You can dispute anything on your credit report with the bureau itself. You must write a letter including your name, address, phone number, social and the information that you are disputing. The bureau will then send a letter of dispute to the person in charge of the error on your account. They must research the transaction and verify that it is yours or that it is an error that will be correct. The company must answer the bureau or it will be removed from your credit report.
2007-02-26 15:50:47
answer #1
answered by moonlillies 3
You'll need to contact the state and figure out what type of lien it is (property taxes, income tax, etc.) Once you have the answer, you can then start resolving the issue -- figuring out whether it's just someone with a similar name or someone actually took your social security number (identity theft, accidental, etc.)
Your second step is contacting the three credit agencies and filing a dispute. The disputes usually take 2-3 weeks before they respond. You'll need to state you believe the information is incorrect.
For more information about tax liens, see book below.
2007-02-27 06:21:33
answer #2
answered by John Rosa 3
ignore what Studly stated on the subject of the truthful credit Reporting Act. The lien is asserted in public records and could proceed to look on your credit rfile till the California Tax Franchise Board removes the lien and updates the known public records. something you have completed however the credit bureau would be overridden the subsequent time they do a public records replace. you are able to touch the California Tax Franchise Board and characteristic the tax lien lifted. not owing the taxes isn't comparable to having the lien lifted.
2016-10-16 13:25:18
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I hope a trip to Georgia is in your future.... Otherwise there ain't much you can do. You need to find out from the Credit Bureaus which court or jurisdiction placed the tax lien, any and all identifying information such as case or file #. Then hall your *** down to Georgia, get a copy of the record and send it to the Bureaus to proof it ain't yours. The courts won't talk to the bureaus so they can't/won't do anything for you.
2007-02-26 08:56:22
answer #4
answered by mad_oak 2
Call the credit reporting company that shows that on your credit report. They will mail you forms to complete. Write a description explaining the situation. They will contact the state of Georgia and ask them to provide proof that this is you. They will resolve the issue and remove it. Note....if it is listed by more than one the credit reporting agencies you will have to contact each agency.
2007-02-26 08:59:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You'll need to contact the Georgia Dept. of Revenue. Their web site is not clear on what to do if you're in a situation like you are, but I would suggest starting with an email to I bet they can get you pointed in the right direction. Good luck!
2007-02-26 08:59:57
answer #6
answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7
gerogia state tax burro they have a special number for penalties and things you will have to subbmitt a letter. more than likely your social security number was filed by someone else and you got stuck with the taxs. the lean couild be for less than 200 dollars. but i would report it to a idenity teft or local police station as supisios Activity. They also recommend calling your local FBI agency if your idenity has been stolen. Federal crime.
2007-02-26 08:57:09
answer #7
answered by chucky w 2