i work for a vet. your dog could have an obstruction blocking his stomach. with your dogs age blood test and an xray would be of to your dogs advantage. we recently removed a corn cob from a 12 year old dog. blood test would reveal any problems with liver enzymes or kidney failure, or it could have developed diabetes. do not feed the dog table scraps as this would only make the problem worse. seek vets attention immediately. and never give a dog pork products as this causes tremendous trauma to the gastero system. hope your dog gets better and remember spay and neuter!!!!!!!!
2007-02-26 12:32:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He may have stomache broblems. Sometimes when a dog throws up they wont eat again for a long period of time. You have to coax him into eating. Try altering his food. By including some healthy table scraps. Chicken, beef (no gravy or sauces) shaghetti with a little tomato sause is good. If you really want to keep him on diet try a little corn syurp or maple syrup in his food just a teaspoon. He he doesnt start eating soon get him to the vet. He may be going through shut down.
2007-02-26 12:10:39
answer #2
answered by gary b 3
So,have you taken this dog to a vet or what? This is way to long to wait if you have! Dogs do not quit eating without a heck of a good reason. Get the dog to a vet immediately!
2007-02-26 12:08:41
answer #3
answered by dressage.rider 5
Just take him to the vet, hun. You can see he's obviously very ill. Vets usually open around 8-10 am. Do you have an eyedropper? Or something like that? You may have to try and force drip some water in his mouth. At least until morning. He's loosing alot of fluids and you cant always depend on the animal to know to drink his water. Good Luck. Get him to the vet asap.
2016-03-29 02:15:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
At that age a dog could have alot of problems ranging from worms/parasites to as bad as Renal failure. You really do need to see a vet and have some blood and urine analysis(sp) done. He could be in a stage of dying.
Please dont be scared and take him to a vet and make sure he has a good rest of his life.
Goos Luck and Blessing.
2007-02-26 12:13:03
answer #5
answered by brooklyn 3
You need to go to the vet. If your dog hasn't eaten in a week - it's not a good sign. Why on earth haven't you called the vet sooner?
2007-02-26 12:03:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Considering its age, have you checked its teeth? I would try giving it soft foods, canned dog food. If it will eat soft food then its a matter of dental pain. If there is a red line on it's gums above the teeth (check the upper gum), then it's dental disease. Considering the age of your pet, it would be wise to take it to the vet. Just to be on the safe side.
2007-02-26 12:16:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Simple answer - GET THE DOG TO A VET !
2007-02-26 12:33:45
answer #8
answered by gfwiggles 2
you should take him to a vet. or, are you giving him table scraps? if u are, quit. dogs think if they get just some table scraps, that if they don't eat at all they will get ALL table scraps!! :) if u are not giving food besides doggy things, like i said before, take him to a veteranarian.
2007-02-26 12:07:59
answer #9
answered by jilly babe 2
teeth. water doesn't hurt. see vet. try liquid supplements for people. this my taste good enough for him to except. you can also soak in dog food ( keep very liquid ) in same. good luck to both of you.
2007-02-26 12:13:30
answer #10
answered by cookie 5