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Is there life after death? Where do we go? DO we go?

2007-02-26 10:45:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

You rot. When you die, you're just dead.

2007-02-26 10:50:04 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 3

I am convinced there is life after death for one reason: Jesus Christ died and was placed in a tomb—and three days later came back to life.

Think about it a moment: What would it take to prove to us that there is life after death? The answer is clear: Someone would have to die, and then come back to life again. It wouldn't be enough for them to have a so-called "near-death" experience; their death would have to be real. And it wouldn't be enough for only one or two people to see them; it would require many witnesses.

But has this ever happened? Yes—when Jesus Christ rose from the grave! His death was real; hard-bitten Roman guards made sure He was dead before they took Him down from the cross. And His resurrection was real also, because hundreds saw Him during the next forty days. Paul, writing over 25 years later, noted that "he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living" (1 Corinthians 15:6).

How could this happen? It happened because Jesus Christ was not just another man. He was God's only Son, sent from heaven to save us from our sins. Only He could say, "I am the resurrection and the life. ... Whoever lives and believes in me will never die" (John 11:25-26). This can be your hope, by giving your life to Christ today.

2007-02-26 11:35:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When we die, we are dead - we have no more participation in this lifes activities (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6). The Bible calls it "sleeping" in the grave (eg see John 11:11-14), and so we often say RIP (rest in peace) to those who die.
The Bible does NOT teach that we go straight to heaven or hell or purgatory etc when we die. It teaches that we 'sleep'. Our physical bodies return to the dust, and our spirit returns to God who gave it (see Eccl 12:7).
When Jesus comes again, the good will be resurrected to eternal life, and spend eternity with God. After 1000 years with God, they will return to the earth in the New Jerusalem city and the wicked will be resurrected again and will seek to take this city - they will be destroyed forever by fire from God at this time, then the earth will be recreated new and perfect again.
So we have nothing to fear about death if we have a relationship with God who loves us and will save us if we let him.

2007-02-26 11:01:00 · answer #3 · answered by pennoes 2 · 0 0

If you are christian, you probably would like to go to heaven, in heaven you wont have memory of your life on earth and you'll exist in heaven just for the sole purpose of worshipping god for all eternity as you play your harp. Some other christian sects like the jehova's witnesses promise after armagedon a life-after-death on a paradisial earth and here you will reunite with your dead relatives for a happiness that will last 1000 years and then humanity will once again be tested by god when he unleashes satan on humanity and the ones that prevail will live forever.
If you are an atheist like me you can rest asured that you wont get bored in heaven or burned in hell or return to a world full of jehova's witnesses, instead you can either stay in your grave as you're eaten by maggots and reincorporate your molecules to the soil, earth and the stars in the universe, or be made into ashes and be thrown into the sea or whatever.
Don't feel despaired, where else would you like to go after you die?, just be sure to complete a mission on earth while you live, a mission with yourself, leave evidence of your existence on this little planet, or better yet...continue your life through your offspring, if you leave seeds you'll definetly trascend your death as a part of you will keep on living.

2007-02-26 11:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You will stand before Christ to be judged for the life you lead on earth.

"All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.

"And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.

"Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: Matt 25:32-34

If you happen to be on the left side of the division you will unfortunately be cast into the "lake of fire" where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth" for an eternal separation of anthing that is of goodness and God.

If you happen to be on the right side of the division you will inherit the kingdom of God. You will recieve a golden crown encrusted with jewels and live forever in a much better place.

2007-02-26 10:53:36 · answer #5 · answered by ♥Humble Proclaimer♥ 4 · 0 0

The Right to Enter Paradise

Death is inevitable. The thief on the cross knew when his would occur, but we can not predict our own. After his death, the crucified criminal went to live in paradise with Jesus. Some of us will also live eternally in God's presence. But others will experience everlasting torment, forever separated from Him.
If we receive Jesus as our Savior, our penalty for sin is paid. We are adopted into God's family, and Heaven is our eternal home. If we reject Jesus, we remain alienated from the Lord and under condemnation for our sin. We are destined to experience eternal judgment. God won't accept any of man's excuses because there is no acceptable defense for unbelief. (Acts 4:12)
Become part of God's family today. Acknowledge your sinfulness, and express your faith in these words:
"God, I have sinned against You. (Romans 3:23) I've followed my own way and refused to give You the right to rule in my life. (Romans 3:10-12) I recognize I am separated from You and cannot rescue myself. I do believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I accept the truth of the Scriptures? that His death on the cross paid my sin-debt in full. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) And I ask You to forgive me of my sins. (1 John 1:9) By faith, I receive You, Lord Jesus, as my personal Savior from this moment on."
If you just spoke those words to God, then, like the thief on the cross, you have received salvation? a gift of God's grace. The heavenly Father welcomes every person who comes to Him through His Son, regardless of background, age, or current situation. Through Jesus, the right to enter paradise is yours!

2007-02-26 16:05:48 · answer #6 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

Jesus Christ spoke about the condition of the dead. He did so with regard to Lazarus, a man whom he knew well and who had died. Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest.” The disciples thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was resting in sleep, recovering from an illness. They were wrong. Jesus explained: “Lazarus has died.” (John 11:11-14) Notice that Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in a burning hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death.

The Bible teaches that the dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” They are not alive and have no conscious existence anywhere. The account of Lazarus confirms this. Upon returning to life, did Lazarus thrill people with descriptions of heaven? Or did he terrify them with horrible tales about a burning hell? No. The Bible contains no such words from Lazarus. During the four days that he was dead, he had been “conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Lazarus had simply been sleeping in death. John 11:11.
The account of Lazarus also teaches us that the resurrection is a reality, not a mere myth. Jesus raised Lazarus in front of a crowd of eyewitnesses. Even the religious leaders, who hated Jesus, did not deny this miracle.

Think about this too: If Lazarus had been in heaven for those four days, would he not have said something about it? And if he had been in heaven, would Jesus have made him come back to earth from that wonderful place? Of course not!

Yet, many people say that we have a soul, and they say that the soul lives on after the body dies. They say that Lazarus’ soul was alive somewhere. But the Bible does not say that. It says that God made the first man Adam “a living soul.” Gen. 2:7, Adam was a soul. The Bible also says that when Adam sinned, he died. He became a “dead soul,” and he returned to the dust from which he had been made. The Bible also says that all Adam’s offspring inherited sin and death too.

The Scriptural teaching of the resurrection, however, is not compatible with the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. If an immortal soul survived death, no one would need to be resurrected, or brought back to life. Indeed, Martha expressed no thought about an immortal soul that was living on elsewhere after death. She did not believe that Lazarus had already gone to some spirit realm to continue his existence. On the contrary, she showed her faith in God’s purpose to reverse the effects of death. She said: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:23, 24) Likewise, Lazarus himself related no experiences of some afterlife. There was nothing to report.

Clearly, according to the Bible, the soul dies and the remedy for death is the resurrection. You enjoy the best sleep ever, until Jesus resurrects you, sometime in the future.

2007-02-26 11:00:30 · answer #7 · answered by BJ 7 · 3 0

When you die you simply die. On the day of judgment we will rise and go to heaven or hell. 1 Thess 4:16-18

2007-02-26 10:56:14 · answer #8 · answered by Nani 2 · 2 0

Scripture is clear that when you die, your thoughts perish. You sleep in the grave awaiting a resurrection. Either the one to life, or 1000 years later, the resurrection that ends in the lake of fire which purifies this planet, removing sin and sinners.

2007-02-26 10:52:26 · answer #9 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 3 1

We are eternal beings,and as such,will all dwell somewhere after death.

Is is my firm conviction that those who accepted the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus,will pass into heaven. Those who chose to ignore Him..will not be allowed admitance and will spent eternity in Hell.

I did not make the rules...I just try to follow them.

2007-02-26 10:51:48 · answer #10 · answered by bonsai bobby 7 · 0 3

The last little light in the mind flickers out and the self ceases to be.

2007-02-26 10:51:23 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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