The strongest arguement that can be made is one concerning the meaning of our country. We are a country that is composed of so many different people. It is the land of dreams and a refuge for the suffering. There is a quote that is associated with the statue of liberty that sums up our goal as a country, it is "Give us your poor, yearning to be free, and we shall endure forever."
2007-02-26 09:00:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is a difficult problem, but not a difficult question. If we assume that we are a real country, then we need to enforce and abide by our laws. If we are just a joke and are willing to blow which ever way the wind blows so our politicians can get reelected, then we should allow our sovereign rights to be trampled on.
The idealist in me wishes that every down-trodden person could freely immigrate here, work their tails off and make a better life for their families. However, this is the real world and money is a zero sum game. For every dollar of tax-payer benefit that an illegal alien gets, it's one less dollar that a down-trodden American gets unless you change the game. This is exactly what is happenning. The game is being changed, i.e. the gov't is making its citizens pay more in taxes than we would otherwise have to without the illegal aliens.
At some point, if left completely unchecked, an equilibrium would occur. So many people would come because of the chance for a better life that the quality of life for many would have to go down to bring up the quality of life for the illegals. This would, in turn, lead to a situation where it no longer becomes desirable for anyone new to come here and for many who are here to stay here.
As members of the status quo, i.e. those who are currently here, we took note of this fact and passed immigration laws designed to allow for immigration but only up to a point where we will not diminish our own quality of life. This is where legal immigration comes from. You could make an argument that we need to rethink our legal immigration laws; maybe we can afford to have more people move here, maybe we can't. I don't know, but I'd sure like to have some say in the matter, rather than letting the people who would benefit from our country decide that for themselves.
Hell, I'd love to only have to pay sales taxes, too! No income tax, are you kidding me? Of course we offer them a better way of life, but it is at our expense.
I am unwilling to be forced to lower my, and especially my children's, quality of life. I am happy to give to charities that will help because I do care. But, if we were to become so open that we literaly took in all of the world's poor, then we would inevitably become just like a communist state, where everyone has roughly the same net worth and the incentive to work hard and take risks because there is some hope for future reward would go right out the window and we would cease to be the greatest nation of thinkers, entreprenuers and givers on earth.
2007-02-26 10:25:58
answer #2
answered by loveitorleaveit1111 2
According to Richard G. Palanco, chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucas, legal immigrants made 240 billion dollars in 1992. From this, they paid a combined ninety billion dollars of taxes in 1992, and only used 5 billion dollars worth of welfare (Palanco). These numbers have increased significantly over that time, and can increase even more. If we helped legalize more immigrants they could be taxed that would make a great amount of revenue for our country. And then they will not cost us as much money when they have to use our public hospital system, and other government funded services. And by not as much it means a lot less, illegal immigrants fear going to these places to get help because of deportation. According to the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Unions, United States would have made 1 trillion less dollars if we did not have our immigrant labor force (AFL-CIO).
2007-02-26 12:36:14
answer #3
answered by redtail2k 2
I don't care if you are Irish and your visa has expired, if you are Chinese and you came here in a shipping container, or if you are Mexican and you walked through some rancher's fence on the Arizona border. If you are here illegally, YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW. There is no argument for illegal immigration. When the politicians bow down and kiss the feet of almighty lobbyists who will push their agenda on the American people, I have one question; The next time I break the law as these millions of people have, will it be forgiven?
2007-02-26 09:41:44
answer #4
answered by Michael R 3
Here is the thing, people say they are destroying our economy. The last time i checked the flow of illegals has been unchecked for almost 40 years and in 40 years our economy has been as strong as it ever has. Plus at the rate the economy is growing, if we don't have immigrants coming into this country, our natural birthrates are not high enough to create enough people for all the jobs we create, this is not a good thing. It slows the economy down.
Secondly yes there are alot of criminals, yet the vast majority of the 25 million estimated (or 5 million if you use a low number) are not criminals, they are workers helping prop up our economy from the bottom.
In a time in the world where the United States is seen as a horrible militaristic evil empire by the rest of the world, we should embrace people who still want to come to this country and embrace its ideals and work to make it better.
Most western modern countries have opposite population issues with birthrates declining and smaller population of children which will create more problems than the problem of overpopulation.
Imagine if we curtail immigration and in 20 years there is not enough being put into the social secuity and medicaid accounts (because they are revolving accounts) to pay the people needing those funds.
2007-02-26 09:21:24
answer #5
answered by Jacques C 2
I don't argue for the pro-side, I am still trying to come across a good argument for the pro-side myself. I want to know why I should let the illegals scamper and die around my home at 2 AM. I want to know how driving down wages and a massive migration of poor is good for the US economy. I have been trying to see the benefits for a long time now, and the pro-side always comes up short.
2007-02-26 10:41:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
at this point there are over 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, just that roll around for a little bit, 12 million people. there is no possible way to get rid of 12 million, nor could the American economy handle it. at this point America is running around 4.5 percent unemployment for those of you that dont understand what that means here ya go. out of everyone in America that is capable of working (people who can work even if they chose not to, stay at home moms or dads etc.) at 4.5 percent unemployment everyone who wants a job has a job. ok, now most of the illegal immigrants I know work 2 to 3 jobs. ok get ready for enlightenment. how can you take 12 million people who work 2 to 3 jobs out of a country where everyone who wants a job has a job? answer: you cant. well here now we have the issue of trying to register all these illegal immigrants that we NEED to keep our country running, it would be very expensive wouldnt it. but wait, theyre willing to pay us to register themselves, yes its true. Bank of America is offering credit cards, bank accounts, and mortgages to people without social security numbers which will register all these illegal immigrants and help bring them out of the shadows. now all the conservatives are going to tell you that this is how terrorists "sneak" into our country, lets be realistic here, 12 million people live here illegally and have for a number of years, terrorists dont have to "sneak" in and they sure as hell dont need a credit card. theres my rant, feel free to check any of my numbers
2007-02-26 10:22:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You're wrong, I believe in the amnesty and I have many arguements that don't involve the gringos. Don't make us pro-s seem ignorant either. I haven't heard any strong arguements against illegal immigration other than 'we don't want you dirty people here'. See? We can both talk.
Well, first of all I hate the word illegal, everybody is human, the U.S. is stupid for using terms that shouldn't be used, even American. But that's beside the point. Well illegals here work very hard and the U.S. benefits from the by the billions, second they come here to work, most people just see a hispanic criminal and right away blame it on immigration. Another point, if the U.S. is supposed to be that great of a country, it's supposed to give examples to other's is it not? It should be helping people, shouldn't it?? Like I said, there are many benefits from them this country gains, if you guys want to pay 5 dollars an orange, well go ahead, see who is dumber then.
Another thing I could point out would be the land but I wont because I also do believe the past is the past and Mexicans wouldn't even want the land because they know their government is corrupt, not the people though. A country isn't just the government by the way. Anyways, Mexicans were the Natives like it or not, so it is pretty damn unfair to tell them to get off the land. But like I said, past is the past.
There are many countries with corrupt governments and there are many people trying to make new lifes here and risk everything to come to this 'wonderful' vision of a place. Then they get here and notice all the people don't want them. If the U.S. was such a good country, it would try and help the immigrants, not just bomb weak countries because of their oil.
The arguements aren't pro-illegal anti-illegal, it's pro-dream and pro-amnesty. Many of the anti-illegals have never had to go through the lives they have. They get all this BS for just trying to work?? It's a pro-heart, anti-selfishness.
Trust me, I know not all whites are racist, in fact many support us, I don't have anything against whites at all. I have many things against ignorant heartless people who want everything for themselves, call their country the best, kick everybody out, and think guns, money, and power is everything.
Maybe the minutemen should learn something from the illegals they are trying to stop, they should work hard to work. Finding a real job wouldn't kill them would it?
2007-02-26 09:30:01
answer #8
answered by Kunggpao 4
If so many people are desperate to get here and work hard and love this country, why make it so difficult for them? The question should be, "Why do they have to go through illegal means to get here in the first place?" I think it should be easier to at least come here for work. Then they' be here on our terms and wouldn't have to fear being deported and would probably assimilate much more quickly. It's like when the government banned alcohol. With such a huge demand for alcohol, there was no way to enforce the law. If millions of people are determined to get here, it's gonna happen. We can do everything we can to treat them as second-class human beings and create a huge social divide or we can welcome them with open arms. They're coming one way or the other.
2007-02-26 09:24:42
answer #9
answered by George T 2
Well lets see it was bad enough they all came over here for a free ride,but then they had to march in the streets and burn our flag and threaten to take over our country,then they steal our identities and take our jobs. But what really boils my *** is the fact that our kids are fighting in a war that shouldnt even be happening,while illegal kids come here and get a free education.Including college,because they are minorities? Nobody seemed to care when our nations immigrants came here to build this country who was the minority.You either busted your a** and fit in or tuff luck.
2007-02-26 09:07:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I am currently petitioning for a permanent resident card and that means I can't work for at least 6 months until it's approved. I would like to work and pay the taxes like anybody should. It disturbs me to see all the illegals working, while I did it the legal way and that's they way it should be for everyone. I've been studying English, like everyone should and addapt the culture and customs of the country you choose to live in.
2007-02-26 09:26:18
answer #11
answered by Anonymous