Jesus said: "In the last days many false prophets will prophecy IN MY NAME and deceive many..."
Just b/c someone/a group says the name of Jesus Christ doesn't mean that they are His true followers. Don't be deceived. Jesus also said: "By their fruit you shall know them".
Check out Walter Martin's excellent analysis of mormon belief in Jesus Christ:
2007-02-26 02:53:26
answer #1
answered by God Still Speaks Through His Word! 4
They think that Jesus is the bother of Satan and ours too. They believe he came to earth to visit Joseph Smith. I thought the next time he came to earth would be the second coming. They have a very different view of Jesus Christ than Christian do. I always wondered why others said they worship a different Jesus,now I know.
2007-02-26 16:56:55
answer #2
answered by MistyAnn 3
Jesus is THE central figure of our religion, the official name of the church is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We believe that Jesus is the son of God, part of the God head, The Jesus of the Bible, and that the Book of Mormon acts as a second witness of Jesus Christ (He is mentioned by name on an average of once every 2.8 verses).
and that he performed the most important, crucial, infinite act of all the history of the universe - being the atonement (or his sacrifice). That atonement is what makes everything possible, not just living with God again, or being resurrected, but just being able to change for the better, at all, in anyway. I can't begin to express my personal feelings or experiences on the subject, suffice it to say, I would be nothing without Him or His sacrifice.
2007-02-26 10:44:06
answer #3
answered by daisyk 6
Daisykristina has a great answer. We believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world and our Advocate with God the Father.
2007-02-26 11:09:12
answer #4
answered by Cookie777 6
Well. since their church is accurately called the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints, I would say the answer to your question is that they probably have heard of Jesus before...
2007-02-26 10:44:25
answer #5
answered by DontPanic 7