Anyone believing 100 % in what we currently call the bible obviously hasn't thought about where the bible came from. The bible came from Man, man is inherently flawed, therefore the bible is inherently flawed. So whose to say what could have been, who really cares. The principal of Christianity is the same either way. yeah yeah some will say its not , I personally count on my personal relationship with God and nothing else to get me to heaven. After all isn't that what he really wants from all of us, a personal love and conviction, the rest is a waste of time defining details that do not matter anyway.
2007-02-26 08:20:48
answer #1
answered by EGOman 5
It's possible, I don't see a problem with it. Of course, the DaVinci Code was simply a fictional book, and a good one, but a lot of people want to believe it. Why? I have no idea. So many people read a fictional book and come away believing something that even the author says is fiction. Kinda like believing in scientology even though its well know that the originator made it up and took bets on people believing it.
Like I said, whether Christ has a wife and children would not affect my faith at all, but I do get perturbed by people buying into fictional stories and making a big deal out of it. Actually, he didn't start His ministry until He was 30 years old, ample time for Him to have started a family. It would have been pretty odd at that time period for a Jewish man His age not to have been married.
2007-02-26 08:17:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jesus said there would be alot of false prophesies. Dont focus on this nonsense, it is just distracting you from the simplicity of that which is in Christ. Now, Jesus being of God; knew what His purpose was; to be a living sacrifice. Why, being perfect, would he leave a child without a father? He was sacrificed at 33 1/2 years old. Since He told His disciples that the ruler of this world was coming to get Him; why would he leave an innocent child; and a woman; to be the next victims- dont you think satan would have just killed them? I think Jesus had enough on His plate, don't you? Dont give heed to the fables. All these things are meant to lead you astray and fill you with questions and doubt. It's working, isn't it? Dont let it. Continue in the truth. The truth is written in the word, your heart and on your mind. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Your right, it's not a big deal. But it will lead many people astray. God be with you.
2007-02-26 08:24:31
answer #3
answered by Erin 3
The problem comes in the fact that it disagrees with Scripture to say that he was married. There's also absolutely no evidence anywhere that would suggest that he was married, or that he had children. Also, there is the question of who he would have married. Those who try to make up speculations about him and Mary Magdalene have the problem that she was a prostitute, and it would have gone against Scripture for a man to marry her, and indeed, would go against his own teachings, making him a hypocrite. It would be better for her to remain single at that point, and the church to care for her.
The largest problem with this though is that it is taking unwarranted liberties with history. That is what gnostics tend to do, mainly because in a gnostic world view, reality and objectivism is unimportant, the only thing that matters is convincing people to follow what you wan them to, or following what you feel like following. Such a way of thinking is condemned throughout Paul's letters as being ungodly. The gnostic gospels are held as historical by no scholars living today, or that have lived...well, ever, including the day in which they were written. Why anyone would start claiming them historical now?
2007-02-26 08:17:22
answer #4
answered by GodsKnite 3
I believe in God.
I'm not Christian.
I respect my Christian friends' belief.
The problem is that to imply Jesus had married or even had kids and then his bones were found does a TOTAL 180 degree turn on WHY Christians are who they are.
The Christian faith is BASED in the belief of Jesus living the perfect life, dying for their sins and being resurrected.
We Jews of course, are still waiting for some kind of messiah, so we don't have problems like this.
For those Jews who believe there was a man called Jesus, it is not a big thing to assume he was born (of a human mother and a human father), died and was buried somewhere in Israel.
End of story.
But if this really is the remains of Jesus, it could rattle the very foundation of Christianity.
What we have here, is a question of faith.
What we do NOT have, is hard facts on the historical life of Jesus.
2007-02-26 08:17:46
answer #5
answered by docscholl 6
You say you believe in Jesus, then why are you listening to Dan Brown's story of Christ and not the Bibles. Jesus did not come to the world to marry and have a family. He came to redeem lost mankind. When He was on the cross the only family member there was His mother Mary. Jesus instructed John to take care of her after His death, He said nothing of a wife. If you are a follower of Christ you really need to be careful not to follow the world's view of Jesus, it is in error. Slowly, they like to chip away the importance of the reason for Christ coming into this world. Stick with the Bible and don't follow those who are unbelievers. They don't have the Holy Spirit to lead them in all truth, you do.
2007-02-26 08:16:50
answer #6
answered by angel 7
I think it's likely that he was married, for a couple of reasons:
1. In that time and place, it was more typical to be married. Not to be married would have been unusual, and the New Testament is all about the unusual things Jesus theoretically did.
2. It is a sin for a Jewish male not to marry and try to have children. Don't Christians say Jesus didn't sin?
2007-02-26 10:55:58
answer #7
answered by Kathy P-W 5
This answer deals with some very issues of basic faith. First, it is necessary to look at Christ in the right light.
Christ is part of a triptych; one God simultaneously expressed in three persons. He did not become any less God because He became human. Rather, He added a mantle of flesh to his holy spirit. His expression of the triptych is the Son. We are all children of our parents, and from watching His example of relating to His Father, we are shown not only how to relate to our earthly fathers, but how to relate to our spiritual Father, to whom Christ was first born. As Christians, we are all brothers and sisters not only in Christ, but of Christ.
If he had been a father on earth, this would have changed that dynamic, and it would have been a confusing example. Also, his role here was greater than that of simply having a single line of offspring. His role here was to break the bondage of sin over people. His flesh, unlike ours, had no sin in it. If he had fathered children, a line of sinless individuals could theoretically populated the earth; great for them, not so great for the rest of us sinners. And not great for God either for his creation would still have been drenched in sin, which God hates. In short, being an earthly father, with all the duties that entailed, would have prevented Christ from accomplishing what he came here to do.
As to marriage, Christ's bride is the church. The church is composed of the universal invisible body of Christ, which is not the physical bricks and mortar where the church meets. Rather it is those individuals who are legitimately saved in Christ, thos we see and know and those we don't. Revelations speaks of a beautiful woman standing with her feet on the earth- this is a metaphor for the church, or rather for a composite of the church. Christ didn't marry because his bride is to be a spiritual bride, one that is still being prepare for him.
2007-02-26 18:29:16
answer #8
answered by gentlewoman_of_god 2
Well, if you'll notice, when we are married and have kids, we are greatly distracted from doing what God would have us to do. It's not wrong by any means, but it does take our time and finances away from God and His work. It says in the bible, if you can, stay single. But if you burn with passion, get married.
But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Do not deprive your mate. But if you don't have a mate, stay single. But if you burn with passion, find a mate to exercise your passion with them.
1 Cor. 7:8-9
I guess it is basically saying, stay single if you can and work with your whole heart for the Lord. If you can't control yourself, it is better to get married and be with one mate. Jesus had a lot more to do in a short time, than to get married I guess! We're not necessarily put on the earth to get married. Yes, that is what most men do, but it's not necessarily what we were all meant to do with our lives.
2007-02-26 08:20:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's certainly not sinful for anyone to get married; however, the Bible doesn't talk about Jesus being married. It's highly probable, but not necessary, that if He were married, it would've been mentioned.
2007-02-26 08:13:17
answer #10
answered by dandiellie 2