Yes, if someone has heard the Good News, and didn't really (from heart faith) confess Jesus Christ ones Lord, believing in the atonement for sins & resurrection. So, one can can lose salvation if in a pre-salvation state. Believe in God & even confessing to other people, but not confessing Jesus Christ ones Lord & Savior (to the love of God), or believing in ones heart He shed His own blood for remission of sins and raised from the dead for ones justification. For with the heart one believes unto Righteousness (Christs). And with the Mouth one confesses unto salvation (Yeshua).
Salvation is a free gift given to one who received Jesus Christ in ones heart. Once a person is born again, person is a child of God, born of His Spirit, cleansed by His blood, joint heirs with Jesus, part of the family of God. Once a child of God, you can't be an un-child. Being a child of God, is being a child of the King and inheriting the Kingdom.
As a child of God, if we sin (because we will) and become aware of that sin (holy spirit conviction) then we need to confess our sin to the Lord, He is faithful & just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from it. This is a must to do for each child born of God. For if we don't, we reap what we sow, and may go to heaven early (die early). Jesus continually washes away our sins as we walk this earth. We are to renew our minds in the Word of God.
Jesus Christ is the predestined One. It is predestined that all who are saved by His redeeming Blood, through faith it is a gift of God and not of works lest anyone boast. (Well believing in ones heart is a type of work of faith and is counted as righteousness to God.)
Personally, I believe everyones names were written in the books of life at foundation. But some names get blotted out. It has something to do with denying Gods Saving Grace when Gods love is presented correctly.
Once we are born of God, eternal life is in us. Nothing can take us away from the love of God / Christ. But we need to trust & obey God in fear & trembling if need be. Because persecution happens. Work out our salvation in fear & trembling. Why, because we need to be saved every day in our decision making. God may ask me to say something to someone. I will get afraid & tremble, because this something to say has caused others to wound me in the past. Do it afraid! (Joyce Meyers once wrote). God will give you a crown of courage, because you obeyed & told your testimony even if hurt about it in the past.
2007-02-26 06:07:49
answer #1
answered by t_a_m_i_l 6
Yes, because apostasy really does exist. Paul constantly warned churches to be on guard against false prophets/false teachers for fear of the harm they would do to those churches/Christians. Why would Paul have written those things if no possible harm could have come to those people once they were already saved?
That does not mean that we need to live in perpetual fear of losing our salvation either. Paul writes about our freedom in Christ over and over (see Galatians for a nice, brief explanation of freedom in Christ).
If you believe a doctrine like "once saved, always saved" you HAVE to ask how many people are saved in the first place, because those who harp on that line the most are often the worst of the lot!
2007-02-26 14:38:41
answer #2
answered by goofyguy47 3
As relates to salvation, there are a couple of theological concepts worth mentioning. Arminianism sees the choice of Christ as impossible, apart from God's grace; and the freedom to choose is given to all, because God's prevenient grace is universal (given to everyone). Therefore, God predestines on the basis of foreknowledge of how some will respond to his universal love ("conditional"). Think of Arminianism as John 3:16 for anyone who so believes.
In contrast, Calvinism views "universal" grace as resistible and not sufficient for leading to salvation--or denies "universal" grace altogether--and instead supposes grace that leads to salvation to be particular and irresistible, given to some (the elect) but not to others on the basis of God's predestinating choice ("unconditional"). Think of Calvinism as John 3:16 for only the elect God has chosen before time began.
For both, once TRULY saved, always saved holds. The underlying issue being whether one's belief is truly faith in action.
By faith I mean the following:
Faith commences with the conviction of the mind based on adequate evidence; faith continues in the confidence of the heart or emotions based on conviction, and faith is crowned in the consent of the will, by means of which the conviction and confidence are expressed in conduct.
Key points:
Conviction of the Mind
Confidence of the Heart
Consent of the Will
Conduct of the Body
As you can see from the above, faith affects the whole of a person's nature. Even the demons *believe*. Belief is not enough. Faith without works is dead, just as the fig tree cursed by Christ when it did not bear fruit. By a Christian's fruit you will know their true nature.
2007-02-26 14:04:22
answer #3
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
I believe that once a person exercises saving faith in Jesus Christ, he or she is forever in the family of God. God never kicks anyone our of his forever family. A number of Scripture passages support this view. For example, in 1 Corinthians 12:13 we are told that at the moment of salvation the Holy Spirit places us in the body of Christ. Once we are infused into the body of Christ, we are never excised from the body. In fact, Ephesians 1:12 and 4:30 indicate that at the moment of believing in Jesus Christ for salvation, we are permanently "sealed" by the Holy Spirit. At that point, we are God's everlasting property. That seal guarantees that we'll make it to heaven.
Moreover, we read in John 10:28-30 that it is the Father's purpose to keep us secure despite anything that might happen once we have trusted in Christ. Nothing can snatch us out of His hands. God's plans cannot be thwarted (Isaiah 14:24). Further, Romans 8:29-30 portrays an unbroken chain that spans from the predestination of believers to their glorification in heaven.
Another fact we need to keep in mind is that Christ regularly prays for each Christian (Hewbews 7:25). With Jesus interceding for us, we are sucure. (His prayers are always answered!)
Of course, the fact that a believer is secure in his salvation does not mean he is free to sin. If the Christian sins and remains in that sin, Scripture says that God will discipline him or her just as a father disciplines his children (see Hebrews 12:7-11).
The Complete Book of Bible Answers by Ron Rhodes
2007-02-26 14:59:38
answer #4
answered by Freedom 7
Freind there is many verses I can use, & time & space will not allow, Read Eph 4:30 And Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed until(you backslide, NO) until the day of your redemption. That is why Paul Could Teach as the other Apostles taught, Predestination. By God's foreknowledge he knew what decision we will take, therefore he did predestinated us unto eternal life, And our names was written down in the book of life before the foundation of the world & not the night we got saved.
2007-02-26 14:12:33
answer #5
answered by birdsflies 7
Salvation means "belief in Jesus." Once people stop believing, say, that the person of Jesus even existed, then the condition for "salvation" goes away. So yes.
If "salvation" was real. But it's not. :)
2007-02-26 14:04:24
answer #6
answered by Haiku Hanna 3
Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46). One who dies in the state of friendship with God (the state of grace) will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God (the state of mortal sin) will go to hell.
Regarding the issue of whether Christians have an "absolute" assurance of salvation, regardless of their actions, consider this warning Paul gave: "See then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off" (Rom. 11:22; see also Heb. 10:26–29, 2 Pet. 2:20–21).
As Jeremiah expressed it, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?" (Jer. 17:9). There is also the possibility of falling from grace through mortal sin, and even of falling away from the faith entirely, for as Jesus told us, there are those who "believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away" (Luke 8:13). It is in the light of these warnings and admonitions that we must understand Scripture’s positive statements concerning our ability to know and have confidence in our salvation. Assurance we may have; infallible certitude we may not.
For example, Philippians 2:12 says, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." This is not the language of self-confident assurance. Our salvation is something that remains to be worked out.
2007-02-26 14:13:01
answer #7
answered by SpiritRoaming 7
Yes and this is coming from someone who has spent 26 years going to a baptist church that says no! The bible says if ye be lukewarm i shall spew you out of mine mouth. Contrary to popular belief people can go to hell if they completely turn on God. Thats why you should never turn on him even though things get hard and people you love will die. But remember not to get bitter against God because there are just things in life that have to happen. People argue with me on this but ive seen people get saved and then totally turn on God. But keep in mind that God is still a just and merciful God and he judges each of us when we die. If a person backslides they are still saved but only if u repent if you just keep going and never look back you can lose your salvation!!!!
2007-02-26 14:06:04
answer #8
answered by Amanda S 1
No, Because once you are truly saved by the Grace of God and you have repented from your since and picked up your cross and are following Jesus you will not want to turn from him. So therefore if you have a radical change and repent and follow Jesus you will never lose you salvation. And if for some reason you do turn from Jesus then you were not truly saved in the first place.
2007-02-26 14:01:37
answer #9
answered by Lacksnothing 3
Jesus said "He that endureth unto the end, the same shall be saved."
If you believe in Jesus there's your answer.
Church people have a better idea though. They say go kneel at the Baptist preacher's altar and do the special incantation, and you get saved and a guarantee to go with it.
Me, I like the second method better. I like guarantees.
2007-02-26 14:07:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
People work in this world for their salvation. We will know if it will be given to us when Jesus comes again.
2007-02-26 14:01:03
answer #11
answered by Java Chip 4