In order to build up credit and establish a good credit, you must show a number of stabilizing attributes. Most notably, your report must prove to the lender that he will get his money back. Here are some suggestions:
Open a bank account and use it responsibly. This is the first step in establishing a financial history.
One way is to piggy-back onto someone who already has a good credit history established and is willing to co-sign. Once the co-signing has occurred, you simply make payments on or before the due date. In time you will have established a credit history.
Apply for a credit card. Shop around and only apply for a card if you can meet the lender's requirements. Responsible use (spending within your budget and paying your bill on time) will help you build a good credit history.
Since gasoline credit cards are not revolving (cannot carry a balance forward month-to-month), often they are easier to obtain than regular credit cards. Similarly, some department stores offer revolving credit for a specific purchase and this is sometimes easier to establish. It is also a great way to establish credit.
This website can be very useful for you:
2007-02-26 10:52:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Credit Repair Technique
The Credit Repair System consists of methods that provide relief to various debtors. It consists of number of steps that help you get over your debt, while reestablishing your financial situation. If you have bad credit, you may be aware of the denigrating looks given by the people, making it embarrassing for you. But the truth is everybody experiences bad times, but few are able to overcome the problems faster than the others. Many people, including rich have applied for bankruptcy. So remember you are not unique. Use the steps outlined below to get out of your financial mess.
2007-02-27 05:30:39
answer #2
answered by hendy h 2
It's very easy to say the least. Go to We have a store house of good info there and if you choose. We can do it for you. And of course, you can repair it on your own for little or nothing. But if you're like most people and do not want to be bothered with the head-ache of trying to figure out where to send in necessary paperwork, just let us do it. We are one of the cheapest one's out there. And we do it legally! Don't be fooled by people that say that they can get everything off because in all actually, there are some things that can not be removed unless you pay it off ( such as child support ). I hope this helps!
2007-02-26 15:19:41
answer #3
answered by cpaige517 2
if you have a bad credit, you'll need some time to rebuild it. Best way is by opening credit accounts, using them & paying on time.
If you have no credit history, once again open a credit card or have someone co-sign with you, use it & pay on time, and you should be good within few months
2007-02-26 15:06:52
answer #4
answered by chase11209 2
you don't. you stop trying to borrow money for stuff you can't afford. honestly, credeit has obviously not been a blessing in your life thus far or you wouldn't need to "repair" yours. i strongly urge you to reconsider whether you should try to start this store using debt. i nearly bankrupted myself trying to start a retail operation using debt for part of the start-up costs. the monthly payments kicked my butt. lest you think i am some nitwit who doesn't know how to run a business: i have 2 degrees (a b.s. & a b.b.a.) & i run a great business now. why does this one work better? i did it debt-free from day 1. i started in my house, just driving to meet clients. my advice: be debt-free, you will never regret it.
btw, please don't ask anyone to co-sign for you. that will just give someone else an opportunity to go down with you. the BIBLE says one who co-signs for another is lacking in sense. who are we to argue?
2007-02-26 19:17:57
answer #5
answered by Tom's Mom 4
I have placed this in the source box. There is a wealth of information there and a great free debt management software program. I bookmarked the site as I return to it often for the advice it offers. I hope this helps you.
2007-02-26 20:48:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2 ways. You can do it yourself or hire some company to do it for you. I personally prefer the do-it-yourself route (been there done that). Anyway I'm giving you both choices below:
2007-02-26 21:23:33
answer #7
answered by Alex K 2
with a surge in income, you wouldn't need credit.
consult a lawyer. he/she can clean your record.
2007-02-26 15:04:13
answer #8
answered by Jadeite 3