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If so be very specific. I want proven facts. Don't just state evolution or list some website. Don't state one or two Bible verses because that could mean you just misinterpreted it. Be very very specific, I want details. REAL PROOF. PROOF THAT SCIENTISTS HAVE ACTUALLY PROVEN! I will look over stupid answers. God bless you all. Thanks again.

2007-02-26 10:15:35 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

NOT ME!! Jesus LOVES me!!

Just remember how you stated your question. PROVEN FACTS. SCIENCE is schizoid. It'll NEVER have concrete hard EVEIDENCE! They said we came from monkeys, and NOWW they say there are NO COMMON DNA to HUMANS and NEANDERTHAL!! Neanderthal "man" was used because it was the most RECENT in time to humans beginning; so THEY say.

THEY use C-14 to date everything they find in bones, watch them come out in some time in the future and say,"C-14 is too inconsistant to be accurate as a dating tool for Anthropological studies, because every C-14 has a different decay rate."

A fact you don't hear about MUCH IF EVER, is that the LIGHT from the CLOSEST star to our Earth is 4.3 days away. I SWEAR to you, I USED to be able to FIND that evidence on the INTERNET, but, can't anymore. YOU CAN find what the closest star to Earth is, but, they won't tell you that it's light is 4.3 days away. THIS evidence would prove that on the fourth day, God created the Heavens.


2007-02-26 10:18:54 · answer #1 · answered by thewordofgodisjesus 5 · 0 11

I can't wait for all the answers from....." I saw it on TV " LOL

To may believe that evil box....it makes boobs out of those that watch it. Hence why we use to call it the " Boob Tube ".

Every time I have seen anyone say they can show a contradiction or something, I can easily disprove it. Even last night some guy laid out a list of 101 items he cut and paste from some web site. I am no bible scholar nor even read it cover to cover yet for I am still doing my studies, but even I debunked 30 of the some 40 questions I could easily answer due to my research. The rest I was not schooled on yet.

Its all hear say, myths, stuff they saw on TV or some web site. People forget, that ANYONE can make a web site and say anything they want...that doesn't make it true. To many believe what they see first hand. Where they should do some research and believe the answer that comes up over and over again, for the odds are more with that as the correct answer.

2007-02-26 10:29:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Can YOU disprove "The Cat In The Hat"?

It's a book. It exists. It has some historical fact. It's also 2000 years old. Times have changed since then, and we no longer kill women who menstruate or take on child wives (well...some places do). Mary was 12 when she had Jesus. Most of us keep our 12 year-olds on a tighter rein. We don't sacrifice babies and if anyone says we should in order to please God we LOCK THEM UP. Or we try to, anyhow - too many get out and bomb buildings or form massive cults, as we've seen. Faith has absolutely nothing to do with proof, quite the opposite. Faith is defined as believing in something there is no proof of. I have faith the Patriots will win the Superbowl next year. I can just as well prove this as I can prove "God".

I disprove of your question because it is an insult to Christians as well as the non-religious. If you're 'looking over' stupid things I hope you would include this question.

2007-02-26 12:39:07 · answer #3 · answered by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 · 1 1

The bible is a wonderfully book but it was written by humans not God.The bible has been rewritten many times throughout history.Proving or disproving the bible is not really important.What is important is how each of us react to the world we live in.It does not matter what you call yourself, such as what religion you claim to be.Religion was also invented by man in the beginning to give man the tools to live a good life and be kind to others,then in later days just a way to make money.
It is very complex the world and how it came to be.We cant prove or disprove anything because we don't have the facts to back it up.So just live your life the way you think will be honorable to your maker.

2007-02-26 10:41:31 · answer #4 · answered by tdcampbell 2 · 0 1

Disprove it in what way?
Science? History? Medicine? Mathematics?
Where would you like us to start?

Just for a start, science has proven that the earth rotates around the sun, not the other way around as the bible says.
Science has proven that the earth is not flat and held up by four pillars as the bible says.
Science has proven that the earth is 4.5 billion years old (at least) and is not 6000 years old as the bible says.
The moon reflects the sun's light and does not produce its own, as the bible says.
I could go on, but honestly, I'm not going to do your homework for you. If you are any kind of student (as Timothy says you should be in order to show yourself approved) then you will discover for yourself what is and is not correct about the bible.

2007-02-26 10:35:46 · answer #5 · answered by Kallan 7 · 2 1

My answer is more historical than scientific.
The very first books of the bible were not written from the first day as god told them, the reason is because writing did not exist in the times of the fairy tales: Adam & Eve or Noah's Ark, so how was knowledge passed on?, from word of mouth from grandfathers to their sons, and fathers to their sons, and so on and so on, until the time in which the jews were a large enough people to come up with literature and writing so by this time they started writing all that they had heard from their ancestors...but i bet the words the first jewish writers were scribbling did not match by plain memory the first words of their god, by the time they started writing, many generations before might have distortioned that original message, so we are getting a different one, add to this the translations, and church schizms throughout history, some words are different, some are completely different books, so how on earth did god let this happen?, if god wanted his message to be preseved, he shouldn't have given it to some analphabetical jews to let them pass it on until they decided to invent writing and literature, god should have put his words in the reaches of the sky for all of us to see, and never ever change it.
Another of my arguments is if the words on the bible aren't to be understood literally and instead have a different meaning than what the words on it say, only a few highly intellectual scholars would undertsand the bible and not the whole general population, why would god give us his message in double-meanings?
I don't believe the words on the bible because it is not god's original message, if there ever is/was one.

2007-02-26 10:40:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's not my job to disprove the Bible. The Bible exists. I have several versions on my shelf. I just don't think it reflects reality.

You might want to look at "The Bible Unearhed" by Finkelstein and Silberman, though. There are some very interesting observations about Genesis and Exodus and archaeology.

2007-02-26 10:20:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The whole bible can't be disproved, because much of it is just a narative of the lives of specific people, but parts have been proved wrong. Like how humanity came to be or how the earth was formed. Sadly, people like you won't read the truth, you just see what you want to see. Its called willful ignorance. If you want to know about how the earth was formed, you can look it up yourself, its been explained often enough here, and you have refused to even read it, so why would anyone bother telling you again. The proof is there if you bother to look, which of course you won't

2007-02-26 10:22:28 · answer #8 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 0 3

LOL, how bout this part, moses wrote the first 5 books, yet documented creation how?

this doesnt disprove the bible. but it does disprove validity of it when someone who wasnt around anywhere near the time documented the conversations between god and adam.

i think there are some truths in the bible, but with those, come some falseness too.

2007-02-26 10:24:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The Israelites were not slaves to build pyramids. The Tower of Babel occurred at a time when many languages were already spoken, The Ark was too small to fit two of every kind of unclean animal, and the other clean ones, rabbits do not chew their cud, and, oh, so much more.

2007-02-26 10:25:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Just that it's all about testing human's souls, and being that the bible contains some of the most vile and ridiculous things says it all, it's obviously not authored by the smartest, all knowing creator of the universe.

Most of what we know today is NOT in the bible and man has gotten better, with more just laws, since we have broken away more from religion....

2007-02-26 10:20:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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