Hey, I'm all for getting rid of religion. I saw a bumper sticker that read: Imagine a world without God. So I did and I saw a world without war, a world of peace! Religion is man made, fortunately we have the choice of partaking or not.
2007-02-26 07:49:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps I am tired, but are you calling Jesus Christ a Spiritual fraud? Because if you are you are in direct opposition to millions of Christians. You must be a Muslim. Leave us alone and believe what you want and stop try to change our beliefs. Those who believe in Christ will not stop because you say so. And further if anyone thinks that getting rid of religion will end all wars is living in a dream world. People will always have a reason to fight. Just like the North America Indians, they fought for land and food. Religion doesn't cause war, the evil in men's hearts cause war.
2007-02-26 16:06:26
answer #2
answered by angel 7
You actually just debunked your own answer with your question.
First, God cannot be proven absolutely without a doubt, an amount of blind faith needs to be utilised. And moreover, many many wars in history was started in the name of God, fueled by his ministry, powered by his devotees. To those "warriors" of God, they were empowered by Faith, Hope and Love for God... but I believe its Blind Faith, False Hopes and Obessesion rather than Love for God
And yes... having blind faith does not make anything true or correct... Couldn't have said it better
2007-02-26 15:50:10
answer #3
answered by Tenzin 3
well for a lot of insecure, low IQ,hefty bag, peoples,hefty bag,it filled a void of emptiness, and belongingness.. to believe in an all powerful, over seeing deity.
they are programed or waht is comonly known as mentally conditioned to believe a certain way.(we know it as brainwashing..(look up cults)
with absolutly no proof, they maniputale truth and fact to try to build a strong point that it must be true beacuse it is soooo invisible..aand illussive ( .. uh... yeah! )*eyes role
although all false, they cling to these beliefs like lost sheep and fill the coffer at church with money to the churches can get rich and live like kings in their protected palaces,a nf control the governments of the planet..wage war..which isn't that a sin in almost all religions.(killing),,,hmmmm? what a racket!
. Science has proved that the world was not created like the bible or other religions. wildly imagine it did..
BTW...you know every time I'm eating ribs.. I think.. hey! My girlfriend was a descendant of a rib!!... from Adam!!
mmmmm ribs!!!
2007-02-26 15:54:06
answer #4
answered by Derrick Zooolander 3
Jesus did say that faith without proof isn't good. That's why he was pretty amazing. He told everyone how to be close to God and that God didn't want them to suffer or be sick. And when people didn't believe him he said don't believe me just because I said so, look at the works I've done. He had quite a healing ministry and backed it up with proof.
2007-02-26 15:47:14
answer #5
answered by Liza 6
What you are describing, that direct, personal relationship, is religion.
Redefining religion to make your religion more palatable to those who dislike religion is about as slimy and disingenuous as it gets.
That being said, I find the taste of cheesecake preferable to the taste of chocolate, and indeed, find both preferable to the taste of chocolate cheesecake. That these things taste better to me is not provable, but I still believe that I prefer one over the other.
Some sensory experiences seem designed to help you make personal decisions, and those experiences cannot be proven outside the realm of the self.
For example, I am certain you believe your deity exists for reasons that are real to you, and I believe it of my deities for reasons that are real to me, but if my deities wanted you, or your deities wanted me, they would not need people to act as intermediaries.
Indeed, if gods are just gods, as opposed to unjust gods, they come to those they call, and call no one via another without giving the other irretuable proof of their desires- both for the one being asked to call another and the one being called.
If your god wants you to call people to serve him and the best he gave you is your words and the silly notion that the word religion is like modeling clay you can make into whatever you want, is he a just god?
2007-02-26 15:52:45
answer #6
answered by LabGrrl 7
That little speech you gave sounds alot like Satan in the Garden of Eden. when he tried to convince Eve that God had lied to her. Jesus said "the time is fullfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believ in the gospel.
Take it from me I used to be a crack dealer and street thug, it is more than blind faith God is very real and you will be judged one day. So repent and believe in the gospel, and surrender to Jesus
2007-02-26 15:49:42
answer #7
answered by barrett987 1
I agree - 'Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Fee' -
War is not only because of religion however.
2007-02-26 15:49:24
answer #8
answered by super Bobo 6
Belief in something greater will drive you. Religion seems to separate due to different belief. To believe that something will save you is just plain lazy. Why should a higher power save you if you aren't willing to do it yourself as best you can.
2007-02-26 15:48:22
answer #9
answered by SonnyE 1
When you can replicate the Big Bang, Show me a video of one animal species giving birth to another animal species then MAYBE.
I think it's more like without humans there are no wars.
2007-02-26 16:17:51
answer #10
answered by Mandy43110 4