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*Plays Yesterday by The Beatles*

First, let me tell you a story, my story.

About my last relationship.

Well, last year, there was this nice girl. Fell in love and asked her out, everything was cool and I told her my feelings, she accepted me.

During the relationship, I gave her everything.

I gave her money, phone credit, attention, time, love, poems, everything else you can imagine.

But, for some reason, as time went by she began to be quite....cold....

Then one day she wanted to break up with me.

I asked her why? She said she wanted to focus on her studies.

So I let her go....

The following week, I saw her with some other guy =_="

After that I read her latest blog post, it was about how that guy rejected her.

...I don't get it, I gave her everything, I came from a good family, I'm rich*cough, really*, and I am quite good looking =p

But still, she left.

2007-02-25 19:31:26 · 20 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The last thing to do, I turned to God and I relized that...It was just not meant to be, yeah, that explains it.

I treated her like a Queen, we never argue, even if we had conflict I'd always let her win, I always put her first. If she had trouble with her studies, I helped her. It was just not meant to be I guess...

So, could you guys pray for me to get her back or, make me forget her faster, or perhaps pray that I'll find another girl soon? If it's not too much to ask....

P/S: To Atheists, you could just give me some advices instead :P

2007-02-25 19:31:46 · update #1

The one....yeah, that sounds about right.

2007-02-25 19:38:40 · update #2

20 answers

I will Pray for you. that you will feel better. you will find that one person the person you are to be with. and you will know in a minute that she will be the right one.

For now Just fall in Love with God and let Him heal your brokenheart. Hope you feel better real soon.

2007-02-25 19:59:50 · answer #1 · answered by Casey 2 · 0 0

She did not need for you to put her on a pedestal, or let her win every argument. She needs a man who will stand for what is right, even if it means you must sometimes disagree with her. Treat women as equals. If you elevate them higher than you, then some will not respect you. Few women will respect a man who lets her walk all over him. Be a man - a good man. Nice, quiet, and firm. Have fun, be approachable, and above all things be a man of God. Have respect for yourself, treat her with respect, and expect the same from her. When she sees these things in you, she may come back to you. If not, then it's her loss, not yours. Maybe she's not mature enough or possess the right character. Then be prepared because someone who is right for you will come along and make you forget all about her.

Whatever you decide, pray about it first as we pray for you. Then, if you have peace about it, that's how you'll know it's from God. If there's no peace about it, then it's not from God.

2007-02-26 03:48:02 · answer #2 · answered by MythBuster 2 · 0 0

I just did, and hopefully will again.

I do have just one comment though.

"I gave her everything."

"I gave her ..."

"I gave her everything,..."

I'm noticing a trend there. I too have not too long ago come out of a serious relationship. The one thing that drove it apart, and the one thing I think is lacking here, is God. I wasn't man enough to make God the center of our relationship, and so it died. I encourage you to not make the same mistake. You may want to give the world to her, but know that it's not yours to give. Everything belongs to God. You and her included. I'll pray that you two work it out, but know that the next words off my lips will be, 'if it is Your will."

We are so blinded to what we really want, and more so to what we need. I will pray as you asked, and I ask that you do the same, but know that I will also pray that you can but God before anyone else in your life. Only then, I'm just learning, will you have a 'real' relationship.

In Love,...

2007-02-26 03:42:41 · answer #3 · answered by soulinverse 4 · 0 0

I prayed for you. I asked that God would give you the desire of your heart or to change the desire of your heart.
It sounds though that this girl has some issues and she may not be right for you or it is not God's timing for you. I know that's not what you are looking for right now but I pray for your peace.
On another note, I met my husband at www.christiancafe.com and we also have friends that met their spouses their. You might give that a try. At the very least it would allow you to meet some other people while you are waiting for an answer to this prayer.

2007-02-26 12:46:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The girl only was using you. You must learn to be a different kind of person. You must look to find a different kind of girl.
Women often attach themselves to men for various reasons. You must make it that you are not a money reason to them.
There are plenty of women that want someone to love them, care for them. Find a woman like this, otherwise, you are going to be used and hurt every time.
There is no other way. I'll pray 4 u, but I pray that you find someone where it is a love relationship, not a money one.

2007-02-26 04:15:02 · answer #5 · answered by great gig in the sky 7 · 1 0

Sure, I'll pray for you, Adia. And btw, I'm don't give thumbs down. I'm sorry to hear of what happened to you. It must have hurt you a great deal. Personally, I'm at a point where I'm happy in my life. I have a great man, soon to be husband, in my life who is also my best friend, but most importantly I have my two children. I will make dua that your hard time goes quickly and she realizes what a very respectful and humorous man she has lost.

2007-02-26 03:39:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You said you gave her everything and she lied to you and saw another guy behind your back. You are a good man and I will pray that you will be able to forget her and find someone you truly deserve.

2007-02-26 04:01:00 · answer #7 · answered by out of the grey 4 · 0 0

First of all put first things "first" your living in a world that everyone sooner or later dies in, and you do NOT know when, like the thieves who died with Christ, we are as good as dead, why does a person need to put a human relationship as important, a dead person does not need a girlfriend as much as Jesus, "seek FIRST The Kingdom of God "THEN" God will add WHAT YOU NEED unto you Matt 6:33, find out much more free on line bible lessons www.itiswritten.com bible questions www.bibleinfo.com God bless

2007-02-26 03:38:33 · answer #8 · answered by wgr88 6 · 1 1

Welcome to the world were we learn that we can trust people with some things, and not with some other things. Some women can be trusted with your heart, but until you take the risk and trust them with it you'll never know.

I saw that God was brought up. I can tell you that God is the only one who is truly trustworthy with everything.

People just don't have that in them.

Edit: Prayer done.

2007-02-26 03:45:43 · answer #9 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 0

How sad.... Ok I'll pray for you! I wish you would have a nice life. And try and move on, there are plenty of nice girl out there, just becarefull on what u pick.

2007-02-26 03:42:14 · answer #10 · answered by Kokoryu 2 · 0 0

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