in existence today seem quite different from one another. However, if we strip them of the things that are mere embellishments and later additions, or if we remove those distinctions that are the result of climate, language, peculiar conditions of their native land, and other factors, it is amazing how similar most of them turn out to be.
For example, most people would think that there could hardly be any two religions more different from each other than the Roman Catholic Church of the West and Buddhism of the East. However, what do we see when we put aside the differences that could be attributed to language and culture? If we are objective about it, we have to admit that there is a great deal that the two have in common. Both Catholicism and Buddhism are steeped in rituals and ceremonies. These include the use of candles, incense, holy water, the rosary, images of saints, chants and prayer books, even the sign of the cross. Both religions maintain institutions of monks and nuns and are noted for celibacy of priests, special garb, holy days, special foods. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it serves to illustrate the point. The question is, Why do two religions that appear to be so different have so many things in common?
As enlightening as the comparison of these two religions turns out to be, the same can be done with other religions. When we do so, we find that certain teachings and beliefs are almost universal among them. Most of us are familiar with such doctrines as the immortality of the human soul, heavenly reward for all good people, eternal torment for the wicked in an underworld, purgatory, a triune god or a godhead of many gods, and a mother-of-god or queen-of-heaven goddess. Beyond these, however, there are many legends and myths that are equally commonplace. For example, there are legends about man’s fall from divine grace owing to his illicit attempt to achieve immortality, the need to offer sacrifices to atone for sin, the search for a tree of life or fountain of youth, gods and demigods who lived among humans and produced superhuman offspring, and a catastrophic flood that devastated nearly all of humanity.
Those who believed in these myths and legends lived far from one another geographically. Their culture and traditions were different and distinct. Their social customs bore no relationship to one another. And yet, when it comes to their religions, they believed in such similar ideas. Although not every one of these peoples believed in all the things mentioned, all of them believed in some of them. It was as if there was a common pool from which each religion drew its basic beliefs, some more, some less. With the passage of time, these basic ideas were embellished and modified, and other teachings developed from them. But the basic outline is unmistakable.
Logically, the similarity in the basic concepts of the many religions of the world is strong evidence that they did not begin each in its own separate and independent way. Rather, going back far enough, their ideas must have come from a common origin.
2007-03-02 21:30:51
answer #3
answered by babydoll 7
In the beginning seven men (women not allowed) gathered together in an attempt to answer all of the questions that had frustrated mankind for a number of years (what makes lightning, where did man come from, why does it rain, why must I scratch my @ss when it itches, ad infinitem). Each supplied an independent answer to each question that was tendered. The seven men then voted on each answer in order to determine which ONE would be offered as to "true" solution to each of the mysteries that they had pondered. On the seventh day, when all of the votes had been tallied and the answers chosen, the seven men rested.
When the seven men arose on the eighth day they gave their "solutions to the mysteries" to the masses, and they called these "solutions" RELIGION, thereby establishing a precedence that follows to the present day.
The seven man councils still meet today, deep in the swamps of South Carolina, in the mountains of Tibet, on the plains of Jordan, and in the Vatican. And, thank god, the "solutions" are never ending and salvation is forthcoming!
2007-02-26 21:08:50
answer #4
answered by actingas 2
The first time a human evolved an intelligent comprehension of this existence the sun came up and in shear panic that man fell to his knees in worship of God
2007-02-26 20:34:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Hunger
which ended with
The Hunt.
2007-02-26 20:34:45
answer #6
answered by Shinigami 7
There has always been a desire for mankind to know and explain the World. There seems to be an inate desire for a god. Some believe that there is a god. Some choose to believe there is no god other than their knowledge.
2007-03-05 23:45:38
answer #7
answered by j.wisdom 6
It was created to explain lightening, thunder, earthquakes, and why we look different. Then it just went crazy from there. The Greek gods were excellent examples of this.
2007-02-26 20:33:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
When YHVH created adam, He explained the proper relationship. It had to do with worship and obedience.
2007-02-26 20:33:28
answer #9
answered by hasse_john 7
Some of the pygmy tribes in Australia were not. It is rare, but it happens.
2007-02-26 20:34:40
answer #10
answered by Alex 6